* Mon Dec 13 2012 Dan Prince - 1.3.0 -OpenStack: Switch to Fog. -OpenStack: Add support for automatic floating IP configuration via 'assign_floating_ip' in server group json files. -OpenStack: Add support for security group names. -OpenStack: Add endpoint configs for region, service_type, service_name. -OpenStack: Configure ssh access within the server group. -Libvirt: grep correct dnsmasq leases file (use network name) -Libvirt: fix libvirt_use_sudo option (string conversion) -Libvirt: Configure ssh access within the server group. * Mon Nov 26 2012 Dan Prince - 1.2.5 - Libvirt: ping test instances to ensure they have IPs before trying to configure hosts, etc. - Generate server group IDs with using Time.now.to_f which gives us millisecond accuracy. This should avoid ID collisions which could occur if two groups were spun up in the same second (thus causing image name collisions, etc) - XenServer: Add 'cleanup_before_create' option to run instance cleanup before creating a new group. * Thu Oct 8 2012 Dan Prince - 1.2.4 - XenServer: Delete VDI's that aren't in use during cleanup. * Thu Sep 20 2012 Dan Prince - 1.2.3 - XenServer: Use vm-clone once a vm has been imported to speed up group creation. * Wed Sep 19 2012 Dan Prince - 1.2.2 - Default group_type to GROUP_TYPE env variable if it isn't set. * Wed Sep 19 2012 Dan Prince - 1.2.1 - Update rake tasks so they call init correctly. * Wed Sep 19 2012 Dan Prince - 1.2.0 - Add provider for OpenStack. - Add bin/kytoon with commands corresponding to rake tasks. - Move rake tasks under 'kytoon' namespace (previously used 'group'). - Updates to raise KytoonException instead of just raise. - Rename gateway_ip task to just ip. * Thu Aug 23 2012 Dan Prince - 1.1.1 - Add 'libvirt_use_sudo' option to config file. - Move config parameter checks into specific providers. * Wed Aug 22 2012 Dan Prince - 1.1.0 - Add local libvirt provider based on virt-clone. - Libvirt: Support creating qcow2 disks during group creation. * Fri Jul 27 2012 Dan Prince - 1.0.2 - XenServer: Use force=true when shutting down VMs. * Mon Jul 23 2012 Dan Prince - 1.0.1 - Update ServerGroup to call init in all methods. Fixes NilClass errors which can occur if you don't explicitly call 'group::init' in rake tasks. - XenServer: Automatically add IP to bridge. * Sun Jul 22 2012 Dan Prince - 1.0.0 - Initial release. Based on Chef VCP Toolkit.