require 'active_record' require 'active_support/concern' module Geokit module ActsAsMappable class UnsupportedAdapter < StandardError ; end # Add the +acts_as_mappable+ method into ActiveRecord subclasses module Glue # :nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # :nodoc: def acts_as_mappable(options = {}) metaclass = (class << self; self; end) self.send :include, Geokit::ActsAsMappable cattr_accessor :through self.through = options[:through] if reflection = Geokit::ActsAsMappable.end_of_reflection_chain(self.through, self) metaclass.instance_eval do [ :distance_column_name, :default_units, :default_formula, :lat_column_name, :lng_column_name, :qualified_lat_column_name, :qualified_lng_column_name ].each do |method_name| define_method method_name do reflection.klass.send(method_name) end end end else cattr_accessor :distance_column_name, :default_units, :default_formula, :lat_column_name, :lng_column_name, :qualified_lat_column_name, :qualified_lng_column_name self.distance_column_name = options[:distance_column_name] || 'distance' self.default_units = options[:default_units] || Geokit::default_units self.default_formula = options[:default_formula] || Geokit::default_formula self.lat_column_name = options[:lat_column_name] || 'lat' self.lng_column_name = options[:lng_column_name] || 'lng' self.qualified_lat_column_name = "#{table_name}.#{lat_column_name}" self.qualified_lng_column_name = "#{table_name}.#{lng_column_name}" if options.include?(:auto_geocode) && options[:auto_geocode] # if the form auto_geocode=>true is used, let the defaults take over by suppling an empty hash options[:auto_geocode] = {} if options[:auto_geocode] == true cattr_accessor :auto_geocode_field, :auto_geocode_error_message self.auto_geocode_field = options[:auto_geocode][:field] || 'address' self.auto_geocode_error_message = options[:auto_geocode][:error_message] || 'could not locate address' # set the actual callback here before_validation :auto_geocode_address, :on => :create end end end end end # Glue extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Geokit::Mappable end # Class methods included in models when +acts_as_mappable+ is called module ClassMethods # A proxy to an instance of a finder adapter, inferred from the connection's adapter. def adapter @adapter ||= begin require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'adapters', connection.adapter_name.downcase) klass = Adapters.const_get(connection.adapter_name.camelcase) klass.load(self) unless klass.loaded rescue LoadError raise UnsupportedAdapter, "`#{connection.adapter_name.downcase}` is not a supported adapter." end end def within(distance, options = {}) options[:within] = distance geo_scope(options) end alias inside within def beyond(distance, options = {}) options[:beyond] = distance geo_scope(options) end alias outside beyond def in_range(range, options = {}) options[:range] = range geo_scope(options) end def in_bounds(bounds, options = {}) options[:bounds] = bounds geo_scope(options) end def closest(options = {}) geo_scope(options).order("#{distance_column_name} asc").limit(1) end alias nearest closest def farthest(options = {}) geo_scope(options).order("#{distance_column_name} desc").limit(1) end def geo_scope(options = {}) arel = self.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) ? self : self.scoped origin = extract_origin_from_options(options) units = extract_units_from_options(options) formula = extract_formula_from_options(options) bounds = extract_bounds_from_options(options) if origin || bounds bounds = formulate_bounds_from_distance(options, origin, units) unless bounds if origin @distance_formula = distance_sql(origin, units, formula) arel ='*') if arel.select_values.blank? arel ="#{@distance_formula} AS #{distance_column_name}") end if bounds bound_conditions = bound_conditions(bounds) arel = arel.where(bound_conditions) if bound_conditions end distance_conditions = distance_conditions(options) arel = arel.where(distance_conditions) if distance_conditions if origin arel = substitute_distance_in_where_values(arel, origin, units, formula) end end arel end # Returns the distance calculation to be used as a display column or a condition. This # is provide for anyone wanting access to the raw SQL. def distance_sql(origin, units=default_units, formula=default_formula) case formula when :sphere sql = sphere_distance_sql(origin, units) when :flat sql = flat_distance_sql(origin, units) end sql end private # If it's a :within query, add a bounding box to improve performance. # This only gets called if a :bounds argument is not otherwise supplied. def formulate_bounds_from_distance(options, origin, units) distance = options[:within] if options.has_key?(:within) distance = options[:range].last-(options[:range].exclude_end?? 1 : 0) if options.has_key?