module Virgo class Post < ActiveRecord::Base paginates_per 10 enable_redis_tracking has_paper_trail ignore: [:updated_at, :editing_user_id, :editing_timestamp, :live, :view_count, :meta, :popularity] include Post::Search, Post::Recommendations, ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper, Common::Uuid, Common::SlugHistory extend FriendlyId attr_accessor :ordered_tag_ids friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: :slugged belongs_to :author, class_name: 'Virgo::User' belongs_to :featured_image, class_name: 'Virgo::Image' belongs_to :thumbnail_image, class_name: 'Virgo::Image' belongs_to :created_by, class_name: 'Virgo::User' belongs_to :editing_user, class_name: 'Virgo::User' validates :author_id, presence: true has_many :post_tags, dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, through: :post_tags has_many :post_categories, dependent: :destroy has_many :categories, through: :post_categories belongs_to :column, touch: true validates :headline, presence: true, unless: :page? validates :body, presence: true validates :slug, presence: true, uniqueness: true symbolize :status symbolize :post_type scope :with_relations, ->{ joins(:author).preload(:author, :tags, :categories) } scope :with_featured_image, ->{ where.not(featured_image_id: nil) } scope :publicly_viewable, ->{ where(status: :published, live: true).where.not(publish_at: nil) } scope :published, ->{ where(status: :published) } scope :draft, ->{ where(status: :draft) } scope :pages, ->{ where(post_type: :page) } scope :posts, ->{ where(post_type: :post) } scope :for_month, ->(month){ where("posts.publish_at >= :month_start AND posts.publish_at <= :month_end", month_start: month.beginning_of_month, month_end: month.end_of_month) } scope :for_weekly_email, ->{ publicly_viewable.where(include_in_weekly_email: true) } scope :exclude_front_page_feature, ->{ items = posts.publicly_viewable if Post.front_page_feature items = items.where.not(id: end items } scope :exclude_category_feature, ->(category){ items = posts.publicly_viewable if Post.category_feature(category) items = items.where.not(id: Post.category_feature(category).id) end items } scope :exclude, ->(item) { if item.nil? all else where.not(id: end } scope :most_popular, ->{ posts.publicly_viewable.order(popularity: :desc) } scope :latest, ->{ posts.publicly_viewable.order(publish_at: :desc) } scope :containing_slideshow, ->(slideshow){ where("virgo_posts.meta -> 'contains_slideshow' = 'true'").where("virgo_posts.meta -> 'slideshow_id' = ?", } before_save :set_default_publish_at before_save :set_live_status before_save :generate_search_document before_save :set_meta after_save :expire_site_key after_save :touch_dependent after_save :set_columns_category after_save :apply_tag_ordering! if Rails.application.config.require_posts_to_have_category validate :has_category end after_initialize :init def self.category_feature(category) category.posts.publicly_viewable.where(feature_on_category_page: true).order(publish_at: :asc).last end def self.front_page_feature posts.publicly_viewable.where(feature_on_front_page: true).order(publish_at: :asc).last end def rendered_body @rendered_body ||= Shortcode.process(body || '').html_safe end def draft? status == :draft end def assigned? status == :assigned end def published? status == :published end def killed? status == :killed end def hidden? status == :hidden end def page? post_type == :page end def post? post_type == :post end def self.status_names { 'Draft' => :draft, 'Assigned' => :assigned, 'Published' => :published, 'Killed' => :killed, 'Hidden' => :hidden } end def disqus_identifier "post_#{id}" end def self.publish_scheduled! candidates = Post.where.not(live: true).where("publish_at <= ?", candidates.each do |post| post.update(live: true) end end def has_citation? citation_name.present? && citation_url.present? end # need to explicitly unscope this because papertrail # imposes a forward chronological order with a default scope def unscoped_versions PaperTrail::Version.unscoped.where(item_id: id) end # i.e. if the lock timeout is "15 seconds" but the post's # "editing_timestamp" has been bumped less than 15 seconds ago, # we say the post is "mid-edit" def is_mid_edit? editing_timestamp && editing_timestamp > edit_lock_timeout.ago end def lock_for_editing!