require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/devutils/rspec/shared_examples" require "logstash/inputs/elastic_serverless_forwarder" require "json" require "manticore" describe LogStash::Inputs::ElasticServerlessForwarder do let(:generated_certs_directory) {'../fixtures/certs/generated').expand_path(__dir__).realpath } let(:client) { } let(:client_options) { { } } let(:request_options) do { headers: {"Content-Type" => "application/x-ndjson"} } end let(:port) { rand(1025...5000) } let(:host) { "" } let(:scheme) { 'https' } let(:url) { "#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}" } let(:config) { { "host" => host, "port" => port } } subject(:esf_input) { } let!(:queue) { } context 'baseline' do let(:config) { super().merge('ssl' => false) } let(:scheme) { 'http' } it_behaves_like "an interruptible input plugin" do let(:config) { { "port" => port, "ssl" => false } } end after :each do client.clear_pending client.close esf_input.stop end end context 'no user-defined codec' do let(:config) { super().merge('ssl' => false) } # minimal config ## # @codec ivar is required PENDING context 'codec handling' do it 'has an `@codec` ivar that inherits from `LogStash::Codecs::Base`' do expect(esf_input).to be_instance_variable_defined(:@codec) codec = esf_input.instance_variable_get(:@codec) expect(codec).to_not be_nil expect(codec.class).to be < LogStash::Codecs::Base # LogStash::Codecs::Delegator shenanigans end end context 'when instantiated with a string codec' do let(:config) { super().merge("codec" => "json_lines") } it 'fails with a helpful configuration error' do expect { }.to raise_exception(LogStash::ConfigurationError, a_string_including("codec")) end end context 'when instantiated with a codec instance' do let(:codec_instance) { { config_name 'test'}.new("id" => "123") } let(:config) { super().merge("codec" => codec_instance) } it 'fails with a helpful configuration error' do expect { }.to raise_exception(LogStash::ConfigurationError, a_string_including("codec")) end end end shared_context "basic request handling" do let!(:registered_esf_input) { esf_input.tap(&:register) } let!(:running_input_thread) { { } } before(:each) { wait_until_listening(host, port) } after(:each) do client.clear_pending client.close esf_input.stop running_input_thread.join(10) || fail('o no') end let(:ndjson_encoded_body) do <<~EONDJSONBODY {"hello":"world"} {"this":"works"} {"message":"and doesn't destroy event.original that was included in payload", "event":{"original":"yes"}} EONDJSONBODY end def wait_until_listening(host, port, timeout=10) deadline = + timeout begin, port).close rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise if > deadline sleep 1 retry end end def pop_with_timeout(queue, timeout) t = { queue.pop } t.join(timeout) || t.kill t.value end end shared_examples 'successful request handling' do include_context 'basic request handling' describe 'basic receipt of events' do it 'puts decoded, unenriched events into the queue' do"#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}/events", request_options.merge(body: ndjson_encoded_body)).call event = pop_with_timeout(queue, 30) || fail('nothing written to queue') expect(event.get("hello")).to eq('world') # ensure enrichment is avoided expect(event).to_not include('[event][original]') expect(event).to_not include('[@metadata][void]') expect(event).to_not include('[host]') # ensure additional events are added event2 = pop_with_timeout(queue, 1) || fail('only single event written to queue') expect(event2.get("this")).to eq('works') # ensure an event that _has_ an event.original in the payload is not lost event3 = pop_with_timeout(queue, 1) || fail('no third element in the queue') expect(event3).to include('[event][original]') expect(event3.get('[event][original]')).to eq('yes') end end end shared_examples 'bad certificate request handling' do include_context 'basic request handling' describe 'connection' do it 'rejects the connection with a bad_certificate error' do expect do"#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}/events", request_options.merge(body: ndjson_encoded_body)).call raise_exception(Manticore::ClientProtocolException, a_string_including('bad_certificate')) end end end shared_examples 'bad basic auth request handling' do include_context 'basic request handling' describe 'request' do it 'rejects the request with an HTTP 401 Unauthorized' do response ="#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}/events", request_options.merge(body: