# frozen_string_literal: true # # Collect S3 Resources # class S3 < Mapper # # Returns an array of resources. # # Since S3 is a global service, the bucket operation calls # can be parallelized. # def collect resources = [] # # list_buckets # @client.list_buckets.each_with_index do |response, page| log(response.context.operation_name, page) Parallel.map(response.buckets.each, in_threads: @options.threads) do |bucket| @thread = Parallel.worker_number log(response.context.operation_name, bucket.name) struct = OpenStruct.new(bucket) struct.type = 'bucket' struct.arn = "arn:aws:s3:::#{bucket.name}" # check bucket region constraint location = @client.get_bucket_location({ bucket: bucket.name }).location_constraint # if you use a region other than the us-east-1 endpoint # to create a bucket, you must set the location_constraint # bucket parameter to the same region. (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/s3.html) client = if location.empty? struct.location = 'us-east-1' @client else struct.location = location Aws::S3::Client.new({ region: location }) end operations = [ { func: 'get_bucket_acl', key: 'acl', field: nil }, { func: 'get_bucket_encryption', key: 'encryption', field: 'server_side_encryption_configuration' }, { func: 'get_bucket_replication', key: 'replication', field: 'replication_configuration' }, { func: 'get_bucket_policy', key: 'policy', field: 'policy' }, { func: 'get_bucket_policy_status', key: 'public', field: 'policy_status' }, { func: 'get_public_access_block', key: 'public_access_block', field: 'public_access_block_configuration' }, { func: 'get_bucket_tagging', key: 'tagging', field: nil }, { func: 'get_bucket_logging', key: 'logging', field: 'logging_enabled' }, { func: 'get_bucket_versioning', key: 'versioning', field: nil }, { func: 'get_bucket_website', key: 'website', field: nil } ] operations.each do |operation| op = OpenStruct.new(operation) resp = client.send(op.func, { bucket: bucket.name }) struct[op.key] = if op.key == 'policy' resp.policy.string.parse_policy else op.field ? resp.send(op.field).to_h : resp.to_h end rescue Aws::S3::Errors::ServiceError => e log_error(e.code) raise e unless suppressed_errors.include?(e.code) && !@options.quit_on_exception end resources.push(struct.to_h) end end resources end private # not an error def suppressed_errors %w[ AccessDenied ServerSideEncryptionConfigurationNotFoundError NoSuchBucketPolicy NoSuchTagSet NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration ReplicationConfigurationNotFoundError NoSuchPublicAccessBlockConfiguration ] end end