define 'extensions/rivets/formatters', # ### exists # ```data-show=" | exists"``` # # Returns true or false if the value exists exists: (v) -> v? # ### empty # ```data-hide="user.friends | empty"``` # # Returns true if the value is non-existent or has a length of zero. empty: (v) -> !(v? and v?.length isnt 0) # ### date # ```data-text="user.birthday | date"``` # # You must include [moment.js]( on your page to use this. It is not bundled. # # Returns the value date formatted by moment.js # date: (v) -> moment(v).format 'MMM DD, YYYY' # ### toNumber # ```data-value="user.sweetText | toNumber"``` # # Returns the value converted to a number toNumber: (v) -> +v # ### toString # ```data-value="user.sweetNumber | toString"``` # # Returns the value converted to a string toString: (v) -> String v # ### negate # ```data-show="user.badBoy | exists | negate"``` # # Returns the boolean opposite of the value (true=false, false=true) # negate: (v) -> !v # ### is # ```data-show=" | is John"``` # # Returns true if the value equals the argument is: (v,a) -> v is a # ### isnt # ```data-hide=" | isnt John"``` # # Returns true if the value doesn't equal the argument isnt: (v,a) -> v isnt a # ### gt # ```data-show="user.friends | length | gt 5"``` # # Returns true if the value is greater than the argument gt: (v,a) -> v > a # ### lt # ```data-hide="user.friends | length | lt 5"``` # # Returns true if the value is less than the argument lt: (v,a) -> v < a # ### at # ```data-text="user.friends | at 0"``` # # Returns the item at the index specified for values at: (v, a) -> return v unless v? return v[parseInt(a)] # ### join # ```data-text="user.friends | join ,"``` # # Returns the output of value joined by the argument join: (v, a) -> return v unless v? return v.join a # ### split # ```data-each-friend="user.friendList | split ,"``` # # Returns an array of value split by the argument split: (v, a) -> return v unless v? return v.split a # ### prepend # ```data-href=" | prepend /users/"``` # # Returns a string of argument + value prepend: (v,a...) -> a.join(' ')+v # ### append # ```data-href=" | prepend /users/ | append /messages"``` # # Returns a string of value + argument append: (v,a...) -> v+a.join(' ') # ### length # ```data-text="user.friends | length"``` # # Returns the length of the value length: (v) -> return v unless v? return v.length # ### cancelEvent # ```data-on-submit="user:save | cancelEvent"``` # # Extremely useful for preventing forms from submitting but can be used to stop all event propagation. # # Returns a new function wrapping value that stops event propagation. cancelEvent: (v) -> return v unless v? return (e) -> prevent e @, e return false # ### sort # ```data-each="movies.models | sort [asc | desc]"``` # # Sorts collection in asc or desc order sort: (arr, direction='asc') -> return arr.sort().reverse() if direction is 'desc' return arr.sort() # ### sortBy # ```data-each="movies | sortBy field, [asc | desc]"``` # # Sorts collection in asc or desc order on a field sortBy: (arr, field, direction='asc') -> reverse = (direction is 'desc') sortFn = (a, b) -> if a[field] < b[field] out = -1 else if a[field] > b[field] out = 1 else out = 0 return out*[1,-1][+!!reverse] return arr.sort sortFn float: (value) -> throw new TypeError "Invalid value passed to float formatter: #{value}" unless value? # Blank value and impossible to convert to string (!value || !(value + '')) && (value = 0) # Force getter reading on IE value = parseFloat value + '' # Handle NaN (isNaN(value)) && (value = 0) # Format value value.toFixed(2).toString().replace '.', ','