Given /^a desire to query the artist "([^\"]*)" on Zazzle$/ do |artist| @artist = artist @sut = @query = end When /^the "([^\"]*)" is "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name, value| @query.add_criteria(name, value) end When /^I query "([^\"]*)"$/ do |fixture| http_service = http_service.expects(:get).once.returns(feed(fixture)) @result = @sut.request(@query, :http_service => http_service) end Then /^there should be "([^\"]*)" items/ do |item_count| assert_equal item_count.to_i, @result.item_count end Then /^the items should have the keyword "([^\"]*)"$/ do |keyword| @result.items.each do |item| assert item.title.include? keyword end end Then /^the items should have a link to an image$/ do @result.items.each do |item| assert(/http:\/\/\/.*\.jpg/ =~ item.content_url) end end Then /^the items should have a link to a thumbnail$/ do @result.items.each do |item| assert(/http:\/\/\/.*\.jpg/ =~ item.thumbnail_url) end end