require 'yaml' require 'rexml/rexml' require 'rexml/document' require 'fileutils' module Sunspot class Installer # # This class modifies an existing Solr schema.xml file to work with Sunspot. # It makes the minimum necessary changes to the schema, adding fields and # types only when they don't already exist. It also comments all fields and # types that Sunspot needs, whether or not they were preexisting, so that # users can modify the resulting schema without unwittingly breaking it. # class SchemaBuilder include TaskHelper CONFIG_PATH = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'installer', 'config', 'schema.yml' ) class < 2) end say("Wrote schema to #{@schema_path}") end end private def add_fixed_fields @config['fixed'].each do |name, options| maybe_add_field(name, options['type'], :indexed, *Array(options['attributes'])) end end def add_dynamic_fields @config['types'].each do |type, options| if suffix = options['suffix'] variant_combinations(options).each do |variants| variants_suffix = { |variant| variant[1] || '' }.join maybe_add_field("*_#{suffix}#{variants_suffix}", type, * { |variant| variant[0] }) end end end end def maybe_add_field(name, type, *flags) node_name = name =~ /\*/ ? 'dynamicField' : 'field' if field_node = fields_node.xpath(%Q(#{node_name}[@name="#{name}"])).first say("Using existing #{node_name} #{name.inspect}") add_comment(field_node) return end maybe_add_type(type) say("Adding field #{name.inspect}") attributes = { 'name' => name, 'type' => type, 'indexed' => 'true', 'stored' => 'false', 'multiValued' => 'false' } flags.each do |flag| attributes[flag.to_s] = 'true' end field_node = add_element(fields_node, node_name, attributes) add_comment(field_node) end def maybe_add_type(type) unless @added_types.include?(type) @added_types << type if type_node = types_node.xpath(%Q(fieldType[@name="#{type}"])).first || types_node.xpath(%Q(fieldtype[@name="#{type}"])).first say("Using existing type #{type.inspect}") add_comment(type_node) return end say("Adding type #{type.inspect}") type_config = @config['types'][type] type_node = add_element( types_node, 'fieldType', 'name' => type, 'class' => to_solr_class(type_config['class']), 'omitNorms' => type_config['omit_norms'].nil? ? 'true' : type_config['omit_norms'].to_s ) if type_config['tokenizer'] add_analyzer(type_node, type_config) end add_comment(type_node) end end def add_analyzer(node, config) analyzer_node = add_element(node, 'analyzer') add_element( analyzer_node, 'tokenizer', 'class' => to_solr_class(config['tokenizer']) ) Array(config['filters']).each do |filter| add_element(analyzer_node, 'filter', 'class' => to_solr_class(filter)) end end def set_misc_settings if @root.xpath('uniqueKey[normalize-space()="id"]').any? say('Unique key already set') else say("Creating unique key node") add_element(@root, 'uniqueKey').content = 'id' end say('Setting default operator to AND') solr_query_parser_node = @root.xpath('solrQueryParser').first || add_element(@root, 'solrQueryParser') solr_query_parser_node['defaultOperator'] = 'AND' end def add_comment(node) comment_message = " *** This #{} is used by Sunspot! *** " unless (comment = previous_non_text_sibling(node)) && comment.comment? && comment.content =~ /Sunspot/ node.add_previous_sibling(, comment_message)) end end def types_node @types_node ||= @root.xpath('/schema/types').first end def fields_node @fields_node ||= @root.xpath('/schema/fields').first end def to_solr_class(class_name) if class_name =~ /\./ class_name else "solr.#{class_name}" end end def previous_non_text_sibling(node) if previous_sibling = node.previous_sibling if previous_sibling.node_type == :text previous_non_text_sibling(previous_sibling) else previous_sibling end end end # # All of the possible combinations of variants # def variant_combinations(type_options) invariants = type_options['invariants'] || {} combinations = [] variants = @config['variants'].reject { |name, suffix| invariants.has_key?(name) } 0.upto(2 ** variants.length - 1) do |b| combinations << combination = [] variants.each_with_index do |variant, i| combination << variant if b & 1< 0 end invariants.each do |name, value| if value combination << [name] end end end combinations end def say(message) if @verbose STDOUT.puts(message) end end end end end