require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", __FILE__) module Danger describe Danger::DangerGitlabReviewbot do it "should be a plugin" do expect( be_a Danger::Plugin end # # You should test your custom attributes and methods here # describe "with Dangerfile" do before do testing_env.each { |k,v| ENV[k] = "#{v}" } @dangerfile = testing_dangerfile @plugin = @dangerfile.gitlab_reviewbot @plugin.strategy = Danger::AssignStrategies::RandomStrategy @strategy_mock = instance_double(Danger::AssignStrategies::Strategy) allow(Danger::AssignStrategies::RandomStrategy).to receive(:new).and_return(@strategy_mock) end it "Assign one reviewer" do @plugin.gitlab_group = 'tech/ios' expect(@strategy_mock).to receive(:assign!).with(1).and_return(['Sam']) @plugin.assign! end it "Assign one reviewer" do @plugin.gitlab_group = 'tech/ios' expect(@strategy_mock).to receive(:assign!).with(1).and_return(['Sam']) @plugin.assign! end it "Assign multiple reviewers" do @plugin.gitlab_group = 'tech/ios' @plugin.assignees_amount = 2 expect(@strategy_mock).to receive(:assign!).with(2).and_return(['Sam, Nic']) @plugin.assign! end ['CI_PROJECT_ID', 'CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID'].each do |var| it "Fails when required #{var} variables are not available" do ENV[var] = nil expect{@plugin.assign!}.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end end end