== Version 0.15.0 was released on 4/03/2005. A great release. Many cool new features and tons of subtle improvements. We also welcome a new core developer, Anastastios Koutoumanos, who started contributing with a new SqlServer adapter. Most notable additions: * NestedSets mixin: class Comment include NestedSets end or class Comment include Hierarchical, :method => :nested_sets end c.add_comment(child_comment) c.full_children c.direct_children c.children this is a reimplementation of the SqlTraversable mixin available in older versions. * New implementation of Orderable mixin: class Comment property :body, String belongs_to :article, Article include Orderable, :scope => article end c.move_higher The Orderable mixin uses the :scope parameter to dynamically alter the methods appended to the Comment class. * New SqlServer adapter. == Version 0.14.0 was released on 18/03/2005. Many many important fixes, and many small additions and improvements. Og mixins are introduced with an experimental List mixin implementation. Most notable additions: * Support for objects that participate in list (ordering/removal etc) * Add useful new enchant methods. * Fixed all user reported bugs. == Version 0.13.0 was released on 17/03/2005. A maintenance release. Most notable additions: * Better separated from Nitro. * Database related validations (validate_unique) etc. * Emmit warnings on implicit graph changes. * Many bugfixes. == Version 0.12.0 was released on 07/03/2005. A careful blend of new features and subtle improvements to the existing infrastructure. Some important bugs where fixed aswell. Most notable additions: * Og automatically generates finders for all properties, for even easier (and portable) querying: class Article property :title, :body, String property :hits, Fixnum property :create_time, Time end you get the finders: Article.find_by_title Article.find_by_body Article.find_by_hits Article.find_by_create_time The finders take into account the unique constrain, to return an array or just an object as needed. * Og introduces lifecycle observers to avoid 'poluting' the model objects with excess functionality. You can use every object as observer (duck typing) or extend from an AR style Observer class. The observer callbacks are precompiled in the lifecycle methods only if defined, so the perfomance is not affected in the general case. * Fixed Og bug: multiple many_to_many relations with the same target class. * further code cleanup, improved examples and more. == Version 0.11.0 was released on 28/02/2005. The platform continues to evolve and now supports the the Oracle database out of the box. This version features improved documentation, important bug fixes and many subtle improvements to make programming even more enjoyable. Many thanks to Matt Bowen for his help with this release. Most notable additions: * Documentation (doc/og_tutorial.txt, doc/og_config.txt) * Og Oracle adapter. * Og provides advanced metadata for the managed objects class Article property :title, String property :body, String has_many :comments, Comment end par = Article.properties_and_relations => [Property(:title), Property(:body), Og::HasMany(:comments)] par[2].klass => Comment par[2].meta[:linkback] => :article_oid * Og Typemacros, here is an example: def VarChar(size) return String, :sql => "NOT NULL VARCHAR(#{size})" end property :title, VarChar(30) * Option for faster startup, skip schema check. * Many small Og improvements and fixes. WARNING: If you used an earlier version of Og you may need to drop your database and let Og recreated it automatically. == Version 0.10.0 was released on 15/02/2005. An important release. Most notable additions: * Improved Og implementation (cleaner code) and new Og adapter subsystem. * New SQLite3 Og adapter, improvements in MySQL and PostgreSQL adapters (needs version 1.1.0 of Sqlite3-Ruby). * Better GemSpec for easier installation by RubyGems. * Og supports optional typechecking by using property metadata. * and many more smaller fixes. WARNING: If you used an earlier version of Og you may need to drop your database and let Og recreated it automatically. == Version 0.9.3 was released on 01/02/2005. A maintenance release. Most notable additions: * Og metalanguage relations insert metadata into the target class, useful for advanced scaffolders. * Og refer_to meta-language command. * Correct handling of booleans. * Auto-include metalanguage on prop. * Many bug fixes. == Version 0.8 was released on 12/01/2005. A snapshot of the latest code. Cool new features, many fixes and improvements in older features. Many thanks to Michael Neumann for giving intelligent suggestions and finding small bugs. Most notable additions: * New automatic validation system: class User prop_accessor :name, :password, String validate_confirmation :password validate_length :name, :range => 2..12 end u = User.new(...) unless u.valid? p u.errors.on(:name) p u.errors[:password] end * No global variables in Og. * Recoded Og to allow for future support of multiple databases (even on different RDBMS systems) on a single application. * cleaned up backend code. * More unit tests. * Supports Ruby 1.8.2 == Version 0.7 was released on 27/12/2004. A snapshot of the latest code. Many fixes and new features result in a more mature product. Many thanks to the ruby hackers that sent suggestions and patches used in this release! Most notable additions: * Totaly recoded prop_accessor mechanism, avoids polution of the Module class. * prop_accessors for Modules, allows synthesizing of managed objects from Mixins. * new automatically generated methods in Og. * MockDatabase leverages the FlexMock object for easier unit testing. == Version 0.6 was released on 13/12/2004. This is a preview release, the api for the new features is not finalized. This early release gives other developers to offer suggestions on the final form of those features. Most notable additions: * Og many_to_many relations with auto generation of the join table. * Og has_one relation. == Version 0.5.0 was released on 21/11/2004. New standalone version. SQL indices can be defined again. == Version 0.5.0 was released on 01/11/2004. Renamed to Og (ObjectGraph) Og combines the best features of Active Record and NDB. A fully working MySQL adapter is also provided. Moreover the code base is further cleaned up. Small improvements to the application configuration system. This version is integrated in Nitro. == Version 0.2 was released on 07-10-2004. The sofware is actually usable but not tested in a production environment. Comments from the Ruby community are critical in order to fix possible bugs and improve the API. Suggestions for missing features are also welcome. This version only supports the Postgres Database.