require "IFMapper/MapReader" # Take a quoted Inform string and return a valid ASCII one, replacing # Inform's special characters. module InformUnquote TABLES = { ":a" => "\204", ":e" => "\211", ":i" => "\213", ":o" => "\224", ":u" => "\201", ":y" => "\230", ":A" => "\216", ":E" => "\323", ":I" => "\330", ":O" => "\231", ":U" => "\232", "'a" => "\240", "'e" => "\202", "'i" => "\241", "'o" => "\242", "'u" => "\243", "'y" => "\354", "'A" => "\265", "'E" => "\220", "'I" => "\326", "'O" => "\340", "'U" => "\351", "'Y" => "\355", "^a" => "\203", "^e" => "\210", "^i" => "\214", "^o" => "\223", "^u" => "\226", "^A" => "\266", "^E" => "\322", "^I" => "\327", "^O" => "\342", "^U" => "\352", "`a" => "\205", "`e" => "\212", "`i" => "\215", "`o" => "\225", "`u" => "\227", "`A" => "\267", "`E" => "\324", "`I" => "\336", "`O" => "\343", "`U" => "\353", ",c" => "\207", ",C" => "\200", "~a" => "\306", "~A" => "\307", "~o" => "\344", "~o" => "\345", "~n" => "\244", "~N" => "\245", "!!" => "\255", '\?\?' => "\250", ">>" => ">>", "<<" => "<<", # Missing "LL" => "", # British pound # greek letters "ss" => "", # beta "et" => "", # "Et" => "", # "th" => "", # thorn "Th" => "", # thorn '\\o' => "", # '\\O' => "", # "oa" => "", # o over a "oA" => "", # o over A "ae" => "", "AE" => "", "oe" => "", "OE" => "", } def unquote(text) return '' unless text # deal with quotes text.gsub!(/\~/, '"') # and newlines text.gsub!(/\^/, "\n") # deal with accents and intl. chars TABLES.each { |k, v| text.gsub! /@#{k}/, v } # deal with zscii chars as numbers while text =~ /(@@(\d+))/ text.sub!($1, $2.to_i.chr) end return text end end # # Class that allows creating a map from an Inform source file. # class InformReader < MapReader STORY = /Constant\s+Story\s+\"([^"]+)\"/i DIRECTIONS = { 'n_to' => 0, 'ne_to' => 1, 'e_to' => 2, 'se_to' => 3, 's_to' => 4, 'sw_to' => 5, 'w_to' => 6, 'nw_to' => 7, 'u_to' => 8, 'd_to' => 9, 'in_to' => 10, 'out_to' => 11 } FUNCTION = /^\[ (\w+);/ GO_OBJ = /\b(#{DIRECTIONS.keys.join('|').gsub(/_to/, '_obj')})\s*:/i # Direction list in order of positioning preference. DIRLIST = [ 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7 ] DIR_TO = /(?:^|\s+)(#{DIRECTIONS.keys.join('|')})\s+/i DIR = /(?:^|\s+)(#{DIRECTIONS.keys.join('|')})\s+(\w+)/i ENTER_DIR = /(?:^|\s+)(#{DIRECTIONS.keys.join('|')})\s+\[;\s*<<\s*Enter\s+(\w+)\s*>>/i attr_reader :map include InformUnquote class InformRoom < MapRoom include InformUnquote end class InformObject < MapObject include InformUnquote end def new_room super(InformRoom) end def new_obj(loc = nil) super(loc, InformObject) end # # Main parsing loop. # def parse(file) # We start map at 0, 0 @x, @y = [0, 0] @room = nil if @map.kind_of?(FXMap) @map.options['Edit on Creation'] = false @map.window.hide end @map.section = 0 @parsing = nil @last_section = 0 @ignore_first_section = true @room_idx = 0 line_number = 0 debug "...Parse... #{file.path}" while not file.eof? @line = '' while not file.eof? and @line == '' @line << file.readline() @line.sub!( /^\s*!.*$/, '') line_number += 1 end # Remove comments at end of line @line.sub!( /\s+![^"]*$/, '') # Remove starting spaces (if any) @line.sub! /^\s+/, '' # Replace \n with simple space @line.gsub! /\n/, ' ' next if @line == '' full_line = @line.dup begin parse_line rescue ParseError, MapError => e message = "#{e}.\nat #{file.path}, line #{line_number}:\n>>>> #{full_line};\n" raise message rescue => e message = "#{e}\n#{e.backtrace}" raise message end end debug "...End Parse..." end CLASS = /^class\s+(\w+)/i DOOR = /(?:^|\s+)door_to(?:\s+([^,;\[]*)|$)/i INCLUDE = /^#?include\s+"([^"]+)"/i PLAYER_TO = /\bplayerto\((\w+)/i DESCRIPTION = /(?:^|\s+)description(?:\s*$|\s+"([^"]+)?("?))/i STD_LIB = [ 'Parser', 'VerbLib', 'Grammar' ] def find_file(file) return file if File.exists?