# Override the default ActiveRecordHelper behaviour of wrapping the input. # This gets taken care of semantically by adding an error class to the LI tag # containing the input. ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = proc do |html_tag, instance_tag| html_tag end module Formtastic #:nodoc: class SemanticFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder @@default_text_field_size = 50 @@all_fields_required_by_default = true @@required_string = proc { %{*} } @@optional_string = '' @@inline_errors = :sentence @@label_str_method = :humanize @@collection_label_methods = %w[to_label display_name full_name name title username login value to_s] @@inline_order = [ :input, :hints, :errors ] @@file_methods = [ :file?, :public_filename ] cattr_accessor :default_text_field_size, :all_fields_required_by_default, :required_string, :optional_string, :inline_errors, :label_str_method, :collection_label_methods, :inline_order, :file_methods # Keeps simple mappings in a hash # INPUT_MAPPINGS = { :string => :text_field, :password => :password_field, :numeric => :text_field, :text => :text_area, :file => :file_field } STRING_MAPPINGS = [ :string, :password, :numeric ] attr_accessor :template # Returns a suitable form input for the given +method+, using the database column information # and other factors (like the method name) to figure out what you probably want. # # Options: # # * :as - override the input type (eg force a :string to render as a :password field) # * :label - use something other than the method name as the label (or fieldset legend) text # * :required - specify if the column is required (true) or not (false) # * :hint - provide some text to hint or help the user provide the correct information for a field # * :input_html - provide options that will be passed down to the generated input # * :wrapper_html - provide options that will be passed down to the li wrapper # # Input Types: # # Most inputs map directly to one of ActiveRecord's column types by default (eg string_input), # but there are a few special cases and some simplification (:integer, :float and :decimal # columns all map to a single numeric_input, for example). # # * :select (a select menu for associations) - default to association names # * :time_zone (a select menu with time zones) # * :radio (a set of radio inputs for associations) - default to association names # * :password (a password input) - default for :string column types with 'password' in the method name # * :text (a textarea) - default for :text column types # * :date (a date select) - default for :date column types # * :datetime (a date and time select) - default for :datetime and :timestamp column types # * :time (a time select) - default for :time column types # * :boolean (a checkbox) - default for :boolean column types (you can also have booleans as :select and :radio) # * :string (a text field) - default for :string column types # * :numeric (a text field, like string) - default for :integer, :float and :decimal column types # # Example: # # <% semantic_form_for @employee do |form| %> # <% form.inputs do -%> # <%= form.input :name, :label => "Full Name"%> # <%= form.input :manager_id, :as => :radio %> # <%= form.input :hired_at, :as => :date, :label => "Date Hired" %> # <%= form.input :phone, :required => false, :hint => "Eg: +1 555 1234" %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # def input(method, options = {}) options[:required] = method_required?(method, options[:required]) options[:as] ||= default_input_type(method) html_class = [ options[:as], (options[:required] ? :required : :optional) ] html_class << 'error' if @object && @object.respond_to?(:errors) && @object.errors.on(method.to_s) wrapper_html = options.delete(:wrapper_html) || {} wrapper_html[:id] ||= generate_html_id(method) wrapper_html[:class] = (html_class << wrapper_html[:class]).flatten.compact.join(' ') if [:boolean_select, :boolean_radio].include?(options[:as]) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(":as => :#{options[:as]} is deprecated, use :as => :#{options[:as].to_s[8..-1]} instead", caller[3..-1]) end list_item_content = @@inline_order.map do |type| send(:"inline_#{type}_for", method, options) end.compact.join("\n") return template.content_tag(:li, list_item_content, wrapper_html) end # Creates an input fieldset and ol tag wrapping for use around a set of inputs. It can be # called either with a block (in which you can do the usual Rails form stuff, HTML, ERB, etc), # or with a list of fields. These two examples are functionally equivalent: # # # With a block: # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <% form.inputs do %> # <%= form.input :title %> # <%= form.input :body %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # # # With a list of fields: # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <%= form.inputs :title, :body %> # <% end %> # # # Output: #
  1. ...
  2. #
  3. ...
  4. #
# # === Quick Forms # # When called without a block or a field list, an input is rendered for each column in the # model's database table, just like Rails' scaffolding. You'll obviously want more control # than this in a production application, but it's a great way to get started, then come back # later to customise the form with a field list or a block of inputs. Example: # # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <%= form.inputs %> # <% end %> # # === Options # # All options (with the exception of :name) are passed down to the fieldset as HTML # attributes (id, class, style, etc). If provided, the :name option is passed into a # legend tag inside the fieldset (otherwise a legend is not generated). # # # With a block: # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <% form.inputs :name => "Create a new post", :style => "border:1px;" do %> # ... # <% end %> # <% end %> # # # With a list (the options must come after the field list): # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <%= form.inputs :title, :body, :name => "Create a new post", :style => "border:1px;" %> # <% end %> # # === It's basically a fieldset! # # Instead of hard-coding fieldsets & legends into your form to logically group related fields, # use inputs: # # <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %> # <% f.inputs do %> # <%= f.input :title %> # <%= f.input :body %> # <% end %> # <% f.inputs :name => "Advanced", :id => "advanced" do %> # <%= f.input :created_at %> # <%= f.input :user_id, :label => "Author" %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # # # Output: #
  1. ...