(user) update!(editing_timestamp:, editing_user: user) end def attempt_edit_lock(user) if is_mid_edit? && editing_user != user false else lock_for_editing!(user) if persisted? end end def edit_lock_timeout Rails.application.config.edit_lock_timeout end def self.cache_key "posts-#{maximum(:updated_at).try(:to_i)}-#{all.size}" end def track_view! update_columns({ view_count: (view_count + 1), popularity: calc_popularity }) end def epoch_seconds(t) (t.to_i - epoch.to_i).to_f end def epoch end # based on reddit "hot" algorithm: # def calc_popularity unless publish_at.nil? s = view_count displacement = Math.log( [s.abs, 1].max, 10 ) sign = if s > 0 1 elsif s < 0 -1 else 0 end rank = (displacement * sign.to_f) + ( epoch_seconds(publish_at) / 45000 ) else 0 end end def apply_tag_ordering! if ordered_tag_ids.present? if ordered_tag_ids.first.is_a?(String) cleaned = ordered_tag_ids.first.gsub("[", "").gsub("]", "").split(",").map(&:to_i) ordered_tag_ids = cleaned end ordered_tag_ids.each_with_index do |tag_id, index| existing = post_tags.find_by(tag_id: tag_id) if existing existing.update!(position: index) else tag = Tag.find_by(id: tag_id) if tag post_tags.create!(tag_id: tag_id, position: index) end end end post_tags.where.not(tag_id: ordered_tag_ids).map &:destroy end true end def primary_category categories.first end def description if meta_description_tag_value.present? meta_description_tag_value elsif excerpt.present? view_help.truncate(excerpt, length: 160) else view_help.truncate(view_help.strip_tags(rendered_body || ''), length: 160) end end def thumb_image if thumbnail_image.present? thumbnail_image else featured_image end end private def set_default_publish_at if status_changed? && status == :published && publish_at.blank? self.publish_at = end true end def init self.post_type = :post if post_type.nil? end def generate_search_document(opts={}) if headline_changed? || body_changed? || author_id_changed? || excerpt_changed? || opts[:force] self.search_document = "#{headline} by #{author.byline}#{column ? (' ' + : ''}#{excerpt.present? ? (' ' + excerpt) : ''} #{strip_tags(rendered_body)}" end true end def set_meta self.meta = {} if (meta.nil? || meta.is_a?(String)) # note: dirty tracking does not workin with hstore and meta_will_change! must be called # for changes to an existing hash to persist: if has_slideshow? slideshow_id = body.match(/\[slideshow id=\"(?\d+)\"\]/)['slideshow_id'] _will_change = (meta['contains_slideshow'] != 'true' || meta['slideshow_id'] != slideshow_id) self.meta['contains_slideshow'] = 'true' self.meta['slideshow_id'] = slideshow_id meta_will_change! if _will_change else _will_change = meta['contains_slideshow'] != 'false' self.meta['contains_slideshow'] = 'false' meta_will_change! if _will_change end true end def set_columns_category if column_id_changed? if column_id.present? && !categories.include?(Category.COLUMNS) self.categories << Category.COLUMNS elsif column_id.blank? && categories.include?(Category.COLUMNS) self.post_categories.where(category_id: &:destroy end end true end def has_slideshow? body.present? && body.match(/\[slideshow id=\"\d+\"\]/).present? end def has_category if categories.size < 1 && post? errors[:base] << "Post must have at least one category" end end # if a post has a publish_at value set and it is # in the future, set the post to not be live def set_live_status if publish_at.present? && publish_at >= = false else = true end true end def touch_dependent &:touch end def should_generate_new_friendly_id? slug.blank? end def slug_candidates [ :headline, [:headline, :uuid], :uuid ] end end end