## 5.0.0 ### Enhancements - **General Changes** - Update to MIT license - Update all server requests to use NSRR API v1 - **Gem Changes** - Update to ruby 2.6.3 - Update to bundler >= 1.3.0 - Update to simplecov 0.16.1 - Remove colorize ## 0.4.0 (December 13, 2016) ### Enhancements - **Gem Changes** - Updated to Ruby 2.3.3 - Updated to colorize 0.8.1 - Updated to simplecov 0.12.0 - Updated to bundler 1.13 ## 0.3.0 (April 25, 2016) ### Enhancements - **Download Command** - The `nsrr download` command can now download single files - Ex: `nsrr download shhs/datasets/CHANGELOG.md` - User tokens are stripped of extra whitespace to avoid common authentication issues - **Gem Changes** - Updated to Ruby 2.3.0 - Updated to colorize 0.7.7 - Updated to simplecov 0.11.2 - Removed minitest-reporters - Bundler is now a required dependency ### Bug Fix - Fixed an issue that flooded test output with uninitialized string class instance variable `@disable_colorization` ## 0.2.0 (May 29, 2015) ### Enhancements - The `nsrr download` command now allows users to download files from private datasets - The `nsrr download` command provides better feedback on the validity of the authorization token provided by the user - Use of Ruby 2.2.2 is now recommended - Added text to inform users that input is hidden while entering token ### Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue preventing public files from being downloaded when an invalid token was entered ## 0.1.1 (October 23, 2014) ### Enhancements - User token input is now hidden to prevent discovery of tokens in console history - Use of Ruby 2.1.3 is now recommended ## 0.1.0 (September 29, 2014) ### Enhancements - Added a `nsrr download` command that allows users to download partial or entire datasets - Example: `nsrr download shhs` - Added a `nsrr console` command that allows users to access and download datasets and files - Datasets can be loaded in the console environment - `d = Dataset.find 'shhs'` - Dataset files can be downloaded as well - `d.download` - The download function can include a path, method, and depth - **path** - can be `nil` to download entire dataset or a string to specify a folder - **method** - 'md5' [default] - Checks if a downloaded file exists with the exact md5 as the online version, if so, skips that file - 'fresh' - Downloads every file without checking if it was already downloaded - 'fast' - Only checks if a download file exists with the same file size as the online version, if so, skips that file - **depth** - 'recursive' [default] - Downloads files in selected path folder and all subfolders - 'shallow' - Only downloads files in selected path folder - Added a `nsrr update` command the provides the user with information on how to update the nsrr gem - Added a `nsrr version` command the returns the current version of the nsrr gem - Added testing framework to more easily add new tests for new features