// Copyright 2021 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_PROMISE_IF_H #define GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_PROMISE_IF_H #include #include #include "absl/status/statusor.h" #include "absl/types/variant.h" #include #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/construct_destruct.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/promise_factory.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/promise_like.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/poll.h" namespace grpc_core { namespace promise_detail { template GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename CallPoll::PollResult ChooseIf( CallPoll call_poll, bool result, T* if_true, F* if_false) { if (result) { auto promise = if_true->Make(); return call_poll(promise); } else { auto promise = if_false->Make(); return call_poll(promise); } } template GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename CallPoll::PollResult ChooseIf( CallPoll call_poll, absl::StatusOr result, T* if_true, F* if_false) { if (!result.ok()) { return typename CallPoll::PollResult(result.status()); } else if (*result) { auto promise = if_true->Make(); return call_poll(promise); } else { auto promise = if_false->Make(); return call_poll(promise); } } template class If { private: using TrueFactory = promise_detail::OncePromiseFactory; using FalseFactory = promise_detail::OncePromiseFactory; using ConditionPromise = PromiseLike; using TruePromise = typename TrueFactory::Promise; using FalsePromise = typename FalseFactory::Promise; using Result = typename PollTraits()())>::Type; public: GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION If(C condition, T if_true, F if_false) : state_(Evaluating{ConditionPromise(std::move(condition)), TrueFactory(std::move(if_true)), FalseFactory(std::move(if_false))}) {} GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION Poll operator()() { return absl::visit(CallPoll{this}, state_); } private: struct Evaluating { ConditionPromise condition; TrueFactory if_true; FalseFactory if_false; }; using State = absl::variant; State state_; template struct CallPoll { using PollResult = Poll; If* const self; GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION PollResult operator()(Evaluating& evaluating) const { static_assert( !kSetState, "shouldn't need to set state coming through the initial branch"); auto r = evaluating.condition(); if (auto* p = r.value_if_ready()) { return ChooseIf(CallPoll{self}, std::move(*p), &evaluating.if_true, &evaluating.if_false); } return Pending(); } template GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION PollResult operator()(Promise& promise) const { auto r = promise(); if (kSetState && r.pending()) { self->state_.template emplace(std::move(promise)); } return r; } }; }; template class If { private: using TrueFactory = promise_detail::OncePromiseFactory; using FalseFactory = promise_detail::OncePromiseFactory; using TruePromise = typename TrueFactory::Promise; using FalsePromise = typename FalseFactory::Promise; using Result = typename PollTraits()())>::Type; public: GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION If(bool condition, T if_true, F if_false) : condition_(condition) { TrueFactory true_factory(std::move(if_true)); FalseFactory false_factory(std::move(if_false)); if (condition_) { Construct(&if_true_, true_factory.Make()); } else { Construct(&if_false_, false_factory.Make()); } } GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION ~If() { if (condition_) { Destruct(&if_true_); } else { Destruct(&if_false_); } } If(const If&) = delete; If& operator=(const If&) = delete; GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION If(If&& other) noexcept : condition_(other.condition_) { if (condition_) { Construct(&if_true_, std::move(other.if_true_)); } else { Construct(&if_false_, std::move(other.if_false_)); } } GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION If& operator=(If&& other) noexcept { if (&other == this) return *this; Destruct(this); Construct(this, std::move(other)); return *this; } GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION Poll operator()() { #ifndef NDEBUG asan_canary_ = std::make_unique(1 + *asan_canary_); #endif if (condition_) { return if_true_(); } else { return if_false_(); } } private: bool condition_; union { TruePromise if_true_; FalsePromise if_false_; }; // Make failure to destruct show up in ASAN builds. #ifndef NDEBUG std::unique_ptr asan_canary_ = std::make_unique(0); #endif }; } // namespace promise_detail // If promise combinator. // Takes 3 promise factories, and evaluates the first. // If it returns failure, returns failure for the entire combinator. // If it returns true, evaluates the second promise. // If it returns false, evaluates the third promise. // If C is a constant, it's guaranteed that one of the promise factories // if_true or if_false will be evaluated before returning from this function. // This makes it safe to capture lambda arguments in the promise factory by // reference. template GPR_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE_FUNCTION promise_detail::If If( C condition, T if_true, F if_false) { return promise_detail::If(std::move(condition), std::move(if_true), std::move(if_false)); } } // namespace grpc_core #endif // GRPC_SRC_CORE_LIB_PROMISE_IF_H