module IB module Messages module Incoming # OpenOrder is the longest message with complex processing logics OpenOrder = def_message [5, 30], [:order, :local_id, :int], [:contract, :con_id, :int], [:contract, :symbol, :string], [:contract, :sec_type, :string], [:contract, :expiry, :string], [:contract, :strike, :decimal], [:contract, :right, :string], [:contract, :exchange, :string], [:contract, :currency, :string], [:contract, :local_symbol, :string], [:order, :action, :string], [:order, :total_quantity, :int], [:order, :order_type, :string], [:order, :limit_price, :decimal_max], [:order, :aux_price, :decimal_max], [:order, :tif, :string], [:order, :oca_group, :string], [:order, :account, :string], [:order, :open_close, :string], [:order, :origin, :int], [:order, :order_ref, :string], [:order, :client_id, :int], [:order, :perm_id, :int], [:order, :outside_rth, :boolean], # (@socket.read_int == 1) [:order, :hidden, :boolean], # (@socket.read_int == 1) [:order, :discretionary_amount, :decimal], [:order, :good_after_time, :string], [:shares_allocation, :string], # deprecated! field [:order, :fa_group, :string], [:order, :fa_method, :string], [:order, :fa_percentage, :string], [:order, :fa_profile, :string], [:order, :good_till_date, :string], [:order, :rule_80a, :string], [:order, :percent_offset, :decimal_max], [:order, :settling_firm, :string], [:order, :short_sale_slot, :int], [:order, :designated_location, :string], [:order, :exempt_code, :int], # skipped in ver 51? [:order, :auction_strategy, :int], [:order, :starting_price, :decimal_max], [:order, :stock_ref_price, :decimal_max], [:order, :delta, :decimal_max], [:order, :stock_range_lower, :decimal_max], [:order, :stock_range_upper, :decimal_max], [:order, :display_size, :int], #@order.rth_only = @socket.read_boolean [:order, :block_order, :boolean], [:order, :sweep_to_fill, :boolean], [:order, :all_or_none, :boolean], [:order, :min_quantity, :int_max], [:order, :oca_type, :int], [:order, :etrade_only, :boolean], [:order, :firm_quote_only, :boolean], [:order, :nbbo_price_cap, :decimal_max], [:order, :parent_id, :int], [:order, :trigger_method, :int], [:order, :volatility, :decimal_max], [:order, :volatility_type, :int], [:order, :delta_neutral_order_type, :string], [:order, :delta_neutral_aux_price, :decimal_max] class OpenOrder # Accessors to make OpenOrder API-compatible with OrderStatus message def client_id order.client_id end def parent_id order.parent_id end def perm_id order.perm_id end def local_id order.local_id end alias order_id local_id def status order.status end # Object accessors def order @order ||= @data[:order].merge(:order_state => order_state) end def order_state @order_state ||= @data[:order_state].merge( :local_id => @data[:order][:local_id], :perm_id => @data[:order][:perm_id], :parent_id => @data[:order][:parent_id], :client_id => @data[:order][:client_id])) end def contract @contract ||= @data[:contract].merge(:underlying => underlying) ) end def underlying @underlying = @data[:underlying_present] ?[:underlying]) : nil end alias under_comp underlying def load super load_map [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:delta_neutral_order_type]) }, # As of client v.52, we may receive delta... params in openOrder [:order, :delta_neutral_con_id, :int], [:order, :delta_neutral_settling_firm, :string], [:order, :delta_neutral_clearing_account, :string], [:order, :delta_neutral_clearing_intent, :string]], [:order, :continuous_update, :int], [:order, :reference_price_type, :int], [:order, :trail_stop_price, :decimal_max], [:order, :trailing_percent, :decimal_max], [:order, :basis_points, :decimal_max], [:order, :basis_points_type, :int_max], [:contract, :legs_description, :string], # As of client v.55, we receive in OpenOrder for Combos: # Contract.orderComboLegs Array # Order.leg_prices Array [:contract, :legs, :array, proc do |_| :con_id => socket.read_int, :ratio => socket.read_int, :action => socket.read_string, :exchange => socket.read_string, :open_close => socket.read_int, :short_sale_slot => socket.read_int, :designated_location => socket.read_string, :exempt_code => socket.read_int end], [:order, :leg_prices, :array, proc { |_| socket.read_decimal_max }], [:smart_combo_routing_params, :hash], [:order, :scale_init_level_size, :int_max], [:order, :scale_subs_level_size, :int_max], [:order, :scale_price_increment, :decimal_max], [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:scale_price_increment]) }, # As of client v.54, we may receive scale order fields [:order, :scale_price_adjust_value, :decimal_max], [:order, :scale_price_adjust_interval, :int_max], [:order, :scale_profit_offset, :decimal_max], [:order, :scale_auto_reset, :boolean], [:order, :scale_init_position, :int_max], [:order, :scale_init_fill_qty, :decimal_max], [:order, :scale_random_percent, :boolean] ], [:order, :hedge_type, :string], [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:hedge_type]) }, # As of client v.49/50, we can receive hedgeType, hedgeParam [:order, :hedge_param, :string] ], [:order, :opt_out_smart_routing, :boolean], [:order, :clearing_account, :string], [:order, :clearing_intent, :string], [:order, :not_held, :boolean], [:underlying_present, :boolean], [proc { | | filled?(@data[:underlying_present]) }, [:underlying, :con_id, :int], [:underlying, :delta, :decimal], [:underlying, :price, :decimal] ], # TODO: Test Order with algo_params, scale and legs! [:order, :algo_strategy, :string], [proc { | | filled?(@data[:order][:algo_strategy]) }, [:order, :algo_params, :hash] ], [:order, :what_if, :boolean], [:order_state, :status, :string], # IB uses weird String with Java Double.MAX_VALUE to indicate no value here [:order_state, :init_margin, :decimal_max], # :string], [:order_state, :maint_margin, :decimal_max], # :string], [:order_state, :equity_with_loan, :decimal_max], # :string], [:order_state, :commission, :decimal_max], # May be nil! [:order_state, :min_commission, :decimal_max], # May be nil! [:order_state, :max_commission, :decimal_max], # May be nil! [:order_state, :commission_currency, :string], [:order_state, :warning_text, :string] end # Check if given value was set by TWS to something vaguely "positive" def filled? value case value when String !value.empty? when Float, Integer value > 0 else !!value # to_bool end end def to_human "" end end # class OpenOrder end # module Incoming end # module Messages end # module IB