# frozen_string_literal: true require "concurrent" require "pp" require "speculation/pmap" require "speculation/gen" module Speculation module Test extend NamespacedSymbols extend Pmap # @private S = Speculation @instrumented_methods = Concurrent::Atom.new({}) @instrument_enabled = Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar.new(true) class << self # if false, instrumented methods call straight through attr_accessor :instrument_enabled end # Disables instrument's checking of calls within a block def self.with_instrument_disabled instrument_enabled.value = false yield ensure instrument_enabled.value = true end # Given an opts hash as per instrument, returns the set of methods that can # be instrumented. # @param opts [Hash] # @return [Array<Identifier>] def self.instrumentable_methods(opts = {}) if opts[:gen] unless opts[:gen].keys.all? { |k| k.is_a?(Method) || k.is_a?(Symbol) } raise ArgumentError, "instrument :gen expects Method or Symbol keys" end end S.registry.keys.select(&method(:fn_spec_name?)).to_set.tap { |set| set.merge(opts[:spec].keys) if opts[:spec] set.merge(opts[:stub]) if opts[:stub] set.merge(opts[:replace].keys) if opts[:replace] }.map(&method(:Method)) end # @param method_or_methods [Method, Array<Method>] # Instruments the methods named by method-or-methods, a method or collection # of methods, or all instrumentable methods if method_or_methods is not # specified. # If a method has an :args fn-spec, replaces the method with a method that # checks arg conformance (throwing an exception on failure) before # delegating to the original method. # @param opts [Hash] opts hash can be used to override registered specs, and/or to replace # method implementations entirely. Opts for methods not included in # method-or-methods are ignored. This facilitates sharing a common options # hash across many different calls to instrument # @option opts :spec [Hash] a map from methods to override specs. # :spec overrides registered method specs with specs you provide. Use :spec # overrides to provide specs for libraries that do not have them, or to # constrain your own use of a fn to a subset of its spec'ed contract. # :spec can be used in combination with :stub or :replace. # # @option opts :stub [Set, Array] a set of methods to be replaced by stubs. # :stub replaces a fn with a stub that checks :args, then uses the :ret spec # to generate a return value. # # @option opts :gen [Hash{Symbol => Proc}] a map from spec names to generator overrides. # :gen overrides are used only for :stub generation. # # @option opts :replace [Hash{Method => Proc}] a map from methods to replacement procs. # :replace replaces a method with a method that checks args conformance, # then invokes the method/proc you provide, enabling arbitrary stubbing and # mocking. # # @return [Array<Method>] a collection of methods instrumented. def self.instrument(method_or_methods = instrumentable_methods, opts = {}) if opts[:gen] gens = opts[:gen].reduce({}) { |h, (k, v)| h.merge(S.Identifier(k) => v) } opts = opts.merge(:gen => gens) end Array(method_or_methods). map { |method| S.Identifier(method) }. uniq. map { |ident| instrument1(ident, opts) }. compact. map(&method(:Method)) end # Undoes instrument on the method_or_methods, specified as in instrument. # With no args, unstruments all instrumented methods. # @param method_or_methods [Method, Array<Method>] # @return [Array<Method>] a collection of methods unstrumented def self.unstrument(method_or_methods = nil) method_or_methods ||= @instrumented_methods.value.keys Array(method_or_methods). map { |method| S.Identifier(method) }. map { |ident| unstrument1(ident) }. compact. map(&method(:Method)) end # Runs generative tests for method using spec and opts. # @param method [Method] # @param spec [Spec] # @param opts [Hash] # @return [Hash] # @see check see check for options and return def self.check_method(method, spec, opts = {}) validate_check_opts(opts) check1(S.Identifier(method), spec, opts) end # @param opts [Hash] an opts hash as per `check` # @return [Array<Method>] the array of methods that can be checked. def self.checkable_methods(opts = {}) validate_check_opts(opts) S. registry. keys. select { |k| fn_spec_name?(k) && !k.instance_method? }. concat(Hash(opts[:spec]).keys). map(&method(:Method)) end # Run generative tests for spec conformance on method_or_methods. If # method_or_methods is not specified, check all checkable methods. # # @param method_or_methods [Array<Method>, Method] # @param opts [Hash] # @option opts :num_tests [Integer] (1000) number of times to generatively test each method # @option opts :gen [Hash] map from spec names to generator overrides. # Generator overrides are passed to Speculation.gen when generating method args. # @return [Array<Identifier>] an array of check result hashes with the following keys: # * :spec the spec tested # * :method optional method tested # * :failure optional test failure # * :result optional boolean as to whether all generative tests passed # * :num_tests optional number of generative tests ran # # :failure is a hash that will contain a :"Speculation/failure" key with possible values: # # * :check_failed at least one checked return did not conform # * :no_args_spec no :args spec provided # * :no_fspec no fspec provided # * :no_gen unable to generate :args # * :instrument invalid args detected by instrument def self.check(method_or_methods = nil, opts = {}) method_or_methods ||= checkable_methods checkable = Set(checkable_methods(opts)) checkable.map!