(:range) if distance res=Geokit::Bounds.from_point_and_radius(origin,distance,:units=>units) else nil end end def distance_conditions(options) if options.has_key?(:within) "#{distance_column_name} <= #{options[:within]}" elsif options.has_key?(:beyond) "#{distance_column_name} > #{options[:beyond]}" elsif options.has_key?(:range) "#{distance_column_name} >= #{options[:range].first} AND #{distance_column_name} <#{'=' unless options[:range].exclude_end?} #{options[:range].last}" end end def bound_conditions(bounds) sw,ne = bounds.sw, lng_sql = bounds.crosses_meridian? ? "(#{qualified_lng_column_name}<#{ne.lng} OR #{qualified_lng_column_name}>#{sw.lng})" : "#{qualified_lng_column_name}>#{sw.lng} AND #{qualified_lng_column_name}<#{ne.lng}" "#{qualified_lat_column_name}>#{} AND #{qualified_lat_column_name}<#{} AND #{lng_sql}" end # Extracts the origin instance out of the options if it exists and returns # it. If there is no origin, looks for latitude and longitude values to # create an origin. The side-effect of the method is to remove these # option keys from the hash. def extract_origin_from_options(options) origin = options.delete(:origin) res = normalize_point_to_lat_lng(origin) if origin res end # Extract the units out of the options if it exists and returns it. If # there is no :units key, it uses the default. The side effect of the # method is to remove the :units key from the options hash. def extract_units_from_options(options) units = options[:units] || default_units options.delete(:units) units end # Extract the formula out of the options if it exists and returns it. If # there is no :formula key, it uses the default. The side effect of the # method is to remove the :formula key from the options hash. def extract_formula_from_options(options) formula = options[:formula] || default_formula options.delete(:formula) formula end def extract_bounds_from_options(options) bounds = options.delete(:bounds) bounds = Geokit::Bounds.normalize(bounds) if bounds end # Geocode IP address. def geocode_ip_address(origin) geo_location = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(origin) return geo_location if geo_location.success raise Geokit::Geocoders::GeocodeError end # Given a point in a variety of (an address to geocode, # an array of [lat,lng], or an object with appropriate lat/lng methods, an IP addres) # this method will normalize it into a Geokit::LatLng instance. The only thing this # method adds on top of LatLng#normalize is handling of IP addresses def normalize_point_to_lat_lng(point) res = geocode_ip_address(point) if point.is_a?(String) && /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})?$/.match(point) res = Geokit::LatLng.normalize(point) unless res res end # Looks for the distance column and replaces it with the distance sql. If an origin was not # passed in and the distance column exists, we leave it to be flagged as bad SQL by the database. # Conditions are either a string or an array. In the case of an array, the first entry contains # the condition. def substitute_distance_in_where_values(arel, origin, units=default_units, formula=default_formula) pattern ="\\b#{distance_column_name}\\b") value = distance_sql(origin, units, formula)! do |where_value| if where_value.is_a?(String) where_value.gsub(pattern, value) else where_value end end arel end # Returns the distance SQL using the spherical world formula (Haversine). The SQL is tuned # to the database in use. def sphere_distance_sql(origin, units) lat = deg2rad( lng = deg2rad(origin.lng) multiplier = units_sphere_multiplier(units) adapter.sphere_distance_sql(lat, lng, multiplier) if adapter end # Returns the distance SQL using the flat-world formula (Phythagorean Theory). The SQL is tuned # to the database in use. def flat_distance_sql(origin, units) lat_degree_units = units_per_latitude_degree(units) lng_degree_units = units_per_longitude_degree(, units) adapter.flat_distance_sql(origin, lat_degree_units, lng_degree_units) end end # ClassMethods # this is the callback for auto_geocoding def auto_geocode_address address=self.send(auto_geocode_field).to_s geo=Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(address) if geo.success self.send("#{lat_column_name}=", self.send("#{lng_column_name}=", geo.lng) else errors.add(auto_geocode_field, auto_geocode_error_message) end geo.success end def self.end_of_reflection_chain(through, klass) while through reflection = nil if through.is_a?(Hash) association, through = through.to_a.first else association, through = through, nil end if reflection = klass.reflect_on_association(association) klass = reflection.klass else raise ArgumentError, "You gave #{association} in :through, but I could not find it on #{klass}." end end reflection end end # ActsAsMappable end # Geokit # ActiveRecord::Base.extend Geokit::ActsAsMappable