getJasmineRequireObj().toThrowError = function(j$) { function toThrowError (util) { return { compare: function(actual) { var threw = false, pass = {pass: true}, fail = {pass: false}, thrown, errorType, message, regexp, name, constructorName; if (typeof actual != 'function') { throw new Error('Actual is not a Function'); } extractExpectedParams.apply(null, arguments); try { actual(); } catch (e) { threw = true; thrown = e; } if (!threw) { fail.message = 'Expected function to throw an Error.'; return fail; } if (!(thrown instanceof Error)) { fail.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw an Error, but it threw ' + j$.pp(thrown) + '.'; }; return fail; } if (arguments.length == 1) { pass.message = 'Expected function not to throw an Error, but it threw ' + fnNameFor(thrown) + '.'; return pass; } if (errorType) { name = fnNameFor(errorType); constructorName = fnNameFor(thrown.constructor); } if (errorType && message) { if (thrown.constructor == errorType && util.equals(thrown.message, message)) { pass.message = function() { return 'Expected function not to throw ' + name + ' with message ' + j$.pp(message) + '.'; }; return pass; } else { fail.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw ' + name + ' with message ' + j$.pp(message) + ', but it threw ' + constructorName + ' with message ' + j$.pp(thrown.message) + '.'; }; return fail; } } if (errorType && regexp) { if (thrown.constructor == errorType && regexp.test(thrown.message)) { pass.message = function() { return 'Expected function not to throw ' + name + ' with message matching ' + j$.pp(regexp) + '.'; }; return pass; } else { fail.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw ' + name + ' with message matching ' + j$.pp(regexp) + ', but it threw ' + constructorName + ' with message ' + j$.pp(thrown.message) + '.'; }; return fail; } } if (errorType) { if (thrown.constructor == errorType) { pass.message = 'Expected function not to throw ' + name + '.'; return pass; } else { fail.message = 'Expected function to throw ' + name + ', but it threw ' + constructorName + '.'; return fail; } } if (message) { if (thrown.message == message) { pass.message = function() { return 'Expected function not to throw an exception with message ' + j$.pp(message) + '.'; }; return pass; } else { fail.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw an exception with message ' + j$.pp(message) + ', but it threw an exception with message ' + j$.pp(thrown.message) + '.'; }; return fail; } } if (regexp) { if (regexp.test(thrown.message)) { pass.message = function() { return 'Expected function not to throw an exception with a message matching ' + j$.pp(regexp) + '.'; }; return pass; } else { fail.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw an exception with a message matching ' + j$.pp(regexp) + ', but it threw an exception with message ' + j$.pp(thrown.message) + '.'; }; return fail; } } function fnNameFor(func) { return || func.toString().match(/^\s*function\s*(\w*)\s*\(/)[1]; } function extractExpectedParams() { if (arguments.length == 1) { return; } if (arguments.length == 2) { var expected = arguments[1]; if (expected instanceof RegExp) { regexp = expected; } else if (typeof expected == 'string') { message = expected; } else if (checkForAnErrorType(expected)) { errorType = expected; } if (!(errorType || message || regexp)) { throw new Error('Expected is not an Error, string, or RegExp.'); } } else { if (checkForAnErrorType(arguments[1])) { errorType = arguments[1]; } else { throw new Error('Expected error type is not an Error.'); } if (arguments[2] instanceof RegExp) { regexp = arguments[2]; } else if (typeof arguments[2] == 'string') { message = arguments[2]; } else { throw new Error('Expected error message is not a string or RegExp.'); } } } function checkForAnErrorType(type) { if (typeof type !== 'function') { return false; } var Surrogate = function() {}; Surrogate.prototype = type.prototype; return (new Surrogate()) instanceof Error; } } }; } return toThrowError; };