define("dojox/geo/openlayers/JsonImport", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "./LineString", "./Collection", "./GeometryFeature" ], function(declare, xhr, lang, array, LineString, Collection, GeometryFeature){ /*===== dojox.geo.openlayers.__JsonImportArgs = { // summary: // The keyword arguments that can be passed in a JsonImport constructor. // url: String // The url pointing to the JSON file to load. // nextFeature: function // The function called each time a feature is read. The function is called with a GeometryFeature as argument. // error: function // Error callback called if something fails. }; =====*/ return declare("dojox.geo.openlayers.JsonImport", null, { // summary: // Class to load JSON formated ShapeFile as output of the JSon Custom Map Converter. // description: // This class loads JSON formated ShapeFile produced by the JSon Custom Map Converter. // When loading the JSON file, it calls a iterator function each time a feature is read. // This iterator function is provided as parameter to the constructor. // constructor : function(params){ // summary: // Construct a new JSON importer. // params: dojox.geo.openlayers.__JsonImportArgs // The parameters to initialize this JsonImport instance. this._params = params; }, loadData: function(){ // summary: // Triggers the loading. var p = this._params; xhr.get({ url: p.url, handleAs: "json", sync: true, load: lang.hitch(this, this._gotData), error: lang.hitch(this, this._loadError) }); }, _gotData: function(/* Object */items){ // summary: // Called when loading is complete. // tags: // private var nf = this._params.nextFeature; if(!lang.isFunction(nf)){ return; } var extent = items.layerExtent; var ulx = extent[0]; var uly = extent[1]; var lrx = ulx + extent[2]; var lry = uly + extent[3]; var extentLL = items.layerExtentLL; var x1 = extentLL[0]; var y1 = extentLL[1]; var x2 = x1 + extentLL[2]; var y2 = y1 + extentLL[3]; var ulxLL = x1; var ulyLL = y2; var lrxLL = x2; var lryLL = y1; var features = items.features; for( var f in features){ var o = features[f]; var s = o["shape"]; var gf = null; if(lang.isArray(s[0])){ var a = new Array(); array.forEach(s, function(item){ var ls = this._makeGeometry(item, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, ulxLL, ulyLL, lrxLL, lryLL); a.push(ls); }, this); var g = new Collection(a); gf = new GeometryFeature(g);, gf); }else{ gf = this._makeFeature(s, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, ulxLL, ulyLL, lrxLL, lryLL);, gf); } } var complete = this._params.complete; if(lang.isFunction(complete)){, complete); } }, _makeGeometry: function(/* Array */s, /* Float */ulx, /* Float */uly, /* Float */lrx, /* Float */ lry, /* Float */ulxLL, /* Float */ulyLL, /* Float */lrxLL, /* Float */lryLL){ // summary: // Make a geometry with the specified points. // tags: // private var a = []; var k = 0.0; for( var i = 0; i < s.length - 1; i += 2){ var x = s[i]; var y = s[i + 1]; k = (x - ulx) / (lrx - ulx); var px = k * (lrxLL - ulxLL) + ulxLL; k = (y - uly) / (lry - uly); var py = k * (lryLL - ulyLL) + ulyLL; a.push({ x: px, y: py }); } var ls = new LineString(a); return ls; // LineString }, _makeFeature: function(/* Array */s, /* Float */ulx, /* Float */uly, /* Float */lrx, /* Float */ lry, /* Float */ulxLL, /* Float */ulyLL, /* Float */lrxLL, /* Float */lryLL){ // summary: // Make a GeometryFeature with the specified points. // tags: // private var ls = this._makeGeometry(s, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, ulxLL, ulyLL, lrxLL, lryLL); var gf = new GeometryFeature(ls); return gf; }, _loadError: function(){ // summary: // Called when an error occurs. Calls the error function is provided in the parameters. // tags: // private var f = this._params.error; if(lang.isFunction(f)){ f.apply(this, parameters); } } }); });