require 'idlc-sdk-pfm/command/base' require 'mixlib/shellout' require 'aws-sdk-s3' require 'json' require 'colorize' module Pfm module Command class Package < Base banner 'Usage: pfm package [options]' option :application_name, long: '--application-name NAME', description: 'Application Name', default: '' def initialize super @params_valid = true @errors = [] end def run(params) @params = params read_and_validate_params if params_valid? package # @workspace.cleanup causing bundler issues 0 else @errors.each { |error| err("Error: #{error}") } parse_options(params) msg(opt_parser) 1 end rescue DeploymentFailure => e err("ERROR: #{e.message}\n") 1 end def package raise InvalidRepository, 'This doesn\'t look like a valid infrastructure repository' unless "#{inf_base_dir}/tf" # tag git repo with version number. begin system("git tag -am 'v#{REPO_VERSION}' v#{REPO_VERSION} &>/dev/null") || raise msg("Tagged v#{REPO_VERSION}".colorize(:green)) rescue msg("Tag v#{REPO_VERSION} has already been created... skipping.".colorize(:green)) end begin system('git push --follow-tags &>/dev/null') || raise msg('Pushed git tags.'.colorize(:green)) rescue err('Failed to push tags.'.colorize(:red)) end workspace = workspace.flatten("#{inf_base_dir}/tf", 'tf') workspace.add('lib/') workspace.add('') if File.exist? '' workspace.add('infraspec.yml') if File.exist? 'infraspec.yml' package_name = "#{@config[:application_name]}.#{REPO_VERSION}" dest_zip = "./.pfm/#{package_name}" FileUtils.rm_rf(dest_zip) if File.exist? dest_zip Idlc::Workspace.zip_folder(workspace.tmp_dir, dest_zip) msg("packaged to #{dest_zip}".colorize(:green)) # upload to s3 s3 = SETTINGS['AWS_REGION']) bucket_name = Idlc::SERVICES[SETTINGS['AWS_REGION']]['build']['publish_bucket'] obj = s3.bucket(bucket_name).object(package_name) obj.upload_file(dest_zip) msg('Pushed package to S3.'.colorize(:green)) # register with Orchestrate Build raise InvalidRepository, 'Missing configuration.schema.json file in root.' unless File.exist? 'configuration.schema.json' client = request = { service: 'build', method: 'PUT', path: '/builds', body: { application_name: @config[:application_name], revision: REPO_VERSION, artifact_path: "s3://#{bucket_name}/#{package_name}", configuration_schema: JSON.parse('configuration.schema.json')) } } response = client.fetch(request.to_json) msg("Registered #{@config[:application_name]} #{REPO_VERSION} with Orchestrate.".colorize(:green)) end def read_and_validate_params arguments = parse_options(@params) case arguments.size when 0 @params_valid = true else @params_valid = false end end def params_valid? @params_valid end end end end