#ifndef UNF_TRIE_SEARCHER_HH #define UNF_TRIE_SEARCHER_HH #include "char_stream.hh" #include "node.hh" #include "../util.hh" namespace UNF { namespace Trie { class Searcher { public: Searcher(const Node* nodes, const char* value=NULL) : nodes(nodes), value(value) {} unsigned find_value(const char* key, int default_value) const { unsigned node_index=0; for(CharStream in(key);; in.read()) { node_index = nodes[node_index].jump(in.peek()); if(nodes[node_index].check_char()==in.peek()) { unsigned terminal_index = nodes[node_index].jump('\0'); if(nodes[terminal_index].check_char()=='\0') return nodes[terminal_index].value(); } else return default_value; } } protected: const Node* nodes; const char* value; }; class CanonicalCombiningClass : private Searcher { public: CanonicalCombiningClass(const unsigned* node_uints) : Searcher(Node::from_uint_array(node_uints)) {} unsigned get_class(const char* str) const { return find_value(str,0); } void sort(char* str, std::vector& classes) const { CharStream in(str); unsigned sort_beg=0; unsigned sort_end=0; unsigned unicode_char_count=0; loop_head: unsigned beg = in.cur()-str; for(unsigned node_index=0;;){ node_index = nodes[node_index].jump(in.read()); if(nodes[node_index].check_char()==in.prev()) { unsigned terminal_index = nodes[node_index].jump('\0'); if(nodes[terminal_index].check_char()=='\0') { if((unicode_char_count++)==0) sort_beg = beg; sort_end = in.cur()-str; unsigned char klass = nodes[terminal_index].value(); for(unsigned i=beg; i < sort_end; i++) classes[i] = klass; break; } } else { if(unicode_char_count > 1) bubble_sort(str, classes, sort_beg, sort_end); unicode_char_count = 0; break; } } Util::eat_until_utf8_char_start_point(in); if(in.eos()==false) goto loop_head; if(unicode_char_count > 1) bubble_sort(str, classes, sort_beg, sort_end); } private: void bubble_sort(char* str, std::vector& canonical_classes, unsigned beg, unsigned end) const { for(unsigned limit=beg, next=end; limit != next;) { limit = next; for(unsigned i=beg+1; i < limit; i++) if(canonical_classes[i-1] > canonical_classes[i]) { std::swap(canonical_classes[i-1], canonical_classes[i]); std::swap(str[i-1], str[i]); next = i; } } } }; class NormalizationForm : private Searcher { public: NormalizationForm(const unsigned* node_uints, const char* value=NULL) : Searcher(Node::from_uint_array(node_uints), value) {} bool quick_check(const char* key) const { return find_value(key,0xFFFFFFFF)==0xFFFFFFFF; } void decompose(RangeCharStream in, std::string& buffer) const { loop_head: const char* beg = in.cur(); for(unsigned node_index=0;;) { node_index = nodes[node_index].jump(in.read()); if(nodes[node_index].check_char()==in.prev()) { unsigned terminal_index = nodes[node_index].jump('\0'); if(nodes[terminal_index].check_char()=='\0') { buffer.append(value+nodes[terminal_index].value()); beg = in.cur(); break; } } else { Util::eat_until_utf8_char_start_point(in); buffer.append(beg, in.cur()); break; } } if(in.eos()==false) goto loop_head; } void compose(CharStreamForComposition& in, std::string& buf) const { in.init_skipinfo(); const char* const beg = in.cur(); const char* current_char_head = in.cur(); const char* composed_char = NULL; unsigned node_index = 0; unsigned retry_root_node = 0; unsigned char retry_root_class = 0; for(bool first=true;;) { if(Util::is_utf8_char_start_byte(in.peek())) { if(node_index != 0) first=false; current_char_head = in.cur(); retry_root_node = node_index; retry_root_class = in.get_canonical_class(); } retry: unsigned next_index = nodes[node_index].jump(in.read()); if(nodes[next_index].check_char()==in.prev()) { // succeeded node_index = next_index; unsigned terminal_index = nodes[node_index].jump('\0'); if(nodes[terminal_index].check_char()=='\0') { composed_char = value+nodes[terminal_index].value(); in.mark_as_last_valid_point(); if(in.eos() || retry_root_class > in.get_canonical_class()) break; } } else if (first==true) { // no retry if current point is a part of first starter break; } else if (in.next_combining_char(retry_root_class, current_char_head)==true) { // back previous code-point and retry node_index = retry_root_node; current_char_head = in.cur(); goto retry; } else { break; } } if(composed_char) { // append composed unicode-character and skipped combining-characters buf.append(composed_char); in.append_skipped_chars_to_str(buf); in.reset_at_marked_point(); } else { // append one unicode-character in.setCur(Util::nearest_utf8_char_start_point(beg+1)); in.append_read_char_to_str(buf, beg); } } }; } } #endif