class RuneBlog VERSION = "0.0.19" Path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) DefaultData = Path + "/../data" BlogHeader = + "/blog_header.html") rescue "not found" BlogTrailer = + "/blog_trailer.html") rescue "not found" PostHeader = + "/post_header.html") rescue "not found" PostTrailer = + "/post_trailer.html") rescue "not found" end require 'find' require 'yaml' require 'rubygems' require 'ostruct' require 'livetext' def clear puts "\e[H\e[2J" # clear screen end def red(text) "\e[31m#{text}\e[0m" end def blue(text) "\e[34m#{text}\e[0m" end def bold(str) "\e[1m#{str}\e[22m" end ### ask def ask(prompt, meth = :to_s) print prompt STDOUT.flush STDIN.gets.chomp.send(meth) end ### quit def quit puts exit end ### version def version puts "\n " + RuneBlog::VERSION end ### new_blog! def new_blog! unless File.exist?(".blog") yn = ask(red(" No .blog found. Create new blog?")) if yn.upcase == "Y" #-- what if data already exists? system("cp -r #{RuneBlog::DefaultData} .")".blog", "w") {|f| f.puts "data" } end end end ### next_sequence def next_sequence @config.sequence += 1"#{@config.root}/sequence", "w") {|f| f.puts @config.sequence } @config.sequence end ### make_slug def make_slug(title, seq=nil) num = '%04d' % (seq || next_sequence) # FIXME can do better slug = title.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '') "#{num}-#{slug}" end ### read_config def read_config @config = # What views are there? Deployment, etc. # Crude - FIXME later root = File.readlines(".blog").first.chomp rescue "myblog" dirs = Dir.entries("#{root}/views/") - %w[. ..] dirs.reject! {|x| !"#{root}/views/#{x}") } @config.root = root @config.views = dirs @config.sequence = + "/sequence").to_i rescue => err if root != "myblog" raise err end new_blog! STDERR.puts "Created. Now run again." exit end ### create_empty_post def create_empty_post @template = <<-EOS .mixin liveblog .liveblog_version .title #{@title} .pubdate #{@date} .categories elixir ruby .views computing Teaser goes here. .readmore Remainder of post goes here. EOS @slug = make_slug(@title) @fname = @slug + ".lt3""#{@config.root}/src/#{@fname}", "w") {|f| f.puts @template } @fname end ### edit_post def edit_post(file) system("vi #{@config.root}/src/#{file}") end ### process_post def process_post(file) @main ||= # puts " Processing: #{Dir.pwd}/#{file}" # path = @config.root + "/src/#{file}" @meta = @main.process_file(file) @meta.slug = make_slug(@meta.title, @config.sequence) # @meta = @main.instance_eval { @meta } p @meta @meta.slug = file.sub(/.lt3$/, "") @meta end ### reload_post def reload_post(file) @main ||= process_post("#{@config.root}/src/#{file}") @meta = @main.instance_eval { @meta } @meta.slug = file.sub(/.lt3$/, "") @meta end ### posting def posting(view, meta) ref = "#{view}/#{meta.slug}/index.html" <<-HTML
#{meta.pubdate}   #{meta.title}

HTML end ### generate_index def generate_index(view) # Gather all posts, create list vdir = "#{@config.root}/views/#{view}" posts = Dir.entries(vdir).grep /^\d\d\d\d/ posts = posts.sort.reverse # Add view header/trailer @bloghead ="#{vdir}/custom/blogheader.html") rescue "" @blogtail ="#{vdir}/custom/blogtrailer.html") rescue "" # Output view! {|post| YAML.load("#{vdir}/#{post}/metadata.yaml")) } out = @bloghead.dup posts.each {|post| out << posting(view, post) } out << @blogtail"#{vdir}/index.html", "w") {|f| f.puts out } end ### link_post_view def link_post_view(view) p @meta # Create dir using slug (index.html, metadata?) vdir = "#{@config.root}/views/#{view}" dir = "#{vdir}/#{@meta.slug}" cmd = "mkdir -p #{dir}" #-- FIXME