require 'delegate' require 'net/https' module Papertrail # Used because Net::HTTPOK in Ruby 1.8 has no body= method class HttpResponse < SimpleDelegator def initialize(response) super(response) end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' # Ruby 1.8 doesn't have json in the standard lib - so we have to use okjson require 'papertrail/okjson' def body if __getobj__.body.respond_to?(:force_encoding) @body ||= Papertrail::OkJson.decode(__getobj__.body.dup.force_encoding('UTF-8')) else @body ||= Papertrail::OkJson.decode(__getobj__.body.dup) end end else require 'json' def body @body ||= JSON.parse(__getobj__.body.dup) end end end class HttpClient ESCAPE_RE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9 .~_-]/ def initialize(ssl) @ssl = ssl @headers = {} end def basic_auth(login, pass) @headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + ["#{login}:#{pass}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n") end def token_auth(token) @headers['X-Papertrail-Token'] = token end def get(path, params = {}) if params.size > 0 path = "#{path}?#{build_nested_query(params)}" end attempts = 0 begin on_complete(https.get(request_uri(path), @headers)) rescue SystemCallError, Net::HTTPFatalError => e sleep 5.0 attempts += 1 retry if (attempts < 3) raise e end end def put(path, params) attempts = 0 begin on_complete(https.put(request_uri(path), build_nested_query(params), @headers)) rescue SystemCallError, Net::HTTPFatalError => e attempts += 1 retry if (attempts < 3) raise e end end def post(path, params) attempts = 0 begin on_complete(, build_nested_query(params), @headers)) rescue SystemCallError, Net::HTTPFatalError => e attempts += 1 retry if (attempts < 3) raise e end end def delete(path) attempts = 0 begin on_complete(https.delete(request_uri(path), @headers)) rescue SystemCallError, Net::HTTPFatalError => e attempts += 1 retry if (attempts < 3) raise e end end private def request_uri(path) path.start_with?('/api/v1/') ? path : "/api/v1/#{path}" end def https http ='', 443) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = ssl_verify_mode http.cert_store = ssl_cert_store http.cert = @ssl[:client_cert] if @ssl[:client_cert] http.key = @ssl[:client_key] if @ssl[:client_key] http.ca_file = @ssl[:ca_file] if @ssl[:ca_file] http.ca_path = @ssl[:ca_path] if @ssl[:ca_path] http.verify_depth = @ssl[:verify_depth] if @ssl[:verify_depth] http.ssl_version = @ssl[:version] if @ssl[:version] http end def ssl_verify_mode @ssl[:verify_mode] || begin if @ssl.fetch(:verify, true) OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER else OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end end end def ssl_cert_store return @ssl[:cert_store] if @ssl[:cert_store] # Use the default cert store by default, i.e. system ca certs cert_store = cert_store.set_default_paths cert_store end def on_complete(response) case response when Net::HTTPSuccess else response.error! end end def build_nested_query(value, prefix = nil) case value when Array { |v| build_nested_query(v, "#{prefix}%5B%5D") }.join("&") when Hash { |k, v| build_nested_query(v, prefix ? "#{prefix}%5B#{escape(k)}%5D" : escape(k)) }.join("&") when NilClass prefix else raise ArgumentError, "value must be a Hash" if prefix.nil? "#{prefix}=#{escape(value)}" end end def escape(s) s.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) { '%' + $&.unpack('H2' * $&.bytesize).join('%').upcase }.tr(' ', '+') end end end