require 'open-uri' require 'multi_json' require 'cgi' # Service that searches HathiTrust from the University of Michigan # # Supports full text links, and search inside. # # We link to HathiTrust using a direct URL instead # of the redirection, for two reasonsL # 1) Can't use the redirection for the "direct link to search # results for user-entered query" feature. # 2) Some may want to force a Shibboleth login on HT links. Can't do that # with the redirection either. If you do want to do that, # possibly in concert with an EZProxy mediated WAYFless login, # set direct_link_base in your services.yml to: # "" # # Many (but not all) HT books will also be in Google Books (and vice versa) # However, HT was more generous in deciding what books are public domain than GBS. # Therefore the main expected use case is to use with Google Books, with # HT being a lower priority, using preempted_by config. # # Some may prefer HT search inside interface to Google, so search inside # is not suppressed with presence of google. You can turn off HT # search inside entirely if you like. # # For HT records representing one volume of several, a :excerpts type # response will be added if full text is avail for some. Or a :highlighted_link # if only search inside is available for some. # Or set config show_multi_volume=false to prevent this and ignore partial # volumes. # # Two possibilities are available for sdr rights "full" or "searchonly". # The third possibility is that sdr will be null. # # An ISBN with search-only: 0195101464 class HathiTrust < Service include MetadataHelper attr_reader :url, :display_name, :note def service_types_generated types = [ ServiceTypeValue[:fulltext] ] types.concat([ServiceTypeValue[:excerpts], ServiceTypeValue[:highlighted_link]]) if @show_multi_volume types << ServiceTypeValue[:search_inside] if @show_search_inside return types end def initialize(config) @api_url = '' # Set to '' to force # Shibboleth login, possibly in concert with EZProxy providing # WAYFLess login. @direct_link_base = '' @display_name = 'HathiTrust' @num_full_views = 1 # max num full view links to include @note = '' #'Fulltext books from the University of Michigan' @show_search_inside = true @show_multi_volume = true @credits = { "HathiTrust" => "" } super(config) end def handle(request) params = get_parameters(request.referent) return request.dispatched(self, true) if params.blank? ht_json = do_query(params) return request.dispatched(self, true) if ht_json.nil? #extract the "items" list from the first result group from #response. first_group = ht_json.values.first items = first_group["items"] # Only add fulltext if we're not skipping due to GBS if ( preempted_by(request, "fulltext")) Rails.logger.debug("#{self.class}: Skipping due to pre-emption") else full_views_shown = create_fulltext_service_response(request, items) end if @show_multi_volume #possibly partial volumes create_partial_volume_responses(request, ht_json) end create_search_inside(request, items) return request.dispatched(self, true) end # just a wrapper around get_bibkey_parameters def get_parameters(rft) # API supports oclcnum, isbn, or lccn, and can provide more than one of each. get_bibkey_parameters(rft) do |isbn, lccn, oclcnum| keys = keys << "oclc:" + CGI.escape(oclcnum) unless oclcnum.blank? keys << "lccn:" + CGI.escape(lccn) unless lccn.blank? # Only include ISBN if we have it and we do NOT have oclc or lccn, # Bill Dueber's advice for best matching. HT api will only match # if ALL the id's we supply match. keys << "isbn:" + CGI.escape(isbn) unless (isbn.blank? || keys.length > 0) if keys.length > 0 return keys.join(";") else return nil end end end # method that takes a referent and a block for parameter creation # The block receives isbn, lccn, oclcnum and is responsible for formatting # the parameters for the particular service # FIXME consider moving this into metadata_helper def get_bibkey_parameters(rft) isbn = get_identifier(:urn, "isbn", rft) oclcnum = get_identifier(:info, "oclcnum", rft) lccn = get_lccn(rft) yield(isbn, lccn, oclcnum) end # conducts query and parses the JSON def do_query(params) link = @api_url + "/brief/json/" + params return MultiJson.decode( open(link).read ) end def create_fulltext_service_response(request, items) return nil if items.empty? display_name = @display_name count = 0 items.each do |item| next if is_serial_part?(item) next unless full_view?(item) request.add_service_response( :service=>self, :display_text=>display_name, :url=> direct_url_to(item), :notes=> note_for(item), :service_type_value => :fulltext ) count += 1 break if count == @num_full_views end return count end # If HT has partial serial volumes, include a link to that. # Need to pass in complete HT json response def create_partial_volume_responses(request, ht_json) items = ht_json.values.first["items"] full_ids = items.collect do |i| i["fromRecord"] if (is_serial_part?(i) && full_view?(i)) end.compact.uniq full_ids.each do |recordId| record = ht_json.values.first["records"][recordId] next unless record && record["recordURL"] request.add_service_response( :service=>self, :display_text=>@display_name, :url=> record["recordURL"], :notes => excerpt_note_for(record), :service_type_value => :excerpts ) end if full_ids.empty? search_ids = items.collect do |i| i["fromRecord"] if (is_serial_part?(i) ) end.compact.uniq search_ids.each do |recordId| record = ht_json.values.first["records"][recordId] next unless record && record["recordURL"] request.add_service_response( :service=>self, :display_text=>"Search inside some volumes", :url=> record["recordURL"], :service_type_value => :highlighted_link ) end end end def create_search_inside(request, items) return if items.empty? # Can only include search from the first one # There's search inside for _any_ HT item. We think. item = items.first # if this is a serial, we don't want to search inside just part of it, forget it return if is_serial_part?(item) direct_url = search_url_to(item) return unless direct_url request.add_service_response( :service => self, :display_text=>@display_name, :url=> direct_url, :service_type_value => :search_inside ) end def direct_url_to(item_json) if @direct_link_base # we're constructing our own link because we need our EZProxy # to recognize it for WAYFLess login, which it won't if we use # the url, sorry. # We also need direct link for direct link to search results. @direct_link_base + "pt?id=" + CGI.escape(item_json['htid']) else item['itemURL'] end end def note_for(item) if item['orig'] "Digitized from #{item['orig']}" else nil end end def excerpt_note_for(record) return nil unless record["titles"].kind_of?(Array) "Some volumes of: #{record["titles"].first}" end def is_serial_part?(item) # if it's got enumCron, then it's just part of a serial, # we don't want to say the serial title as a whole has full text # or can be searched, skip it. return item['enumcron'] end def full_view?(item) item["usRightsString"] == "Full view" end def search_url_to(item_json) if @direct_link_base @direct_link_base + "ptsearch?id=" + CGI.escape(item_json['htid']) else return nil end end # Handle search_inside def response_url(service_response, submitted_params) if ( ! ( == "search_inside" )) return super(service_response, submitted_params) else base = service_response[:url] query = CGI.escape(submitted_params["query"] || "") url = base + "&q1=#{query}" return url end end # sample OCLCnums with appropriate results showing that we can pick up other # resources by using this service # 02029914 MBooks: full, GBS: info with search inside # 01635828 MBooks: full, GBS: snippet # 55517975 MBooks: search, GBS: limited preview # 02299399 MBooks: full, GBS: snippet # 16857172 MBooks: full, GBS: info # Example of a serial with some full text volumes: # JAMA, lccn:07037314 # # Example of a multi-volume with search-only, split accross # two HT records. # Handbook of biochemistry and molecular biology lccn: 75029514 end