# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/policy_builder" describe Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile do let(:node_name) { "joe_node" } let(:ohai_data) { { "platform" => "ubuntu", "platform_version" => "13.04", "fqdn" => "joenode.example.com" } } let(:json_attribs) { { "custom_attr" => "custom_attr_value" } } let(:override_runlist) { nil } let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:policy_builder) { Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile.new(node_name, ohai_data, json_attribs, override_runlist, events) } # Convert a SHA1 (160 bit) hex string into an x.y.z version number where the # maximum value is smaller than a postgres BIGINT (signed 64bit, so 63 usable # bits). This requires enterprise Chef or open source server 11.1.0+ (currently not released) # # The SHA1 is devided as follows: # * "major": first 14 chars (56 bits) # * "minor": next 14 chars (56 bits) # * "patch": last 12 chars (48 bits) def id_to_dotted(sha1_id) major = sha1_id[0...14] minor = sha1_id[14...28] patch = sha1_id[28..40] decimal_integers = [major, minor, patch].map { |hex| hex.to_i(16) } decimal_integers.join(".") end let(:example1_lock_data) do # based on https://github.com/danielsdeleo/chef-workflow2-prototype/blob/master/skeletons/basic_policy/Policyfile.lock.json { "identifier" => "168d2102fb11c9617cd8a981166c8adc30a6e915", "version" => "2.3.5", # NOTE: for compatibility mode we include the dotted id in the policyfile to enhance discoverability. "dotted_decimal_identifier" => id_to_dotted("168d2102fb11c9617cd8a981166c8adc30a6e915"), "source" => { "path" => "./cookbooks/demo" }, "scm_identifier" => { "vcs" => "git", "rev_id" => "9d5b09026470c322c3cb5ca8a4157c4d2f16cef3", "remote" => nil, }, } end let(:example2_lock_data) do { "identifier" => "feab40e1fca77c7360ccca1481bb8ba5f919ce3a", "version" => "4.2.0", # NOTE: for compatibility mode we include the dotted id in the policyfile to enhance discoverability. "dotted_decimal_identifier" => id_to_dotted("feab40e1fca77c7360ccca1481bb8ba5f919ce3a"), "source" => { "api" => "https://community.getchef.com/api/v1/cookbooks/example2" }, } end let(:policyfile_default_attributes) do { "policyfile_default_attr" => "policyfile_default_value", "top_level_attr" => "hat", "baseline_attr" => { "one" => 1, "two" => 2, "deep" => { "three" => 3, "four" => [4], "five" => [5], }, }, "policy_group_value" => { "baseline_attr" => { "one" => 111, }, }, } end let(:policyfile_override_attributes) do { "policyfile_override_attr" => "policyfile_override_value", "baseline_attr" => { "deep" => { "three" => 333 }, }, "policy_group_value" => { "top_level_attr" => "cat", "baseline_attr" => { "deep" => { "four" => [444], }, }, }, } end let(:policyfile_run_list) { ["recipe[example1::default]", "recipe[example2::server]"] } let(:basic_valid_policy_data) do { "name" => "example-policy", "revision_id" => "123abc", "run_list" => policyfile_run_list, "cookbook_locks" => { "example1" => example1_lock_data, "example2" => example2_lock_data, }, "default_attributes" => policyfile_default_attributes, "override_attributes" => policyfile_override_attributes, } end let(:parsed_policyfile_json) { basic_valid_policy_data } let(:err_namespace) { Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile } it "configures a Chef HTTP API client" do http = double("Chef::ServerAPI") server_url = "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/example" Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = server_url expect(Chef::ServerAPI).to receive(:new).with(server_url, version_class: Chef::CookbookManifestVersions).and_return(http) expect(policy_builder.api_service).to eq(http) end describe "reporting unsupported features" do def initialize_pb Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile.new(node_name, ohai_data, json_attribs, override_runlist, events) end it "always gives `false` for #temporary_policy?" do expect(initialize_pb.temporary_policy?).to be_falsey end context "chef-solo" do before { Chef::Config[:solo_legacy_mode] = true } it "errors on create" do expect { initialize_pb }.to raise_error(err_namespace::UnsupportedFeature) end end context "when given an override run_list" do let(:override_runlist) { "recipe[foo],recipe[bar]" } it "errors on create" do expect { initialize_pb }.to raise_error(err_namespace::UnsupportedFeature) end end context "when json_attribs contains a run_list" do let(:json_attribs) { { "run_list" => [] } } it "errors on create" do expect { initialize_pb }.to raise_error(err_namespace::UnsupportedFeature) end end context "when an environment is configured" do before { Chef::Config[:environment] = "blurch" } it "errors when an environment is configured" do expect { initialize_pb }.to raise_error(err_namespace::UnsupportedFeature) end end end describe "loading policy data" do let(:api_service) { double("Chef::ServerAPI") } let(:configured_environment) { nil } let(:override_runlist) { nil } let(:primary_runlist) { nil } let(:original_default_attrs) { { "default_key" => "default_value" } } let(:original_override_attrs) { { "override_key" => "override_value" } } let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.default_attrs = original_default_attrs node.override_attrs = original_override_attrs node.run_list(primary_runlist) if primary_runlist node end before do Chef::Config[:policy_document_native_api] = false Chef::Config[:deployment_group] = "example-policy-stage" allow(policy_builder).to receive(:api_service).and_return(api_service) end describe "when using compatibility mode (policy_document_native_api == false)" do before do Chef::Config[:deployment_group] = "example-policy-stage" end context "when the deployment group cannot be loaded" do let(:error404) { Net::HTTPClientException.new("404 message", :body) } before do expect(api_service).to receive(:get) .with("data/policyfiles/example-policy-stage") .and_raise(error404) end it "raises an error" do expect { policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) }.to raise_error(err_namespace::ConfigurationError) end end context "when the deployment_group is not configured" do before do Chef::Config[:deployment_group] = nil end it "errors while loading the node" do expect { policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) }.to raise_error(err_namespace::ConfigurationError) end end context "when deployment_group is correctly configured" do let(:policy_relative_url) { "data/policyfiles/example-policy-stage" } before do expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(policy_relative_url).and_return(parsed_policyfile_json) end it "fetches the policy file from a data bag item" do expect(policy_builder.policy).to eq(parsed_policyfile_json) end it "extracts the run_list from the policyfile" do expect(policy_builder.run_list).to eq(policyfile_run_list) end end end context "and policy_document_native_api is configured" do before do Chef::Config[:policy_document_native_api] = true Chef::Config[:policy_group] = "policy-stage" Chef::Config[:policy_name] = "example" end context "and policy_name or policy_group are not configured" do it "raises a Configuration error for policy_group" do Chef::Config[:policy_group] = nil expect { policy_builder.policy }.to raise_error(err_namespace::ConfigurationError) end it "raises a Configuration error for policy_name" do Chef::Config[:policy_name] = nil expect { policy_builder.policy }.to raise_error(err_namespace::ConfigurationError) end end context "and policy_name and policy_group are configured" do let(:policy_relative_url) { "policy_groups/policy-stage/policies/example" } before do expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(policy_relative_url).and_return(parsed_policyfile_json) end it "fetches the policy file from a data bag item" do expect(policy_builder.policy).to eq(parsed_policyfile_json) end it "extracts the run_list from the policyfile" do expect(policy_builder.run_list).to eq(policyfile_run_list) end end end describe "building policy from the policyfile" do before do allow(policy_builder).to receive(:policy).and_return(parsed_policyfile_json) end it "fetches the policy file from a data bag item" do expect(policy_builder.policy).to eq(parsed_policyfile_json) end it "extracts the run_list from the policyfile" do expect(policy_builder.run_list).to eq(policyfile_run_list) end it "extracts the cookbooks and versions for display from the policyfile" do expected = [ "example1::default@2.3.5 (168d210)", "example2::server@4.2.0 (feab40e)", ] expect(policy_builder.run_list_with_versions_for_display).to eq(expected) end it "generates a RunListExpansion-alike object for feeding to the CookbookCompiler" do expect(policy_builder.run_list_expansion_ish).to respond_to(:recipes) expect(policy_builder.run_list_expansion_ish.recipes).to eq(["example1::default", "example2::server"]) end it "implements #expand_run_list in a manner compatible with ExpandNodeObject" do policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) expect(policy_builder.expand_run_list).to respond_to(:recipes) expect(policy_builder.expand_run_list.recipes).to eq(["example1::default", "example2::server"]) expect(policy_builder.expand_run_list.roles).to eq([]) end describe "validating the Policyfile.lock" do it "errors if the policyfile json contains any non-recipe items" do parsed_policyfile_json["run_list"] = ["role[foo]"] expect { policy_builder.validate_policyfile }.to raise_error(err_namespace::PolicyfileError) end it "errors if the policyfile json contains non-fully qualified recipe items" do parsed_policyfile_json["run_list"] = ["recipe[foo]"] expect { policy_builder.validate_policyfile }.to raise_error(err_namespace::PolicyfileError) end it "errors if the policyfile doesn't have a run_list key" do parsed_policyfile_json.delete("run_list") expect { policy_builder.validate_policyfile }.to raise_error(err_namespace::PolicyfileError) end it "error if the policyfile