# encoding: UTF-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require 'image_optim' require 'image_optim/true_false_nil' require 'image_optim/non_negative_integer_range' require 'optparse' class ImageOptim class Runner # Parse options from arguments to image_optim binary class OptionParser < ::OptionParser # Parse and remove options from args, return options Hash # Calls abort in case of parse error def self.parse!(args) # assume -v to be a request to print version if it is the only argument args = %w[--version] if args == %w[-v] options = {} parser = new(options) parser.parse!(args) options rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e abort "#{e}\n\n#{parser.help}" end # After initialization passes self and options to DEFINE def initialize(options) super DEFINE.call(self, options) end # Wraps and indents lines of overriden method def help text = super # reserve one column columns = terminal_columns - 1 # 1 for distance between summary and description # 2 for additional indent wrapped_indent = summary_indent + (' ' * (summary_width + 1 + 2)) wrapped_width = columns - wrapped_indent.length # don't try to wrap if there is too little space for description return text if wrapped_width < 20 wrapped = ''.dup text.split("\n").each do |line| if line.length <= columns wrapped << line << "\n" else indented = line =~ /^\s/ wrapped << line.slice!(wrap_regex(columns)) << "\n" line.scan(wrap_regex(wrapped_width)) do |part| wrapped << wrapped_indent if indented wrapped << part << "\n" end end end wrapped end private def terminal_columns stty_columns = `stty size 2> /dev/null`[/^\d+ (\d+)$/, 1] stty_columns ? stty_columns.to_i : `tput cols`.to_i end def wrap_regex(width) /.*?.{1,#{width}}(?:\s|\z)/ end end end end ImageOptim::Runner::OptionParser::DEFINE = proc do |op, options| unless op.is_a?(OptionParser) fail ArgumentError, "expected instance of OptionParser, got #{op.inspect}" end unless options.is_a?(Hash) fail ArgumentError, "expected instance of Hash, got #{options.inspect}" end ImageOptim::TrueFalseNil.add_to_option_parser(op) ImageOptim::NonNegativeIntegerRange.add_to_option_parser(op) op.banner = <<-TEXT.gsub(/^\s*\|/, '') # rubocop:disable Layout/DotPosition |#{ImageOptim.full_version} | |Usage: | #{op.program_name} [options] image_path … | |Configuration will be read and prepended to options from two paths: | #{ImageOptim::Config::GLOBAL_PATH} | #{ImageOptim::Config::LOCAL_PATH} | TEXT op.on('--config-paths PATH1,PATH2', Array, 'Config paths to use instead of '\ 'default ones') do |paths| options[:config_paths] = paths end op.separator nil op.on('-r', '-R', '--recursive', 'Recursively scan directories '\ 'for images') do |recursive| options[:recursive] = recursive end op.on("--exclude-dir 'GLOB'", 'Glob for excluding directories '\ '(defaults to .*)') do |glob| options[:exclude_dir_glob] = glob end op.on("--exclude-file 'GLOB'", 'Glob for excluding files '\ '(defaults to .*)') do |glob| options[:exclude_file_glob] = glob end op.on("--exclude 'GLOB'", 'Set glob for excluding both directories and '\ 'files') do |glob| options[:exclude_file_glob] = options[:exclude_dir_glob] = glob end op.separator nil op.on('--no-progress', 'Disable showing progress') do |show_progress| options[:show_progress] = show_progress end op.on('--[no-]threads N', Integer, 'Number of threads or disable '\ '(defaults to number of processors)') do |threads| options[:threads] = threads end op.on('--[no-]nice N', Integer, 'Nice level, priority of all used tools '\ 'with higher value meaning lower priority, in range -20..19, negative '\ 'values can be set only if run by root user (defaults to 10)') do |nice| options[:nice] = nice end op.on('--[no-]pack', 'Require image_optim_pack or disable it, '\ 'by default image_optim_pack will be used if available, '\ 'will turn on skip-missing-workers unless explicitly disabled') do |pack| options[:pack] = pack end op.separator nil op.separator ' Caching:' op.on('--cache-dir DIR', 'Cache optimized images '\ 'into the specified directory') do |cache_dir| options[:cache_dir] = cache_dir end op.on('--cache-worker-digests', 'Cache worker digests '\ '(updating workers invalidates cache)') do |cache_worker_digests| options[:cache_worker_digests] = cache_worker_digests end op.separator nil op.separator ' Disabling workers:' op.on('--[no-]skip-missing-workers', 'Skip workers with missing or '\ 'problematic binaries') do |skip| options[:skip_missing_workers] = skip end ImageOptim::Worker.klasses.each do |klass| bin = klass.bin_sym op.on("--no-#{bin}", "disable #{bin} worker") do |enable| options[bin] = enable end end op.separator nil op.separator ' Worker options:' op.on('--allow-lossy', 'Allow lossy workers and '\ 'optimizations') do |allow_lossy| options[:allow_lossy] = allow_lossy end op.on('--timeout N', Float, 'Maximum time in seconds to spend on one image') do |timeout| options[:timeout] = timeout end op.separator nil ImageOptim::Worker.klasses.each_with_index do |klass, i| next if klass.option_definitions.empty? op.separator nil unless i == 0 bin = klass.bin_sym klass.option_definitions.each do |option_definition| name = option_definition.name.to_s.tr('_', '-') default = option_definition.default_description type = option_definition.type type, marking = case when [TrueClass, FalseClass, ImageOptim::TrueFalseNil].include?(type) [type, 'B'] when Integer >= type [Integer, 'N'] when Array >= type [Array, 'a,b,c'] when String >= type [String, 'S'] when ImageOptim::NonNegativeIntegerRange == type [type, 'M-N'] else fail "Unknown type #{type}" end description = option_definition.description.gsub(' - ', ' - ') unless description['(defaults'] description << " (defaults to #{default})" end op.on("--#{bin}-#{name} #{marking}", type, description) do |value| options[bin] = {} unless options[bin].is_a?(Hash) options[bin][option_definition.name.to_sym] = value end end end op.separator nil op.separator ' Common options:' op.on_tail('-v', '--verbose', 'Verbose output (show global and worker '\ 'config, binary resolution log, information about each tool invocation, '\ 'backtrace of exception)') do options[:verbose] = true end op.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show help and exit') do puts op.help exit end op.on_tail('--version', 'Show version and exit') do puts ImageOptim.version exit end op.on_tail('--info', 'Show environment info and exit') do options[:verbose] = true options[:only_info] = true end end