Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/jldrill/model/Item.rb 280 197


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'jldrill/model/items/ItemFactory'
2 require 'jldrill/model/ItemStatus'
3 require 'jldrill/model/ProblemStatus'
4 require 'jldrill/model/Quiz/ItemStats'
6 module JLDrill
8     # Holds an item for the quiz.  For memory and performance purposes 
9     # these items are stored as:
10     #
11     #    o The class of the underlying object
12     #    o A string containing the object
13     #    o The ItemStatus of the object
14     #
15     # The string representation of the object can be obtain through to_s().
16     # The object representation of the object can be obtained through to_o().
17     #
18     # Item also holds position information of the item in the drill
19     #    * position is the original ordinal position of the item in the quiz
20     #    * bin is the number of the bin
21     #
22     # Items stored here must implement the following:
23     #    o to_s() -- returns a string representation of the object
24     #    o create() -- accepts a string and creates the object
25     class Item
27         POSITION_RE = /^Position: (.*)/
29         attr_reader :itemType, :contents, :position, :bin, :status,
30                     :hash, :container, :quiz
31         attr_writer :position, :bin, :container, :quiz
33         def initialize(item=nil)
34             @quiz = nil
35             if item.nil?
36                 @itemType = nil
37                 @contents = ""
38                 @hash = "".hash
39             else
40                 @itemType = item.itemType
41                 @contents = item.to_s
42                 @hash = item.hash
43             end
44             @position = -1
45             @bin = 0
46             @container = nil
47             @status = ItemStatus.new(self)
48             @status.add(ProblemStatus.new(self))
49             @status.add(ItemStats.new(self))
50             @cache = nil
51         end
53         # Create an item using the save string
54         # Note: We are passing bin to this method, since we no
55         # longer read it in.  Due to legacy issues, the item status
56         # needs to know what bin it is in when parsing.
57         def Item.create(string)
58             item = Item.new
59             item.parse(string)
60             return item
61         end
63         def parsePart(part)
64             parsed = true
66             case part
67             when POSITION_RE 
68                 @position = $1.to_i
69             else # Not something we understand
70                 parsed = false
71             end
73             return parsed
74         end
76         # Parse a whole line which includes status information
77         def parseLine(line)
78             line.split("/").each do |part|
79                 if !parsePart(part)
80                     @status.parse(part)
81                 end
82             end
83         end
85         # Set the value of the item by parsing the string
86         def parse(string)
87             @itemType = ItemFactory::find(Vocabulary)
88             @contents = string
89             parseLine(@contents)
90             @hash = self.to_o.hash
91         end
93         # Create a copy of this item
94         def clone
95             item = Item.new
96             item.assign(self)
97             return item
98         end
100         def removeInvalidKanjiProblems
101             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
102             problemStatus.removeInvalidKanjiProblems
103         end
105         # Return the schedule for the Spaced Repetition Drill
106         def schedule
107             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
108             return problemStatus.firstSchedule
109         end
111         # UpdateAll the schedules
112         def scheduleAll
113             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
114             problemStatus.scheduleAll
115         end
117         # Demote all the schedules
118         def demoteAll
119             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
120             problemStatus.demoteAll
121         end
123         def resetSchedules
124             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
125             problemStatus.resetAll
126         end
128         def allSeen(value)
129             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
130             problemStatus.allSeen(value)
131         end
133         def setScores(value)
134             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
135             problemStatus.setScores(value)     
136         end
138         def setLevels(value)
139             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
140             problemStatus.setLevels(value)     
141         end
143         def allCorrect
144             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
145             problemStatus.allCorrect     
146         end
148         def allIncorrect
149             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
150             problemStatus.allIncorrect     
151         end
153         def problem
154             problemStatus = @status.select("ProblemStatus")
155             return problemStatus.firstProblem
156         end
158         def itemStats
159             return @status.select("ItemStats")
160         end
162         # Assign the contents of item to this item
163         def assign(item)
164             setType(item.itemType)
165             setContents(item.contents)
166             @position = item.position
167             @bin = item.bin
168             @status.assign(item.status)
169             @hash = item.hash
170             @cache = nil
171         end
173         # Set the type of the item
174         def setType(aType)
175             @itemType = aType
176         end
178         # set the ItemStatus
179         def setStatus(status)
180             parseLine(status.to_s)
181         end
183         # set the contents of the item
184         def setContents(contents)
185             @contents = contents
186             @hash = to_o.hash
187         end
189         # swap the positions between two items
190         def swapWith(item)
191             temp = @position
192             @position = item.position
193             item.position = temp
195             if !@quiz.nil?
196                 if (@bin == 0) && (item.bin == 0)
197                     @quiz.contents.bins[@bin].moveBeforeItem(self, item)
198                 end
199                 @quiz.setNeedsSave(true)
200             end
201         end
203         def insertBefore(item)
204             target = item.position
205             # This is clearly slow. It can be made slightly
206             # faster by only iterating over the relevant
207             # items, but I don't know if it's worth the effort
208             # since the majority of the cost is in creating the
209             # sorted array in the first place.
210             @container.eachByPosition do |i|
211                 if (i.position >= target) &&
212                         (i.position < @position)
213                     i.position += 1
214                 end
215             end
216             @position = target
218             if !@quiz.nil?
219                 if (@bin == 0) && (item.bin == 0)
220                     @quiz.contents.bins[@bin].moveBeforeItem(self, item)
221                 end
222                 @quiz.setNeedsSave(true)
223             end
224         end
226         # Return the save format of the item
227         def to_s
228             retVal = to_o.to_s
229             retVal += "/Position: #{@position}"
230             retVal += @status.to_s 
231             retVal += "/\n"
232             return retVal
233         end
235         # Create the object in the item and return it
236         def to_o
237             if !@contents.empty?
238                 if @cache.nil?
239                     @cache = @itemType.create(@contents)
240                 end
241             else
242                 @cache = nil
243             end
244             return @cache
245         end
247         def hasKanji?
248             v = to_o
249             return !v.kanji.nil?
250         end
252         # Returns true if the items contain the same object.
253         # Note: Does *not* compare the status
254         def eql?(item)
255             if item.hash == @hash
256                 self.to_o.eql?(item.to_o)
257             else
258                 false
259             end
260         end
262         # Returns true if the item contains the object.
263         def contain?(object)
264             if object.hash == @hash
265                 self.to_o.eql?(object)
266             else
267                 false
268             end
269         end
271         # Indicate to the quiz that the problem has been modified
272         # This will be called by the problem itself whenever it
273         # has been modified.
274         def problemModified(problem)
275             if !@quiz.nil?
276                 @quiz.problemModified(problem)
277             end
278         end
279     end
280 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:46 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8