ndjson_encoded_body)).call expect(response).to have_attributes(code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized') end end end shared_examples 'basic auth support' do context 'when http basic auth is enabled' do let(:username) { 'john.doe' } let(:password) { 'sUp3r$ecr3t' } let(:config) do super().merge('auth_basic_username' => username, 'auth_basic_password' => password) end context 'with valid credentials' do let(:request_options) { super().merge(auth: {user: username, password: password}) } include_examples 'successful request handling' end context 'with invalid credentials' do let(:request_options) { super().merge(auth: {user: username, password: "incorrect"}) } include_examples 'bad basic auth request handling' end context 'without credentials' do include_examples 'bad basic auth request handling' end end end describe 'unsecured HTTP' do let(:config) { super().merge('ssl' => false) } let(:scheme) { 'http' } include_examples 'successful request handling' include_examples 'basic auth support' end describe 'SSL enabled' do let(:config) do super().merge({ 'ssl_certificate' => generated_certs_directory.join('server_from_root.crt').to_path, 'ssl_key' => generated_certs_directory.join('server_from_root.key.pkcs8').to_path, }) end let(:client_ssl_options) do { ca_file: generated_certs_directory.join('root.crt').to_path } end let(:client_options) do super().merge( ssl: client_ssl_options ) end include_examples 'successful request handling' include_examples 'basic auth support' context 'ssl_client_authentication => optional' do let(:config) do super().merge({ "ssl_client_authentication" => "optional", "ssl_certificate_authorities" => generated_certs_directory.join('root.crt').to_path, }) end context 'when client provides trusted cert' do let(:client_ssl_options) do super().merge({ keystore: generated_certs_directory.join('client_from_root.p12').to_path, keystore_password: '12345678', }) end include_examples 'successful request handling' include_examples 'basic auth support' end context 'when client does not provide cert' do include_examples 'successful request handling' include_examples 'basic auth support' end context 'when client provides CA-signed cert without matching subjectAltName entry' do let(:client_ssl_options) do super().merge({ keystore: generated_certs_directory.join('client_no_matching_subject.p12').to_path, keystore_password: '12345678', }) end include_examples 'successful request handling' context 'and `ssl_verification_mode => full`', skip: "pending implementation of `ssl_verification_mode => full`" do let(:config) do super().merge('ssl_verification_mode' => 'full') end include_examples 'bad certificate request handling' end end context 'when client provides self-signed cert' do let(:client_ssl_options) do super().merge({ keystore: generated_certs_directory.join('client_self_signed.p12').to_path, keystore_password: '12345678', }) end include_examples 'successful request handling' include_examples 'basic auth support' end end context 'ssl_client_authentication => required' do let(:config) do super().merge({ "ssl_client_authentication" => "required", "ssl_certificate_authorities" => generated_certs_directory.join('root.crt').to_path, }) end context 'when client provides trusted cert' do let(:client_ssl_options) do super().merge({ keystore: generated_certs_directory.join('client_from_root.p12').to_path, keystore_password: '12345678', }) end include_examples 'successful request handling' include_examples 'basic auth support' end context 'when client does not provide cert' do include_examples 'bad certificate request handling' end context 'when client provides CA-signed cert without matching subjectAltName entry' do let(:client_ssl_options) do super().merge({ keystore: generated_certs_directory.join('client_no_matching_subject.p12').to_path, keystore_password: '12345678', }) end include_examples 'successful request handling' context 'and `ssl_verification_mode => full`', skip: "pending implementation of `ssl_verification_mode => full`" do let(:config) do super().merge('ssl_verification_mode' => 'full') end include_examples 'bad certificate request handling' end end context 'when client provides self-signed cert' do let(:client_ssl_options) do super().merge({ keystore: generated_certs_directory.join('client_self_signed.p12').to_path, keystore_password: '12345678', }) end include_examples 'bad certificate request handling' end end end end