doesn't have a cookbook_locks key" do parsed_policyfile_json.delete("cookbook_locks") expect { policy_builder.validate_policyfile }.to raise_error(err_namespace::PolicyfileError) end it "accepts a valid policyfile" do policy_builder.validate_policyfile end end describe "#build_node" do let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node end before do allow(policy_builder).to receive(:node).and_return(node) end context "when the run is successful" do let(:run_list) do ["recipe[test::default]", "recipe[test::other]"] end let(:version_hash) do { "version" => "0.1.0", "identifier" => "012345678", } end let(:run_list_for_data_collector) do { id: "_policy_node", run_list: [ { type: "recipe", name: "test::default", skipped: false, version: nil }, { type: "recipe", name: "test::other", skipped: false, version: nil }, ], } end before do allow(policy_builder).to receive(:run_list) .and_return(run_list) allow(policy_builder).to receive(:cookbook_lock_for) .and_return(version_hash) end it "sends the run_list_expanded event" do policy_builder.build_node expect(policy_builder.run_list_expansion_ish.to_hash) .to eq(run_list_for_data_collector) end end end describe "building the node object" do let(:extra_chef_config) { {} } before do # must be set before #build_node is called to have the proper effect extra_chef_config.each do |key, value| Chef::Config[key] = value end policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) policy_builder.build_node end # it sets policy_name and policy_group in the following priority order: # -j JSON > config file > node object describe "selecting policy_name and policy_group from the various sources" do context "when only set in node JSON" do let(:json_attribs) do { "policy_name" => "policy_name_from_node_json", "policy_group" => "policy_group_from_node_json", } end it "sets policy_name and policy_group on Chef::Config" do expect(Chef::Config[:policy_name]).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(Chef::Config[:policy_group]).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") end it "sets policy_name and policy_group on the node object" do expect(node.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(node.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") end end context "when only set in Chef::Config" do let(:extra_chef_config) do { policy_name: "policy_name_from_config", policy_group: "policy_group_from_config", } end it "sets policy_name and policy_group on the node object" do expect(node.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_config") expect(node.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_config") end end context "when only set on the node" do let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.policy_name = "policy_name_from_node" node.policy_group = "policy_group_from_node" node end it "sets policy_name and policy_group on Chef::Config" do expect(Chef::Config[:policy_name]).to eq("policy_name_from_node") expect(Chef::Config[:policy_group]).to eq("policy_group_from_node") end end context "when set in Chef::Config and the fetched node" do let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.policy_name = "policy_name_from_node" node.policy_group = "policy_group_from_node" node end let(:extra_chef_config) do { policy_name: "policy_name_from_config", policy_group: "policy_group_from_config", } end it "prefers the policy_name and policy_group from Chef::Config" do expect(node.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_config") expect(node.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_config") end end context "when set in node json and the fetched node" do let(:json_attribs) do { "policy_name" => "policy_name_from_node_json", "policy_group" => "policy_group_from_node_json", } end let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.policy_name = "policy_name_from_node" node.policy_group = "policy_group_from_node" node end it "prefers the policy_name and policy_group from the node json" do expect(policy_builder.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(policy_builder.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") expect(Chef::Config[:policy_name]).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(Chef::Config[:policy_group]).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") expect(node.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(node.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") end end context "when set in all sources" do let(:json_attribs) do { "policy_name" => "policy_name_from_node_json", "policy_group" => "policy_group_from_node_json", } end let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.name(node_name) node.policy_name = "policy_name_from_node" node.policy_group = "policy_group_from_node" node end let(:extra_chef_config) do { policy_name: "policy_name_from_config", policy_group: "policy_group_from_config", } end it "prefers the policy_name and group from node json" do expect(policy_builder.