require "fastlane/cli_tools_distributor" module Fastlane class PluginManager require "bundler" PLUGINFILE_NAME = "Pluginfile".freeze DEFAULT_GEMFILE_PATH = "Gemfile".freeze AUTOGENERATED_LINE = "# Autogenerated by fastlane\n#\n# Ensure this file is checked in to source control!\n\n" GEMFILE_SOURCE_LINE = "source \"\"\n" FASTLANE_PLUGIN_PREFIX = "fastlane-plugin-" TROUBLESHOOTING_URL = "" ##################################################### # @!group Reading the files and their paths ##################################################### def gemfile_path # This is pretty important, since we don't know what kind of # Gemfile the user has (e.g. Gemfile, gems.rb, or custom env variable) Bundler::SharedHelpers.default_gemfile.to_s rescue Bundler::GemfileNotFound nil end def pluginfile_path if FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path return File.join(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path, PLUGINFILE_NAME) else return nil end end def gemfile_content if gemfile_path && File.exist?(gemfile_path) end def pluginfile_content if pluginfile_path && File.exist?(pluginfile_path) end ##################################################### # @!group Helpers ##################################################### def self.plugin_prefix FASTLANE_PLUGIN_PREFIX end def self.to_gem_name(plugin_name) plugin_name.start_with?(plugin_prefix) ? plugin_name : (plugin_prefix + plugin_name) end # Returns an array of gems that are added to the Gemfile or Pluginfile def available_gems return [] unless gemfile_path dsl = Bundler::Dsl.evaluate(gemfile_path, nil, true) return end # Returns an array of fastlane plugins that are added to the Gemfile or Pluginfile # The returned array contains the string with their prefixes (e.g. fastlane-plugin-xcversion) def available_plugins available_gems.keep_if do |current| current.start_with?(self.class.plugin_prefix) end end # Check if a plugin is added as dependency to either the # Gemfile or the Pluginfile def plugin_is_added_as_dependency?(plugin_name) UI.user_error!("fastlane plugins must start with '#{self.class.plugin_prefix}' string") unless plugin_name.start_with?(self.class.plugin_prefix) return available_plugins.include?(plugin_name) end ##################################################### # @!group Modifying dependencies ##################################################### def add_dependency(plugin_name) UI.user_error!("fastlane is not setup for this project, make sure you have a fastlane folder") unless pluginfile_path plugin_name = self.class.plugin_prefix + plugin_name unless plugin_name.start_with?(self.class.plugin_prefix) if plugin_name.gsub(self.class.plugin_prefix, '').include?("-") # e.g. "fastlane-plugin-ya_tu-sabes" (which is invalid) UI.user_error!("Plugin name must not contain a '-', did you mean '_'?") end unless plugin_is_added_as_dependency?(plugin_name) content = pluginfile_content || AUTOGENERATED_LINE line_to_add = "gem '#{plugin_name}'" line_to_add += gem_dependency_suffix(plugin_name) UI.verbose("Adding line: #{line_to_add}") content += "#{line_to_add}\n" File.write(pluginfile_path, content) UI.success("Plugin '#{plugin_name}' was added to '#{pluginfile_path}'") end # We do this *after* creating the Plugin file # Since `bundle exec` would be broken if something fails on the way ensure_plugins_attached! true end # Get a suffix (e.g. `path` or `git` for the gem dependency) def gem_dependency_suffix(plugin_name) return "" unless self.class.fetch_gem_info_from_rubygems(plugin_name).nil? selection_git_url = "Git URL" selection_path = "Local Path" selection_rubygems = " ('#{plugin_name}' seems to not be available there)" selection = "Seems like the plugin is not available on RubyGems, what do you want to do?", [selection_git_url, selection_path, selection_rubygems] ) if selection == selection_git_url git_url = UI.input('Please enter the URL to the plugin, including the protocol (e.g. https:// or git://)') return ", git: '#{git_url}'" elsif selection == selection_path path = UI.input('Please enter the relative path to the plugin you want to use. It has to point to the directory containing the .gemspec file') return ", path: '#{path}'" elsif selection == selection_rubygems return "" else UI.user_error!("Unknown input #{selection}") end end # Modify the user's Gemfile to load the plugins def attach_plugins_to_gemfile!(path_to_gemfile) content = gemfile_content || (AUTOGENERATED_LINE + GEMFILE_SOURCE_LINE) # We have to make sure fastlane is also added to the Gemfile, since we now use # bundler to run fastlane content += "\ngem 'fastlane'\n" unless available_gems.include?('fastlane') content += "\n#{self.class.code_to_attach}\n" File.write(path_to_gemfile, content) end ##################################################### # @!group Accessing RubyGems ##################################################### def self.fetch_gem_info_from_rubygems(gem_name) require 'open-uri' require 'json' url = "{gem_name}.json" begin JSON.parse(open(url).read) rescue nil end end ##################################################### # @!group Installing and updating dependencies ##################################################### # Warning: This will exec out # This is necessary since the user might be prompted for their password def install_dependencies! # Using puts instead of `UI` to have the same style as the `echo` puts "Installing plugin dependencies..." ensure_plugins_attached! with_clean_bundler_env do cmd = "bundle install" cmd << " --quiet" unless FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? cmd << " && echo 'Successfully installed plugins'" UI.command(cmd) if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? exec(cmd) end end # Warning: This will exec out # This is necessary since the user might be prompted for their password def update_dependencies! puts "Updating plugin dependencies..." ensure_plugins_attached! with_clean_bundler_env do cmd = "bundle update" cmd << " --quiet" unless FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? cmd << " && echo 'Successfully updated plugins'" UI.command(cmd) if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? exec(cmd) end end def with_clean_bundler_env # There