desc 'Build all release announcements.' task :ann => %w[ ann:html ann:text ann:feed ] # it has long been a tradition to use an "[ANN]" prefix # when announcing things on the ruby-talk mailing list @ann_subject_prefix = '[ANN] ' task :@ann_subject do unless @ann_subject @ann_subject = @ann_subject_prefix + @project_module::PROJECT + ' ' + @project_module::VERSION end end # fetch project description from manual task :@ann_nfo_html_nodes do unless @ann_nfo_html_nodes begin head, body = fetch_nodes_between( 'h2#_description + div *', 'h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.sect1,.sect2' ) body.unshift head rescue => error error.message.insert 0, "The manual lacks a
') `lynx -dump #{tmp_file} -width 70` ensure File.delete tmp_file end end