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(policy_builder.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") expect(Chef::Config[:policy_name]).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(Chef::Config[:policy_group]).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") expect(node.policy_name).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(node.policy_group).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") expect(node.automatic_attrs[:policy_name]).to eq("policy_name_from_node_json") expect(node.automatic_attrs[:policy_group]).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") expect(node.automatic_attrs[:chef_environment]).to eq("policy_group_from_node_json") end end end it "resets default and override data" do expect(node["default_key"]).to be_nil expect(node["override_key"]).to be_nil end describe "setting attribute values" do before do policy_builder.build_node end it "resets default and override data" do expect(node["default_key"]).to be_nil expect(node["override_key"]).to be_nil end it "applies ohai data" do expect(ohai_data).to_not be_empty # ensure test is testing something ohai_data.each do |key, value| expect(node.automatic_attrs[key]).to eq(value) end end it "applies attributes from json file" do expect(node["custom_attr"]).to eq("custom_attr_value") end it "applies attributes from the policyfile" do expect(node["policyfile_default_attr"]).to eq("policyfile_default_value") expect(node["policyfile_override_attr"]).to eq("policyfile_override_value") end it "sets the policyfile's run_list on the node object" do expect(node.run_list).to eq(policyfile_run_list) end it "creates node.automatic_attrs[:roles]" do expect(node.automatic_attrs[:roles]).to eq([]) end it "create node.automatic_attrs[:recipes]" do expect(node.automatic_attrs[:recipes]).to eq(["example1::default", "example2::server"]) end end context "when a named run_list is given" do before do Chef::Config[:named_run_list] = "deploy-app" end context "and the named run_list is not present in the policy" do it "raises a ConfigurationError" do err_class = Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile::ConfigurationError err_text = "Policy 'example-policy' revision '123abc' does not have named_run_list 'deploy-app'(available named_run_lists: [])" expect { policy_builder.build_node }.to raise_error(err_class, err_text) end end context "and the named run_list is present in the policy" do let(:parsed_policyfile_json) do basic_valid_policy_data.dup.tap do |p| p["named_run_lists"] = { "deploy-app" => [ "recipe[example1::default]" ], } end end before do policy_builder.build_node end it "sets the run list to the desired named run list" do expect(policy_builder.run_list).to eq([ "recipe[example1::default]" ]) expected_expansion = Chef::PolicyBuilder::Policyfile::RunListExpansionIsh.new([ "example1::default" ], []) expect(policy_builder.run_list_expansion).to eq(expected_expansion) expect(policy_builder.run_list_with_versions_for_display).to eq(["example1::default@2.3.5 (168d210)"]) expect(node.run_list).to eq([ Chef::RunList::RunListItem.new("recipe[example1::default]") ]) expect(node[:roles]).to eq( [] ) expect(node[:recipes]).to eq( ["example1::default"] ) end it "disables the cookbook cache cleaner" do expect(Chef::CookbookCacheCleaner.instance.skip_removal).to be(true) end end end describe "hoisting attribute values" do context "with no policy group set" do it "does not hoist policy_group specific attributes" do expect( node["top_level_attr"] ).to eql("hat") expect( node["baseline_attr"]["one"] ).to eql(1) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["two"] ).to eql(2) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["three"] ).to eql(333) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["four"] ).to eql([4]) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["five"] ).to eql([5]) end end context "with a policy group set" do before do Chef::Config[:policy_group] = "policy_group_value" policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) policy_builder.build_node end it "hoists default attributes" do expect( node["top_level_attr"] ).to eql("cat") expect( node["baseline_attr"]["one"]).to eql(111) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["two"] ).to eql(2) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["five"] ).to eql([5]) end it "hoists override attributes" do expect( node["top_level_attr"] ).to eql("cat") expect( node["baseline_attr"]["two"] ).to eql(2) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["three"] ).to eql(333) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["four"] ).to eql([444]) expect( node["baseline_attr"]["deep"]["five"] ).to eql([5]) end end end end describe "fetching the desired cookbook set" do let(:example1_cookbook_data) { double("CookbookVersion Hash for example1 cookbook") } let(:example2_cookbook_data) { double("CookbookVersion Hash for example2 