is an interesting problem with using exec to call back into Bundler # The `bundle ________` command that we exec, inherits all of the Bundler # state we'd already built up during this run. That was causing the command # to fail, telling us to install the Gem we'd just introduced, even though # that is exactly what we are trying to do! # # Bundler.with_clean_env solves this problem by resetting Bundler state before the # exec'd call gets merged into this process. Bundler.with_clean_env do yield if block_given? end end ##################################################### # @!group Initial setup ##################################################### def setup UI.important("It looks like fastlane plugins are not yet set up for this project.") path_to_gemfile = gemfile_path || DEFAULT_GEMFILE_PATH if gemfile_content.to_s.length > 0 UI.important("fastlane will modify your existing Gemfile at path '#{path_to_gemfile}'") else UI.important("fastlane will create a new Gemfile at path '#{path_to_gemfile}'") end UI.important("This change is neccessary for fastlane plugins to work") unless UI.confirm("Should fastlane modify the Gemfile at path '#{path_to_gemfile}' for you?") UI.important("Please add the following code to '#{path_to_gemfile}':") puts "" puts self.class.code_to_attach.magenta # we use `puts` instead of `UI` to make it easier to copy and paste UI.user_error!("Please update '#{path_to_gemfile} and run fastlane again") end attach_plugins_to_gemfile!(path_to_gemfile) UI.success("Successfully modified '#{path_to_gemfile}'") end # The code required to load the Plugins file def self.code_to_attach if FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path fastlane_folder_name = File.basename(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path) else fastlane_folder_name = "fastlane" end "plugins_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '#{fastlane_folder_name}', '#{PluginManager::PLUGINFILE_NAME}')\n" \ "eval_gemfile(plugins_path) if File.exist?(plugins_path)" end # Makes sure, the user's Gemfile actually loads the Plugins file def plugins_attached? gemfile_path && gemfile_content.include?(PluginManager::PLUGINFILE_NAME) end def ensure_plugins_attached! return if plugins_attached? self.setup end ##################################################### # @!group Requiring the plugins ##################################################### # Iterate over all available plugins # which follow the naming convention # fastlane-plugin-[plugin_name] # This will make sure to load the action # and all its helpers def load_plugins UI.verbose("Checking if there are any plugins that should be loaded...") loaded_plugins = false available_plugins.each do |gem_name| UI.verbose("Loading '#{gem_name}' plugin") begin # BEFORE requiring the gem, we get a list of loaded actions # This way we can check inside `store_plugin_reference` if # any actions were overwritten self.loaded_fastlane_actions.concat(Fastlane::Actions.constants) FastlaneRequire.install_gem_if_needed(gem_name: gem_name, require_gem: true) store_plugin_reference(gem_name) loaded_plugins = true rescue StandardError, ScriptError => ex # some errors, like ScriptError are not caught unless explicitly UI.error("Error loading plugin '#{gem_name}': #{ex}") # We'll still add it to the table, to make the error # much more visible and obvious self.plugin_references[gem_name] = { version_number: Fastlane::ActionCollector.determine_version(gem_name), actions: [] } end end if !loaded_plugins && self.pluginfile_content.to_s.include?(PluginManager.plugin_prefix) UI.error("It seems like you wanted to load some plugins, however they couldn't be loaded") UI.error("Please follow the troubleshooting guide: #{TROUBLESHOOTING_URL}") end skip_print_plugin_info = self.plugin_references.empty? || CLIToolsDistributor.running_version_command? || FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_ENV_PRINTER") # We want to avoid printing output other than the version number if we are running `fastlane -v` print_plugin_information(self.plugin_references) unless skip_print_plugin_info end # Prints a table all the plugins that were loaded def print_plugin_information(references) rows = references.collect do |current| if current[1][:actions].empty? # Something is wrong with this plugin, no available actions [current[0].red, current[1][:version_number], "No actions found".red] else [current[0], current[1][:version_number], current[1][:actions].join("\n")] end end require 'terminal-table' puts{ rows: rows, title: "Used plugins".green, headings: ["Plugin", "Version", "Action"] }) puts "" end ##################################################### # @!group Reference between plugins to actions ##################################################### # Connection between plugins and their actions # Example value of plugin_references # => {"fastlane-plugin-ruby" => { # version_number: "0.1.0", # actions: [:rspec, :rubocop] # }} def plugin_references @plugin_references ||= {} end # Contains an array of symbols for the action classes def loaded_fastlane_actions @fastlane_actions ||= [] end def store_plugin_reference(gem_name) module_name = gem_name.gsub(PluginManager.plugin_prefix, '').fastlane_class # We store a collection of the imported plugins # This way we can tell which action came from what plugin # (a plugin may contain any number of actions) version_number = Fastlane::ActionCollector.determine_version(gem_name) references = Fastlane.const_get(module_name).all_classes.collect do |path| next unless File.dirname(path).end_with?("/actions") # we only want to match actions File.basename(path).gsub("_action", "").gsub(".rb", "").to_sym # the _action is optional end references.compact! # Check if this overwrites a built-in action and # show a warning if that's the case references.each do |current_ref| # current_ref is a symbol, e.g. :emoji_fetcher class_name = (current_ref.to_s.fastlane_class + 'Action').to_sym if self.loaded_fastlane_actions.include?(class_name) UI.important("Plugin '#{module_name}' overwrites already loaded action '#{current_ref}'") end end self.plugin_references[gem_name] = { version_number: version_number, actions: references } end end end