  2. #
  3. ...
  4. #
# Advanced #
  1. ...
  2. #
  3. ...
  4. #
# # === Nested attributes # # As in Rails, you can use semantic_fields_for to nest attributes: # # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <%= form.inputs :title, :body %> # # <% form.semantic_fields_for :author, @bob do |author_form| %> # <% author_form.inputs do %> # <%= author_form.input :first_name, :required => false %> # <%= author_form.input :last_name %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # # But this does not look formtastic! This is equivalent: # # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <%= form.inputs :title, :body %> # <% form.inputs :for => [ :author, @bob ] do |author_form| %> # <%= author_form.input :first_name, :required => false %> # <%= author_form.input :last_name %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # # And if you don't need to give options to your input call, you could do it # in just one line: # # <% semantic_form_for @post do |form| %> # <%= form.inputs :title, :body %> # <%= form.inputs :first_name, :last_name, :for => @bob %> # <% end %> # # Just remember that calling inputs generates a new fieldset to wrap your # inputs. If you have two separate models, but, semantically, on the page # they are part of the same fieldset, you should use semantic_fields_for # instead (just as you would do with Rails' form builder). # def inputs(*args, &block) html_options = args.extract_options! html_options[:class] ||= "inputs" if html_options[:for] inputs_for_nested_attributes(args, html_options, &block) elsif block_given? field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, &block) else if @object && args.empty? args = @object.class.reflections.map { |n,_| n if _.macro == :belongs_to } args += @object.class.content_columns.map(&:name) args -= %w[created_at updated_at created_on updated_on] args.compact! end contents = args.map { |method| input(method.to_sym) } field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, contents) end end alias :input_field_set :inputs # Creates a fieldset and ol tag wrapping for form buttons / actions as list items. # See inputs documentation for a full example. The fieldset's default class attriute # is set to "buttons". # # See inputs for html attributes and special options. def buttons(*args, &block) html_options = args.extract_options! html_options[:class] ||= "buttons" if block_given? field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, &block) else args = [:commit] if args.empty? contents = args.map { |button_name| send(:"#{button_name}_button") } field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, contents) end end alias :button_field_set :buttons # Creates a submit input tag with the value "Save [model name]" (for existing records) or # "Create [model name]" (for new records) by default: # # <%= form.commit_button %> => # # The value of the button text can be overridden: # # <%= form.commit_button "Go" %> => # def commit_button(value=nil, options={}) value ||= save_or_create_button_text button_html = options.delete(:button_html) || {} template.content_tag(:li, self.submit(value, button_html), :class => "commit") end # A thin wrapper around #fields_for to set :builder => Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder # for nesting forms: # # # Example: # <% semantic_form_for @post do |post| %> # <% post.semantic_fields_for :author do |author| %> # <% author.inputs :name %> # <% end %> # <% end %> # # # Output: #
  1. #
# def semantic_fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) opts = args.extract_options! opts.merge!(:builder => Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder) args.push(opts) fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) end # # Stolen from Attribute_fu (http://github.com/giraffesoft/attribute_fu) # Rails 2.3 Patches from http://github.com/odadata/attribute_fu # # Dinamically add and remove nested forms for a has_many relation. # # Add a link to remove the associated partial. You should add this on the partial # # Example: # # #contacts # = f.input :phone # = f.remove_link # def remove_link(name, *args) options = args.extract_options! css_selector = options.delete(:selector) || ".#{@object.class.name.split("::").last.underscore}" function = options.delete(:function) || "" function << "$(this).parents('#{css_selector}').hide(); $(this).prev(':input').val('1');" out = hidden_field(:_delete) out += template.link_to_function(name, function, *args.push(options)) end # Add a link to add more partials # # Example: # # - f.inputs "contacts" do # = f.add_associated_link :contacts, :partial => "other/path" # def add_associated_link(name, association, opts = {}) object = @object.send(association).build associated_name = extract_option_or_class_name(opts, :name, object) variable = "formtastic_next_#{associated_name}_id" opts.symbolize_keys! partial = opts.delete(:partial) || associated_name container = opts.delete(:expression) || "'#{opts.delete(:container) || '#'+associated_name.pluralize}'" form = render_associated_form(object, :partial => partial) form.gsub!(/attributes_(\d+)/, '__idx__') form.gsub!(/\[(\d+)\]/, '__idxx__') function = "if (typeof #{variable} == 'undefined') #{variable} = #{$1}; $(#{container}).append(#{form.to_json}.replace(/__idx__/g, 'attributes_' + #{variable}).replace(/__idxx__/g, '[' + #{variable}++ + ']'))" template.link_to_function(name, function, opts) end # Render associated form def render_associated_form(associated, opts = {}) associated = associated.is_a?