= Ruby-Gettext-Package Ruby-GetText-Package is a Localization(L10n) library and tools which modeled after GNU gettext package. This library provides to translate original messages to localized messages properly using client-side locale information(environment variable or CGI variable). And the tools for developers support to create, use, and modify localized message files(message catalogs) easily. == Features * Simple APIs(similar GNU gettext) * rgettext creates po-files from * ruby scripts * glade-2 XML file(.glade) * ERB file(.rhtml, .erb) * ActiveRecord(.rb) * Others(with your own parsers) * The po-file is compatible to GNU gettext. * rmsgfmt creates a mo-file from a po-file. The mo-file is compatible to GNU gettext(msgfmt). * textdomain's scope is adapt to ruby class/module mechanism. * A class/module can have plural textdomains. * a message is looked up in its class/module and ancestors. * Locale is retrieved from System variables (ENV['LANG'], POSIX, Win32) * CGI support (gettext/cgi) * Locale is retrieved from client informations (HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET, QUERY_STRING(lang), Cookies(lang)). * ERB support (gettext/erb) * Ruby on Rails support (gettext/rails) * before_init_gettext, init_gettext, after_init_gettext for initializing GetText. * ActionController, ActionView, ActionMailer and ActiveRecord are localized in a textdomain. * Validation messages in ActiveRecord are localized. * The table/field names of ActiveRecord are extracted by rgettext and translated in the application. * plugins can have their own textdomains. * ActionMailer supports ISO-2022-JP message in ja locale. * String%() is extended to use named argument such as "%{foo}" %{:foo => 1} == Requirements * Ruby 1.8.3 or later <http://www.ruby-lang.org/ja/> * (for development only) * GNU gettext 0.10.35 or later <http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html> * Racc-1.4.3 or later <http://www.ruby-lang.org/raa/list.rhtml?name=racc> * (for compiling src/rmsgfmt.ry only) * Ruby on Rails 2.0.0 or later (if you use this package with Ruby on Rails) <http://www.rubyonrails.org/> == Install * gem: ($ su) # gem install gettext * tar-ball: De-Compress archive and enter its top directory. Then type: ($ su) # ruby setup.rb You can also install files in your favor directory by supplying setup.rb some options. Try "ruby setup.rb --help". == Usage If you are end-user of an application which depends on this library, you don't need do nothing (See applications documents). If you are developer of the application which depends on this library, see: http://gettext.rubyforge.org/ == License This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby. (See the file 'COPYING'.) * mo.rb * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Masao Mutoh <mutoh at highwhay.ne.jp> * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Masahiro Sakai <s01397ms at sfc.keio.ac.jp> * gettext.rb * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Masao Mutoh <mutoh at highwhay.ne.jp> * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Masahiro Sakai <s01397ms at sfc.keio.ac.jp> * rgettext * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Masao Mutoh <mutoh at highwhay.ne.jp> * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Yasushi Shoji <yashi at atmark-techno.com> * setup.rb * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Minero Aoki <aamine at loveruby.net> * This file is released under LGPL. See the top of the install.rb. * Others * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Masao Mutoh <mutoh at highwhay.ne.jp> == Translators * Bosnian(bs) - Sanjin Sehic <saserr at gmail.com> * Bulgarian(bg) - Sava Chankov <sava.chankov at gmail.com> * Catalan(ca) - Ramon Salvadó <rsalvado at gnuine.com> * Chinese(Simplified)(zh_CN) - Yang Bob <bob.yang.dev at gmail.com> (current) Yingfeng <blogyingfeng at gmail.com> * Chinese(Traditional)(zh_TW)- Yang Bob <bob.yang.dev at gmail.com> (current) LIN CHUNG-YI <xmarsh at gmail.com> * Croatian(hr) - Sanjin Sehic <saserr at gmail.com> * Czech(cs) - Karel Miarka <kajism at yahoo.com> * Dutch(nl) - Menno Jonkers <ruby-gettext at jonkers.com> * Esperanto(eo) - Malte Milatz <malte at gmx-topmail.de> * Estonian(et) - Erkki Eilonen <erkki at itech.ee> * French(fr) - Vincent Isambart <vincent.isambart at gmail.com> (current) David Sulc <davidsulc at gmail.com> Laurent Sansonetti <laurent.sansonetti at gmail.com> * German(de) - Patrick Lenz <patrick at limited-overload.de> (current) Detlef Reichl <detlef.reichl at gmx.org> Sven Herzberg <herzi at abi02.de> Sascha Ebach <se at digitale-wertschoepfung.de> * Greek(el) - Vassilis Rizopoulos <damphyr at gmx.net> * Hungarian(hu) - Tamás Tompa <tompata at gmail.com> * Italian(it) - Marco Lazzeri <marco.lazzeri at gmail.com> Gabriele Renzi <surrender_it at yahoo.it> * Japanese(ja) - Masao Mutoh <mutoh at highway.ne.jp> * Korean(ko) - Gyoung-Yoon Noh <nohmad at gmail.com> * Latvian(lv) - Aivars Akots <aivars.akots at gmail.com> * Norwegian(nb) - Runar Ingebrigtsen <runar at mopo.no> * Portuguese(Brazil)(pt_BR) - Antonio S. de A. Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org> (current) Joao Pedrosa <joaopedrosa at gmail.com> * Russian(ru) - Yuri Kozlov <kozlov.y at gmail.com> * Serbian(sr) - Slobodan Paunović" <slobodan.paunovic at gmail.com> * Spanish(es) - David Espada <davinci at escomposlinux.org> (current) * David Moreno Garza <damog at damog.net> * Swedish(sv) - Nikolai Weibull <mailing-lists.ruby-talk at rawuncut.elitemail.org> * Ukrainian(ua) - Alex Rootoff <rootoff at pisem.net> * Vietnamese(vi) - Ngoc Dao Thanh <ngocdaothanh at gmail.com> == Status of translations * Bosnian(bs) - 1.90.0 (old) * Bulgarian(bg) - 1.93.0 (new) * Catalan(ca) - 1.93.0 * Croatian(hr) - 1.90.0 (old) * Chinese(zh_CN) - 1.93.0 * Chinese(zh_TW) - 1.93.0 * Czech(cs) - 1.9.0 (old) * Dutch(nl) - 1.90.0 (old) * English(default) - 1.90.0 (old) * Esperanto(eo) - 1.93.0 * Estonian(et) - 1.93.0 * French(fr) - 1.93.0 * German(de) - 1.93.0 * Greek(el) - 1.93.0 * Hungarian(hu) - 1.93.0 * Italian(it) - 1.6.0 (old) * Japanese(ja) - 1.93.0 * Korean(ko) - 1.9.0 (old) * Latvian(lv) - 1.93.0 (new) * Norwegian(nb) - 1.93.0 * Portuguese(Brazil)(pt_BR) - 1.93.0 * Russian(ru) - 1.93.0 * Serbian(sr) - 1.91.0 (old) * Spanish(es) - 1.93.0 * Swedish(sv) - 0.8.0 (too much old) * Ukrainian(ua) - 1.93.0 * Vietnamese(vi) - 1.93.0 == Maintainer Masao Mutoh <mutoh at highway.ne.jp>