what if this exists?? puts " Running: #{cmd}" system(cmd) File.write("#{dir}/metadata.yaml", @meta.to_yaml) # Add header/trailer to post index @posthead ||="#{vdir}/postheader.html") rescue "" @posttail ||="#{vdir}/posttrailer.html") rescue """#{dir}/index.html", "w") do |f| f.puts @posthead f.puts @meta.body f.puts @posttail end generate_index(view) end ### link_post def link_post(meta) # First gather the views views = meta.views views.each {|view| puts "Handling view '#{view}'"; link_post_view(view) } end ### rebuild def rebuild files = Dir.entries("#{@config.root}/src/").grep /\d\d\d\d.*.lt3$/ files = files.sort.reverse files.each do |file| reload_post(file) link_post(@meta) publish_post end end ### relink def relink @config.views.each do |view| generate_index(view) end end ### publish? def publish? yn = ask(red(" Publish? y/n ")) yn.upcase == "Y" end ### publish_post def publish_post # Grab destination data # scp changed files over puts " Publish: Not implemented yet" end ### list_views def list_views read_config unless @config puts @config.views.each {|v| puts " #{v}" } end ### change_view def change_view(arg = nil) if arg.nil? puts "\n #@view" elsif @config.views.include?(arg) @view = arg else puts "view #{arg.inspect} does not exist" end end ### new_view def new_view(arg = nil) arg = nil if arg == "" read_config unless @config arg ||= ask("New view: ") # check validity later raise "view #{arg} already exists" if @config.views.include?(arg) dir = @config.root + "/views/" + arg cmd = "mkdir -p #{dir}/custom" system(cmd) File.write("#{dir}/custom/blog_header.html", RuneBlog::BlogHeader) File.write("#{dir}/custom/blog_trailer.html", RuneBlog::BlogTrailer) File.write("#{dir}/custom/post_header.html", RuneBlog::PostHeader) File.write("#{dir}/custom/post_trailer.html", RuneBlog::PostTrailer) @config.views << arg end ### import def import(arg = nil) read_config unless @config arg = nil if arg == "" arg ||= ask("Filename: ") # check validity later name = arg grep = `grep ^.title #{name}` @title = grep.sub(/^.title /, "") @slug = make_slug(@title) @fname = @slug + ".lt3" system("cp #{name} #{@config.root}/src/#@fname") edit_post(@fname) process_post(@fname) if publish? link_post(@meta) publish_post end end ### new_post def new_post read_config unless @config @title = ask("Title: ") @today ="%Y%m%d") @date ="%Y-%m-%d") file = create_empty_post edit_post(file) process_post(file) if publish? link_post(@meta) publish_post end end ### remove_post #-- FIXME affects linking, building, deployment... def remove_post(arg) id = Integer(arg) rescue raise("'#{arg}' is not an integer") tag = "#{'%04d' % id}-" files = Find.find("#{@config.root}").to_a files = files.grep(/#{tag}/) if files.empty? puts "\n No such post found" return end puts files.each {|f| puts " #{f}" } yn = ask red("\n Delete all these? ") if yn.downcase == "y" #-- maybe implement trash later? system("rm -rf #{files.join(' ')}") puts red("\n Deleted") else puts red("\n No action taken") end rescue => err puts err puts end ### list_posts def list_posts dir = "#{@config.root}/views/#@view/" Dir.chdir(dir) do posts = Dir.entries(".").grep(/^0.*/) puts if posts.empty? puts "No posts" else posts.each {|post| puts " #{post}" } end end rescue puts "Oops? cwd = #{Dir.pwd} dir = #{dir}" exit end ### list_drafts def list_drafts dir = "#{@config.root}/src" Dir.chdir(dir) do posts = Dir.entries(".").grep(/^0.*.lt3/) puts if posts.empty? puts "No posts" else posts.each {|post| puts " #{post.sub(/.lt3$/, "")}" } end end rescue puts "Oops? cwd = #{Dir.pwd} dir = #{dir}" exit end