# encoding: utf-8 ### # to run use # ruby -I ./lib -I ./test test/test_event_table_reader.rb # or better # rake -I ./lib test require 'helper' class TestEventTableReaderXX < MiniTest::Test # note: TestEventTableReader alreay defined, thus, add xx def setup WorldDb.delete! SportDb.delete! PersonDb.delete! ## setup österr. bundesliga at = Country.create!( key: 'at', name: 'Austria', code: 'AUT', pop: 1, area: 1) season = Season.create!( key: '2015/16', title: '2015/16' ) bl = League.create!( key: 'at', title: 'Österr. Bundesliga', club: true, country_id: at.id ) ## read teams (required for db key lookup) teamreader = TestTeamReader.from_file( 'at-austria/teams', country_id: at.id ) teamreader.read teamreader = TestTeamReader.from_file( 'at-austria/teams_2', country_id: at.id ) teamreader.read end def test_bl r = TestEventTableReader.from_file( 'at-austria/2015_16/1-bundesliga.conf' ) r.read assert true ## if we get here; assume everything ok end def test_bl_v2 r = TestEventTableReader.from_file( 'at-austria/2015_16/1-bundesliga-v2.conf' ) r.read assert true ## if we get here; assume everything ok end ### fix/todo: ## to be done - add support for Wiener Sportklub (RL Ost) => Wiener Sportklub lookups def xxxx_test_cup at = Country.create!( key: 'at', name: 'Austria', code: 'AUT', pop: 1, area: 1) season = Season.create!( key: '2015/16', title: '2015/16' ) cup = League.create!( key: 'at.cup', title: 'Cup', club: true, country_id: at.id ) r = TestEventReader.from_file( 'at-austria/2015_16/cup' ) r.read assert true ## if we get here; assume everything ok end end # class TestEventReader