(&S.method(:Identifier)) methods = Set(method_or_methods) methods.map!(&S.method(:Identifier)) pmap(methods.intersection(checkable)) { |ident| check1(ident, S.get_spec(ident), opts) } end # Given a check result, returns an abbreviated version suitable for summary use. # @param x [Hash] # @return [Hash] def self.abbrev_result(x) if x[:failure] x.reject { |k, _| k == ns(:ret) }. merge(:spec => x[:spec].inspect, :failure => unwrap_failure(x[:failure])) else x.reject { |k, _| [:spec, ns(:ret)].include?(k) } end end # Given a collection of check_results, e.g. from `check`, pretty prints the # summary_result (default abbrev_result) of each. # # @param check_results [Array] a collection of check_results # @yield [Hash] # @return [Hash] a hash with :total, the total number of results, plus a key with a # count for each different :type of result. # @see check see check for check_results # @see abbrev_result def self.summarize_results(check_results, &summary_result) summary_result ||= method(:abbrev_result) check_results.reduce(:total => 0) { |summary, result| pp summary_result.call(result) result_key = result_type(result) summary.merge( :total => summary[:total].next, result_key => summary.fetch(result_key, 0).next ) } end # @param modules [Module, Class] # @return [Array<Method>] an array of public and protected singleton # methods belonging to modules def self.enumerate_methods(*modules) modules.flat_map { |mod| mod.methods(false).map(&mod.method(:method)) } # method end class << self private def spec_checking_fn(ident, method, fspec) fspec = S.send(:maybe_spec, fspec) conform = ->(args, block) do conformed_args = S.conform(fspec.args, args) conformed_block = S.conform(fspec.block, block) if fspec.block if conformed_args == ns(S, :invalid) backtrace = backtrace_relevant_to_instrument(caller) ed = S. _explain_data(fspec.args, [:args], [], [], args). merge(ns(S, :args) => args, ns(S, :failure) => :instrument, ns(:caller) => backtrace.first) io = StringIO.new S.explain_out(ed, io) msg = io.string raise Speculation::Error.new("Call to '#{ident}' did not conform to spec:\n #{msg}", ed) elsif conformed_block == ns(S, :invalid) backtrace = backtrace_relevant_to_instrument(caller) ed = S. _explain_data(fspec.block, [:block], [], [], block). merge(ns(S, :block) => block, ns(S, :failure) => :instrument, ns(:caller) => backtrace.first) io = StringIO.new S.explain_out(ed, io) msg = io.string raise Speculation::Error.new("Call to '#{ident}' did not conform to spec:\n #{msg}", ed) end end ->(*args, &block) do method = method.bind(self) if method.is_a?(UnboundMethod) if Test.instrument_enabled.value Test.with_instrument_disabled do conform.call(args, block) if fspec.args begin Test.instrument_enabled.value = true method.call(*args, &block) ensure Test.instrument_enabled.value = false end end else method.call(*args, &block) end end end def no_fspec(ident, spec) S::Error.new("#{ident} not spec'ed", :method => ident, :spec => spec, ns(S, :failure) => :no_fspec) end def instrument1(ident, opts) spec = S.get_spec(ident) raw, wrapped = @instrumented_methods. value. fetch(ident, {}). values_at(:raw, :wrapped) current = ident.get_method to_wrap = wrapped == current ? raw : current ospec = instrument_choose_spec(spec, ident, opts[:spec]) raise no_fspec(ident, spec) unless ospec ofn = instrument_choose_fn(to_wrap, ospec, ident, opts) checked = spec_checking_fn(ident, ofn, ospec) ident.redefine_method!(checked) wrapped = ident.get_method @instrumented_methods.swap do |methods| methods.merge(ident => { :raw => to_wrap, :wrapped => wrapped }) end ident end def instrument_choose_fn(f, spec, ident, opts) stubs = (opts[:stub] || []).map(&S.method(:Identifier)) over = opts[:gen] || {} replace = (opts[:replace] || {}).reduce({}) { |h, (k, v)| h.merge(S.Identifier(k) => v) } if stubs.include?(ident) Gen.generate(S.gen(spec, over)) else replace.fetch(ident, f) end end def instrument_choose_spec(spec, ident, overrides) (overrides || {}). reduce({}) { |h, (k, v)| h.merge(S.Identifier(k) => v) }. fetch(ident, spec) end def unstrument1(ident) instrumented = @instrumented_methods.value[ident] return unless instrumented raw, wrapped = instrumented.values_at(:raw, :wrapped) @instrumented_methods.swap do |h| h.reject { |k, _v| k == ident } end current = ident.get_method # Only redefine to original if it has not been modified since it was # instrumented. if wrapped == current ident.tap { |i| i.redefine_method!(raw) } end end def explain_check(args, spec, v, role) data = unless S.valid?