(file) @include_dirs.each { |d| [ "#{d}/#{file}", "#{d}/#{file}.h", "#{d}/#{file}.inf", ].each { |full| return full if File.exists?(full) } } return nil end # # Parse a line of file # def parse_line if @line =~ STORY = $1 return end if @line =~ INCLUDE name = $1 unless STD_LIB.include?(name) file = find_file(name) debug "include #{file}" if file, 'r') { |f| parse(f) } else raise ParseError, "Include file '#{name}' not found" end end end if @line =~ CLASS @clas = $1 debug "CLASS: #@clas" if @classes.has_key?(@clas) if @obj @classes[@clas].each { |k, v| @obj.send("#{k}=", v) } elsif @room @classes[@clas].each { |k, v| @room.send("#{k}=", v) } end else @classes[@clas] = {} @tag = @name = nil end end re = /^(#{@classes.keys.join('|')})((?:\s+->)+)?(\s+(\w+))?(\s+"([^"]+)")?(\s+(\w+))?/ if @line =~ re @clas = $1 prev = $2 @tag = $4 || $6 @name = $6 @desc = '' @in_desc = false loc = $8 if prev and @room loc = @room.tag end debug <<"EOF" Name : #@name Class : #@clas Tag : #@tag Location: #{loc} #{loc.class} EOF @obj = nil c = @classes[@clas] if c[:door] new_door elsif @tag and (loc or c[:scenery] or c[:static]) new_obj(loc) if c[:scenery] or c[:static] @obj.scenery = true end else @obj = @room = nil new_room if @tag and @name and c.has_key?(:light) end @before = false @go = false end if @in_desc text = @line.scan( /\s*([^"]+)("\s*[,;])?/ ) text.each { |t, q| @desc << t @in_desc = nil if q } end if @desc and @line =~ DESCRIPTION @desc << $1 if $1 @in_desc = true unless $2 end if @line =~ FUNCTION @functions << $1 elsif @tag and @line =~ DOOR old_locations = [] if @obj old_locations = @obj.location @objects.delete(@obj) if @obj.tag == @tag @tags[@tag] = nil end new_door @obj.location = $1.split(' ') @obj.location += old_locations if old_locations.size > 0 else dirs = @line.scan(DIR_TO) + @line.scan(DIR) + @line.scan(ENTER_DIR) if dirs.size > 0 new_room if not @room dirs.each { |d, room| dir = DIRECTIONS[d] @room.exits[dir] = room } end end if @line =~ /\bbefore\b/i @before = true end if @line =~ /\bgo\s*:/i and @room and @before if @line =~ GO_OBJ dir = DIRECTIONS[$1] if @line =~ PLAYER_TO @room.exits[dir] = $1 end end end if @obj.kind_of?(MapObject) and @before if @line =~ PLAYER_TO @obj.enterable << $1 @obj.scenery = nil end end if @line =~ /(?:^|\s+)has\s+([\w\s]+)[,;]/i props = $1.split char = props.include?('male') or props.include?('female') if @obj and char @obj.scenery = false end props.each { |p| if not @tag if p[0,1] == '~' @classes[@clas][p[1,-1].to_sym] = false else @classes[@clas][p.to_sym] = true end else if p == 'locked' and @doors.size > 0 @doors[-1].locked = true end if not char if p =~ /(?:static|scenery)/ and @obj @objects.delete(@obj) end end if p =~ /(\~)?light/ new_room if not @room @room.light = ($1 != '~') end end } end if @line =~ /\bfound_in\s+([^;,\[]*)/ if @tag and not @obj new_obj(loc) end if @obj locs = $1.split @obj.location = locs debug "#{@obj} #{@obj.location} FOUND_IN: #{locs.join(' ')}" end end end def set_include_dirs # Try to find inform(.exe) in path. paths = ENV['PATH'].split(SEP) paths.each { |p| next if not Dir.foreach(p) { |x| if x =~ /^inform(.exe)?$/i @include_dirs << p @include_dirs << p + "/Base" @include_dirs << p + "/Contrib" @include_dirs << p + "/../Contrib" @include_dirs << p + "/../Lib/Contrib" break end } } end def initialize(file, map ='Inform Map')) debug "Initialize" @classes = { 'Object' => {} } super if @map.kind_of?(FXMap) @map.filename = file.sub(/\.inf$/i, '.map') @map.options['Location Description'] = true end @objects = nil @tags = nil # save some memory by clearing the tag list @rooms = nil # and room list end end if $0 == __FILE__ p "Opening file '#{ARGV[0]}'" BEGIN { $LOAD_PATH << 'C:\Windows\Escritorio\IFMapper\lib' } require "IFMapper/Map"[0]) end