cookbook") } let(:example1_cookbook_object) { double("Chef::CookbookVersion for example1 cookbook", version: "0.1.2") } let(:example2_cookbook_object) { double("Chef::CookbookVersion for example2 cookbook", version: "1.2.3") } let(:expected_cookbook_hash) do { "example1" => example1_cookbook_object, "example2" => example2_cookbook_object } end let(:example1_xyz_version) { example1_lock_data["dotted_decimal_identifier"] } let(:example2_xyz_version) { example2_lock_data["dotted_decimal_identifier"] } let(:example1_identifier) { example1_lock_data["identifier"] } let(:example2_identifier) { example2_lock_data["identifier"] } let(:cookbook_synchronizer) { double("Chef::CookbookSynchronizer") } shared_examples "fetching cookbooks when they don't exist" do context "and a cookbook is missing" do let(:error404) { Net::HTTPClientException.new("404 message", :body) } before do policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) policy_builder.build_node expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(cookbook1_url) .and_raise(error404) end it "raises an error indicating which cookbook is missing" do expect { policy_builder.cookbooks_to_sync }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookNotFound) end end end shared_examples_for "fetching cookbooks when they exist" do context "and the cookbooks can be fetched" do before do Chef.reset! policy_builder.finish_load_node(node) policy_builder.build_node allow(Chef::CookbookSynchronizer).to receive(:new) .with(expected_cookbook_hash, events) .and_return(cookbook_synchronizer) end after do Chef.reset! end it "builds a Hash of the form 'cookbook_name' => Chef::CookbookVersion" do expect(policy_builder.cookbooks_to_sync).to eq(expected_cookbook_hash) end it "syncs the desired cookbooks via CookbookSynchronizer" do expect(cookbook_synchronizer).to receive(:sync_cookbooks) policy_builder.sync_cookbooks end it "builds a run context" do expect(cookbook_synchronizer).to receive(:sync_cookbooks) expect_any_instance_of(Chef::RunContext).to receive(:load).with(policy_builder.run_list_expansion_ish) expect_any_instance_of(Chef::CookbookCollection).to receive(:validate!) expect_any_instance_of(Chef::CookbookCollection).to receive(:install_gems) run_context = policy_builder.setup_run_context expect(run_context.node).to eq(node) expect(run_context.cookbook_collection.keys).to match_array(%w{example1 example2}) end it "makes the run context available via static method on Chef" do expect(cookbook_synchronizer).to receive(:sync_cookbooks) expect_any_instance_of(Chef::RunContext).to receive(:load).with(policy_builder.run_list_expansion_ish) expect_any_instance_of(Chef::CookbookCollection).to receive(:validate!) expect_any_instance_of(Chef::CookbookCollection).to receive(:install_gems) run_context = policy_builder.setup_run_context expect(Chef.run_context).to eq(run_context) end end end # shared_examples_for "fetching cookbooks" context "when using compatibility mode (policy_document_native_api == false)" do let(:cookbook1_url) { "cookbooks/example1/#{example1_xyz_version}" } let(:cookbook2_url) { "cookbooks/example2/#{example2_xyz_version}" } context "when the cookbooks don't exist on the server" do include_examples "fetching cookbooks when they don't exist" end context "when the cookbooks exist on the server" do before do expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(cookbook1_url) .and_return(example1_cookbook_data) expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(cookbook2_url) .and_return(example2_cookbook_data) expect(Chef::CookbookVersion).to receive(:from_cb_artifact_data).with(example1_cookbook_data) .and_return(example1_cookbook_object) expect(Chef::CookbookVersion).to receive(:from_cb_artifact_data).with(example2_cookbook_data) .and_return(example2_cookbook_object) end include_examples "fetching cookbooks when they exist" end end context "when using native API mode (policy_document_native_api == true)" do before do Chef::Config[:policy_document_native_api] = true Chef::Config[:policy_group] = "policy-stage" Chef::Config[:policy_name] = "example" end let(:cookbook1_url) { "cookbook_artifacts/example1/#{example1_identifier}" } let(:cookbook2_url) { "cookbook_artifacts/example2/#{example2_identifier}" } context "when the cookbooks don't exist on the server" do include_examples "fetching cookbooks when they don't exist" end context "when the cookbooks exist on the server" do before do expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(cookbook1_url) .and_return(example1_cookbook_data) expect(api_service).to receive(:get).with(cookbook2_url) .and_return(example2_cookbook_data) expect(Chef::CookbookVersion).to receive(:from_cb_artifact_data).with(example1_cookbook_data) .and_return(example1_cookbook_object) expect(Chef::CookbookVersion).to receive(:from_cb_artifact_data).with(example2_cookbook_data) .and_return(example2_cookbook_object) end include_examples "fetching cookbooks when they exist" end end end end end end