(spec, v) S._explain_data(spec, [role], [], [], v). merge(ns(:args) => args, ns(:val) => v, ns(S, :failure) => :check_failed) end S::Error.new("Specification-based check failed", data).tap do |e| e.set_backtrace(caller) end end # Returns true if call passes specs, otherwise returns a hash with # :backtrace, :cause and :data keys. :data will have a # :"Speculation/failure" key. def check_call(method, spec, args, block) conformed_args = S.conform(spec.args, args) if spec.args if conformed_args == ns(S, :invalid) return explain_check(args, spec.args, args, :args) end conformed_block = S.conform(spec.block, block) if spec.block if conformed_block == ns(S, :invalid) return explain_check(block, spec.block, block, :block) end ret = method.call(*args, &block) conformed_ret = S.conform(spec.ret, ret) if spec.ret if conformed_ret == ns(S, :invalid) return explain_check(args, spec.ret, ret, :ret) end return true unless spec.args && spec.ret && spec.fn if S.valid?(spec.fn, :args => conformed_args, :block => conformed_block, :ret => conformed_ret) true else explain_check(args, spec.fn, { :args => conformed_args, :block => conformed_block, :ret => conformed_ret }, :fn) end end def quick_check(method, spec, opts) gen = opts[:gen] num_tests = opts.fetch(:num_tests, 1000) args_gen = begin S.gen(spec.args, gen) rescue => e return { :result => e } end block_gen = if spec.block begin S.gen(spec.block, gen) rescue => e return { :result => e } end else Utils.constantly(nil) end arg_block_gen = ->(r) { [args_gen.call(r), block_gen.call(r)] } generator_guard = ->(genned_val) { S.valid?(spec.args, genned_val) } rantly_quick_check(arg_block_gen, num_tests, generator_guard) do |(args, block)| check_call(method, spec, args, block) end end def make_check_result(method, spec, check_result) result = { :spec => spec, ns(:ret) => check_result, :method => method } if check_result[:result] && check_result[:result] != true result[:failure] = check_result[:result] end if check_result[:shrunk] result[:failure] = check_result[:shrunk][:result] end result end def check1(ident, spec, opts) specd = S.spec(spec) reinstrument = unstrument(ident).any? method = ident.get_method if specd.args check_result = quick_check(method, spec, opts) make_check_result(method, spec, check_result) else failure = { :info => "No :args spec", ns(:failure) => :no_args_spec } { :failure => failure, :method => method, :spec => spec } end ensure instrument(ident) if reinstrument end def validate_check_opts(opts) return unless opts[:gen] unless opts[:gen].keys.all? { |k| k.is_a?(Method) || k.is_a?(Symbol) } raise ArgumentErorr, "check :gen expects Method or Symbol keys" end end def backtrace_relevant_to_instrument(backtrace) backtrace.drop_while { |line| line.include?(__FILE__) } end def fn_spec_name?(spec_name) spec_name.is_a?(S::Identifier) end # Reimplementation of Rantly's `check` since it does not provide direct access to results # (shrunk data etc.), instead printing them to STDOUT. def rantly_quick_check(gen, num_tests, generator_guard, &invariant) i = 0 limit = 100 Rantly.singleton.generate(num_tests, limit, gen) do |val| args, blk = val i += 1 result = yield([args, blk]) rescue $! unless result == true args = ::Tuple.new(args) # This is a Rantly Tuple. shrunk = shrink(generator_guard, args, result, ->(v) { invariant.call([v, blk]) }) shrunk[:smallest] = { :args => shrunk[:smallest].array, :block => blk } return { :fail => { :args => args.array, :block => blk }, :num_tests => i, :result => result, :shrunk => shrunk } end end { :num_tests => i, :result => true } end # reimplementation of Rantly's shrinking. def shrink(generator_guard, value, result, invariant, depth = 0, iteration = 0) smallest = value max_depth = depth if value.shrinkable? while iteration < 1024 shrunk_value = value.shrink unless generator_guard.call(shrunk_value.array) iteration += 1 value = shrunk_value value.shrinkable? ? next : break end res = invariant.call(shrunk_value.array) rescue $! unless res == true shrunk = shrink(generator_guard, shrunk_value, res, invariant, depth + 1, iteration + 1) branch_smallest, branch_depth, iteration, branch_result = shrunk.values_at(:smallest, :depth, :iteration, :result) if branch_depth > max_depth max_depth = branch_depth smallest = branch_smallest result = branch_result end end break unless value.retry? end end { :depth => max_depth, :iteration => iteration, :result => result, :smallest => smallest } end ### check reporting ### def failure_type(x) x.data[ns(S, :failure)] if x.is_a?(S::Error) end def unwrap_failure(x) failure_type(x) ? x.data : x end # Returns the type of the check result. This can be any of the # :"Speculation/failure" symbols documented in 'check', or: # # :check_passed all checked method returns conformed # :check_raised checked fn threw an exception def result_type(ret) failure = ret[:failure] if failure.nil? :check_passed else failure_type(failure) || :check_raised end end # if x is an Identifier, return its method def Method(x) case x when Identifier then x.get_method when Method, UnboundMethod then x else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected method-like object #{x}" end end def Set(x) case x when Set then x when Enumerable then Set.new(x) else Set[x] end end end end end