require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base' describe Rush::Connection::Local do before do @sandbox_dir = "/tmp/rush_spec.#{}" system "rm -rf #{@sandbox_dir}; mkdir -p #{@sandbox_dir}" @con = end after do system "rm -rf #{@sandbox_dir}" end it "receive -> write_file(file, contents)" do @con.should_receive(:write_file).with('file', 'contents') @con.receive(:action => 'write_file', :full_path => 'file', :payload => 'contents') end it "receive -> file_contents(file)" do @con.should_receive(:file_contents).with('file').and_return('the contents') @con.receive(:action => 'file_contents', :full_path => 'file').should == 'the contents' end it "receive -> destroy(file or dir)" do @con.should_receive(:destroy).with('file') @con.receive(:action => 'destroy', :full_path => 'file') end it "receive -> purge(dir)" do @con.should_receive(:purge).with('dir') @con.receive(:action => 'purge', :full_path => 'dir') end it "receive -> create_dir(path)" do @con.should_receive(:create_dir).with('dir') @con.receive(:action => 'create_dir', :full_path => 'dir') end it "receive -> rename(path, name, new_name)" do @con.should_receive(:rename).with('path', 'name', 'new_name') @con.receive(:action => 'rename', :path => 'path', :name => 'name', :new_name => 'new_name') end it "receive -> copy(src, dst)" do @con.should_receive(:copy).with('src', 'dst') @con.receive(:action => 'copy', :src => 'src', :dst => 'dst') end it "receive -> read_archive(full_path)" do @con.should_receive(:read_archive).with('full_path').and_return('archive data') @con.receive(:action => 'read_archive', :full_path => 'full_path').should == 'archive data' end it "receive -> write_archive(archive, dir)" do @con.should_receive(:write_archive).with('archive', 'dir') @con.receive(:action => 'write_archive', :dir => 'dir', :payload => 'archive') end it "receive -> index(base_path, glob)" do @con.should_receive(:index).with('base_path', '*').and_return(%w(1 2)) @con.receive(:action => 'index', :base_path => 'base_path', :glob => '*').should == "1\n2\n" end it "receive -> stat(full_path)" do @con.should_receive(:stat).with('full_path').and_return(1 => 2) @con.receive(:action => 'stat', :full_path => 'full_path').should == YAML.dump(1 => 2) end it "receive -> set_access(full_path, user, group, permissions)" do access = mock("access") Rush::Access.should_receive(:from_hash).with(:action => 'set_access', :full_path => 'full_path', :user => 'joe').and_return(access) @con.should_receive(:set_access).with('full_path', access) @con.receive(:action => 'set_access', :full_path => 'full_path', :user => 'joe') end it "receive -> size(full_path)" do @con.should_receive(:size).with('full_path').and_return("1024") @con.receive(:action => 'size', :full_path => 'full_path').should == "1024" end it "receive -> processes" do @con.should_receive(:processes).with().and_return([ { :pid => 1 } ]) @con.receive(:action => 'processes').should == YAML.dump([ { :pid => 1 } ]) end it "receive -> process_alive" do @con.should_receive(:process_alive).with(123).and_return(true) @con.receive(:action => 'process_alive', :pid => 123).should == '1' end it "receive -> kill_process" do @con.should_receive(:kill_process).with(123).and_return(true) @con.receive(:action => 'kill_process', :pid => '123') end it "receive -> bash (foreground)" do @con.should_receive(:bash).with('cmd', 'user', false).and_return('output') @con.receive(:action => 'bash', :payload => 'cmd', :user => 'user', :background => 'false').should == 'output' end it "receive -> bash (background)" do @con.should_receive(:bash).with('cmd', 'user', true).and_return('output') @con.receive(:action => 'bash', :payload => 'cmd', :user => 'user', :background => 'true').should == 'output' end it "receive -> unknown action exception" do lambda { @con.receive(:action => 'does_not_exist') }.should raise_error(Rush::Connection::Local::UnknownAction) end it "write_file writes contents to a file" do fname = "#{@sandbox_dir}/a_file" data = "some data" @con.write_file(fname, data) == data end it "file_contents reads a file's contents" do fname = "#{@sandbox_dir}/a_file" system "echo stuff > #{fname}" @con.file_contents(fname).should == "stuff\n" end it "file_contents raises DoesNotExist if the file does not exist" do fname = "#{@sandbox_dir}/does_not_exist" lambda { @con.file_contents(fname) }.should raise_error(Rush::DoesNotExist, fname) end it "destroy to destroy a file or dir" do fname = "#{@sandbox_dir}/delete_me" system "touch #{fname}" @con.destroy(fname) File.exists?(fname).should be_false end it "purge to purge a dir" do system "cd #{@sandbox_dir}; touch {1,2}; mkdir 3; touch 3/4" @con.purge(@sandbox_dir) File.exists?(@sandbox_dir).should be_true Dir.glob("#{@sandbox_dir}/*").should == [] end it "purge kills hidden (dotfile) entries too" do system "cd #{@sandbox_dir}; touch .killme" @con.purge(@sandbox_dir) File.exists?(@sandbox_dir).should be_true `cd #{@sandbox_dir}; ls -lA | grep -v total | wc -l`.to_i.should == 0 end it "create_dir creates a directory" do fname = "#{@sandbox_dir}/a/b/c/" @con.create_dir(fname) be_true end it "rename to rename entries within a dir" do system "touch #{@sandbox_dir}/a" @con.rename(@sandbox_dir, 'a', 'b') File.exists?