# Ops Tasks Provides your project with rake tasks for deploying to AWS via Opsworks - Alerts Slack channel that deployment is starting - Initiates a deployment on Opsworks - Monitors deployment until completion - Alerts Slack channel of result status for deployment ## Setup #### Add gem & source # Gemfile gem 'ops_tasks', '~> 0.4' #### or install gem install 'ops_tasks' #### Find your AWS IAM Credentials If my AWS IAM user name was `Nick` `https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?region=us-east-1#users/Nick` Then click 'Manage Access Keys' and create a new Access Key. The secret key will only be shown once. After that, you'll have to create a new one if you lose it. #### Find your stack and instance IDs These are listed on the settings or details page for stacks and instances, and they're called _Opsworks ID_. #### Setup your environment variables as follows: | variable name | description | | --------------|-------------- | | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | your AWS access key id / API key | | AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | your AWS secret key / API secret | | AWS_REGION | region of AWS instance (should always be us-east-1) | | production_layer_id | opsworks layer id for production servers | | production_stack_id | opsworks stack id for production server | | production_deploy_recipe | deployment recipe for production server (cookbook-name::recipe-name) | | production_project_name | Project description used in hipchat alert ("App Name Production") | | production_room_notifications | true or false; enable or disable slack alerts | | production_slack_channel | Slack channel to alert of deployment | | SLACK_API_TOKEN | API token for your slack team | | SLACK_BOT_IMG | url for the icon that appears with the alert in slack. defaults to Bender. | To add additional layers, just copy the above format, and change `production` to whatever you'd like to name it. The deploy task will automatically detect your configurations based on the environment variables you set. ``` your_server_name_layer_id your_server_name_stack_id your_server_name_deploy_recipe your_server_name_project_name your_server_name_slack_channel your_server_name_room_notifications ``` You can use [figaro](https://github.com/laserlemon/figaro) or [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv). I prefer figaro. #### Ruby Setup (without rails) 1. If using figaro, add your `application.yml` file to the `./config/` directory (create one). 1. If using dotenv, use a `.env` file in the root of your project. 1. To generate a dotenv file, run the command `ops_tasks init` 1. To add a deploy environment, run the command `ops_tasks add ` ## Usage (With Rails) If you only have one deployment environment in your env file, ops_tasks will run that one automatically. If more than one exists, ops_tasks will prompt you via a graphical menu. ### Update Cookbooks bundle exec rake ops_tasks:update_cookbooks ### Deploy to AWS bundle exec rake ops_tasks:deploy Select a server... 1. staging 2. production 3. realtime 4. sidekiq 5. quit ? 4 Sidekiq Server: Preparing deployment... successful Sidekiq Server: Running... successful ### Run Configuration Recipes bundle exec rake ops_tasks:configure ### Run Setup Recipes bundle exec rake ops_tasks:setup ## Usage (Without Rails) Run any of these tasks from your project directory # Run the deploy recipe noted in your env ops_tasks deploy # Run the setup recipe(s) as listed in your OpsWorks Layer ops_tasks setup # Update your cookbooks on OpsWorks ops_tasks update_cookbooks # Run the configure recipe(s) as listed in your OpsWorks Layer ops_tasks configure