module Spaceship module Tunes class LanguageConverter class << self # Converts the iTC format (English_CA, Brazilian Portuguese) to language short codes: (en-US, de-DE) def from_itc_to_standard(from) result = mapping.find { |a| a['name'] == from } (result || {}).fetch('locale', nil) end # Converts the language short codes: (en-US, de-DE) to the iTC format (English_CA, Brazilian Portuguese) def from_standard_to_itc(from) result = mapping.find { |a| a['locale'] == from || (a['alternatives'] || []).include?(from) } (result || {}).fetch('name', nil) end private # Path to the gem to fetch resoures def spaceship_gem_path if Gem::Specification::find_all_by_name('spaceship').any? return Gem::Specification.find_by_name('spaceship').gem_dir else return './' end end # Get the mapping JSON parsed def mapping @languages ||= JSON.parse(, "lib", "assets", "languageMapping.json"))) end end end end end class String def to_language_code Spaceship::Tunes::LanguageConverter.from_itc_to_standard(self) end def to_full_language Spaceship::Tunes::LanguageConverter.from_standard_to_itc(self) end end