("#{@sandbox_dir}/a").should be_false File.exists?("#{@sandbox_dir}/b").should be_true end it "copy to copy an entry to another dir on the same box" do system "mkdir #{@sandbox_dir}/subdir" system "touch #{@sandbox_dir}/a" @con.copy("#{@sandbox_dir}/a", "#{@sandbox_dir}/subdir") File.exists?("#{@sandbox_dir}/a").should be_true File.exists?("#{@sandbox_dir}/subdir/a").should be_true end it "copy raises DoesNotExist with source path if it doesn't exist or otherwise can't be accessed" do lambda { @con.copy('/does/not/exist', '/tmp') }.should raise_error(Rush::DoesNotExist, '/does/not/exist') end it "copy raises DoesNotExist with destination path if it can't access the destination" do lambda { @con.copy('/tmp', '/does/not/exist') }.should raise_error(Rush::DoesNotExist, '/does/not') end it "read_archive to pull an archive of a dir into a byte stream" do system "touch #{@sandbox_dir}/a" @con.read_archive(@sandbox_dir).size.should > 50 end it "write_archive to turn a byte stream into a dir" do system "cd #{@sandbox_dir}; mkdir -p a; touch a/b; tar cf xfer.tar a; mkdir dst" archive ="#{@sandbox_dir}/xfer.tar") @con.write_archive(archive, "#{@sandbox_dir}/dst")"#{@sandbox_dir}/dst/a").should be_true File.exists?("#{@sandbox_dir}/dst/a/b").should be_true end it "index fetches list of all files and dirs in a dir when pattern is empty" do system "cd #{@sandbox_dir}; mkdir dir; touch file" @con.index(@sandbox_dir, '').should == [ 'dir/', 'file' ] end it "index fetches only files with a certain extension with a flat pattern, *.rb" do system "cd #{@sandbox_dir}; touch a.rb; touch b.txt" @con.index(@sandbox_dir, '*.rb').should == [ 'a.rb' ] end it "index raises DoesNotExist when the base path is invalid" do lambda { @con.index('/does/not/exist', '*') }.should raise_error(Rush::DoesNotExist, '/does/not/exist') end it "stat gives file stats like size and timestamps" do @con.stat(@sandbox_dir).should have_key(:ctime) @con.stat(@sandbox_dir).should have_key(:size) end it "stat fetches the octal permissions" do @con.stat(@sandbox_dir)[:mode].should be_kind_of(Fixnum) end it "stat raises DoesNotExist if the entry does not exist" do fname = "#{@sandbox_dir}/does_not_exist" lambda { @con.stat(fname) }.should raise_error(Rush::DoesNotExist, fname) end it "set_access invokes the access object" do access = mock("access") access.should_receive(:apply).with('/some/path') @con.set_access('/some/path', access) end if !RUBY_PLATFORM.match(/darwin/) # doesn't work on OS X 'cause du switches are different it "size gives size of a directory and all its contents recursively" do system "mkdir -p #{@sandbox_dir}/a/b/; echo 1234 > #{@sandbox_dir}/a/b/c" @con.size(@sandbox_dir).should == (4096*3 + 5) end end it "parses ps output on os x" do @con.parse_ps("21712 501 21711 1236 0 /usr/bin/vi somefile.rb").should == { :pid => "21712", :uid => "501", :parent_pid => 21711, :mem => 1236, :cpu => 0, :command => '/usr/bin/vi', :cmdline => '/usr/bin/vi somefile.rb', } end it "gets the list of processes on os x via the ps command" do @con.should_receive(:os_x_raw_ps).and_return < "1", :uid => "0", :parent_pid => 1, :mem => 1111, :cpu => 0, :command => "cmd1", :cmdline => "cmd1 args" }, { :pid => "2", :uid => "501", :parent_pid => 1, :mem => 222, :cpu => 1, :command => "cmd2", :cmdline => "cmd2" }, ] end it "the current process should be alive" do @con.process_alive( be_true end it "a made-up process should not be alive" do @con.process_alive(99999).should be_false end it "kills a process by pid" do ::Process.should_receive(:kill).at_least(:once) @con.kill_process(123) end it "does not raise an error if the process is already dead" do ::Process.should_receive(:kill).and_raise(Errno::ESRCH) lambda { @con.kill_process(123) }.should_not raise_error end it "executes a bash command, returning stdout when successful" do @con.bash("echo test").should == "test\n" end it "executes a bash command, raising and error (with stderr as the message) when return value is nonzero" do lambda { @con.bash("no_such_bin") }.should raise_error(Rush::BashFailed, /command not found/) end it "executes a bash command as another user using sudo" do @con.bash("echo test2", ENV['USER']).should == "test2\n" end it "executes a bash command in the background, returning the pid" do @con.bash("true", nil, true).should > 0 end it "ensure_tunnel to match with remote connection" do @con.ensure_tunnel end it "always returns true on alive?" do @con.should be_alive end it "resolves a unix uid to a user" do @con.resolve_unix_uid_to_user(0).should == "root" @con.resolve_unix_uid_to_user('0').should == "root" end it "returns nil if the unix uid does not exist" do @con.resolve_unix_uid_to_user(9999).should be_nil end it "iterates through a process list and resolves the unix uid for each" do list = [ { :uid => 0, :command => 'pureftpd' }, { :uid => 9999, :command => 'defunk' } ] @con.resolve_unix_uids(list).should == [ { :uid => 0, :user => 'root', :command => 'pureftpd' }, { :uid => 9999, :command => 'defunk', :user => nil } ] end end