(Array) ? associated : [associated] # preserve association proxy if this is one opts.symbolize_keys! (opts[:new] - associated.select(&:new_record?).length).times { associated.build } if opts[:new] unless associated.empty? name = extract_option_or_class_name(opts, :name, associated.first) partial = opts[:partial] || name local_assign_name = partial.split('/').last.split('.').first output = associated.map do |element| fields_for(association_name(name), element, (opts[:fields_for] || {}).merge(:name => name)) do |f| template.render({:partial => "#{partial}", :locals => {local_assign_name.to_sym => element, :f => f}.merge(opts[:locals] || {})}.merge(opts[:render] || {})) end end output.join end end private def association_name(class_name) @object.respond_to?("#{class_name}_attributes=") ? class_name : class_name.pluralize end def extract_option_or_class_name(hash, option, object) (hash.delete(option) || object.class.name.split('::').last.underscore) end # End attribute_fu magic # protected # Deals with :for option when it's supplied to inputs methods. Additional # options to be passed down to :for should be supplied using :for_options # key. # # It should raise an error if a block with arity zero is given. # def inputs_for_nested_attributes(args, options, &block) args << options.merge!(:parent => { :builder => self, :for => options[:for] }) fields_for_block = if block_given? raise ArgumentError, 'You gave :for option with a block to inputs method, ' << 'but the block does not accept any argument.' if block.arity <= 0 proc { |f| f.inputs(*args){ block.call(f) } } else proc { |f| f.inputs(*args) } end fields_for_args = [options.delete(:for), options.delete(:for_options) || {}].flatten semantic_fields_for(*fields_for_args, &fields_for_block) end # Remove any Formtastic-specific options before passing the down options. # def set_options(options) options.except(:value_method, :label_method, :collection, :required, :label, :as, :hint, :input_html, :label_html, :value_as_class) end # Create a default button text. If the form is working with a object, it # defaults to "Create model" or "Save model" depending if we are working # with a new_record or not. # # When not working with models, it defaults to "Submit object". # def save_or_create_button_text(prefix='Submit') #:nodoc: if @object prefix = @object.new_record? ? 'Create' : 'Save' object_name = @object.class.human_name else object_name = @object_name.to_s.send(@@label_str_method) end I18n.t(prefix.downcase, :default => prefix, :scope => [:formtastic]) << ' ' << object_name end # Determins if the attribute (eg :title) should be considered required or not. # # * if the :required option was provided in the options hash, the true/false value will be # returned immediately, allowing the view to override any guesswork that follows: # # * if the :required option isn't provided in the options hash, and the ValidationReflection # plugin is installed (http://github.com/redinger/validation_reflection), true is returned # if the validates_presence_of macro has been used in the class for this attribute, or false # otherwise. # # * if the :required option isn't provided, and the plugin isn't available, the value of the # configuration option @@all_fields_required_by_default is used. # def method_required?(attribute, required_option) #:nodoc: return required_option unless required_option.nil? if @object && @object.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_all_validations) attribute_sym = attribute.to_s.sub(/_id$/, '').to_sym @object.class.reflect_on_all_validations.any? do |validation| validation.macro == :validates_presence_of && validation.name == attribute_sym end else @@all_fields_required_by_default end end # A method that deals with most of inputs (:string, :password, :file, # :textarea and :numeric). :select, :radio, :boolean and :datetime inputs # are not handled by this method, since they need more detailed approach. # # If input_html is given as option, it's passed down to the input. # def input_simple(type, method, options) html_options = options.delete(:input_html) || {} html_options = default_string_options(method).merge(html_options) if STRING_MAPPINGS.include?(type) input_label(method, options.delete(:label), options.slice(:required)) + send(INPUT_MAPPINGS[type], method, html_options) end # Outputs a label and a select box containing options from the parent # (belongs_to, has_many, has_and_belongs_to_many) association. If an association # is has_many or has_and_belongs_to_many the select box will be set as multi-select # and size = 5 # # Example (belongs_to): # # f.input :author # # # # # Example (has_many): # # f.input :chapters # # # # # Example (has_and_belongs_to_many): # # f.input :authors # # # # # # You can customize the options available in the select by passing in a collection (Array) of # ActiveRecord objects through the :collection option. If not provided, the choices are found # by inferring the parent's class name from the method name and simply calling find(:all) on # it (VehicleOwner.find(:all) in the example above). # # Examples: # # f.input :author, :collection => @authors # f.input :author, :collection => Author.find(:all) # f.input :author, :collection => [@justin, @kate] # f.input :author, :collection => {@justin.name => @justin.id, @kate.name => @kate.id} # # Note: This input looks for a label method in the parent association. # # You can customize the text label inside each option tag, by naming the correct method # (:full_name, :display_name, :account_number, etc) to call on each object in the collection # by passing in the :label_method option. By default the :label_method is whichever element of # Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder.collection_label_methods is found first. # # Examples: # # f.input :author, :label_method => :full_name # f.input :author, :label_method => :display_name # f.input :author, :label_method => :to_s # f.input :author, :label_method => :label # # You can also customize the value inside each option tag, by passing in the :value_method option. # Usage is the same as the :label_method option # # Examples: # # f.input :author, :value_method => :full_name # f.input :author, :value_method => :display_name # f.input :author, :value_method => :to_s # f.input :author, :value_method => :value # # You can pass html_options to the select tag using :input_html => {} # # Examples: # # f.input :authors, :input_html => {:size => 20, :multiple => true} # def select_input(method, options) collection = find_collection_for_column(method, options) html_options = options.delete(:input_html) || {} reflection = find_reflection(method) if reflection && [ :has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many ].include?(reflection.macro) html_options[:multiple] ||= true html_options[:size] ||= 5 end input_name = generate_association_input_name(method) input_label(input_name, options.delete(:label), options.slice(:required)) + self.select(input_name, collection, set_options(options), html_options) end alias :boolean_select_input :select_input # Outputs a timezone select input as Rails' time_zone_select helper. You # can give priority zones as option. # # Examples: # # f.input :time_zone, :as => :time_zone, :priority_zones => /Australia/ # def time_zone_input(method, options) html_options = options.delete(:input_html) || {} input_label(method, options.delete(:label), options.slice(:required)) + self.time_zone_select(method, options.delete(:priority_zones), set_options(options), html_options) end # Outputs a fieldset containing a legend for the label text, and an ordered list (ol) of list # items, one for each possible choice in the belongs_to association. Each li contains a # label and a radio input. # # Example: # # f.input :author, :as => :radio # # Output: # #
# Author #
  1. # #
  2. #
  3. # #
  4. #
# # You can customize the options available in the set by passing in a collection (Array) of # ActiveRecord objects through the :collection option. If not provided, the choices are found # by inferring the parent's class name from the method name and simply calling find(:all) on # it (VehicleOwner.find(:all) in the example above). # # Examples: # # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => @authors # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => Author.find(:all) # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => [@justin, @kate] # # You can also customize the text label inside each option tag, by naming the correct method # (:full_name, :display_name, :account_number, etc) to call on each object in the collection # by passing in the :label_method option. By default the :label_method is whichever element of # Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder.collection_label_methods is found first. # # Examples: # # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => :full_name # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => :display_name # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => :to_s # f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => :label # # Finally, you can set :value_as_class => true if you want that LI wrappers # contains a class with the wrapped radio input value. # def radio_input(method, options) collection = find_collection_for_column(method, options) html_options = set_options(options).merge(options.delete(:input_html) || {}) input_name = generate_association_input_name(method) value_as_class = options.delete(:value_as_class) list_item_content = collection.map do |c| label = c.is_a?(Array) ? c.first : c value = c.is_a?(Array) ? c.last : c li_content = template.content_tag(:label, "#{self.radio_button(input_name, value, html_options)} #{label}", :for => generate_html_id(input_name, value.to_s.downcase) ) li_options = value_as_class ? { :class => value.to_s.downcase } : {} template.content_tag(:li, li_content, li_options) end field_set_and_list_wrapping_for_method(method, options, list_item_content) end alias :boolean_radio_input :radio_input # Outputs a fieldset with a legend for the method label, and a ordered list (ol) of list # items (li), one for each fragment for the date (year, month, day). Each li contains a label # (eg "Year") and a select box. See date_or_datetime_input for a more detailed output example. # # Some of Rails' options for select_date are supported, but not everything yet. def date_input(method, options) date_or_datetime_input(method, options.merge(:discard_hour => true)) end # Outputs a fieldset with a legend for the method label, and a ordered list (ol) of list # items (li), one for each fragment for the date (year, month, day, hour, min, sec). Each li # contains a label (eg "Year") and a select box. See date_or_datetime_input for a more # detailed output example. # # Some of Rails' options for select_date are supported, but not everything yet. def datetime_input(method, options) date_or_datetime_input(method, options) end # Outputs a fieldset with a legend for the method label, and a ordered list (ol) of list # items (li), one for each fragment for the time (hour, minute, second). Each li contains a label # (eg "Hour") and a select box. See date_or_datetime_input for a more detailed output example. # # Some of Rails' options for select_time are supported, but not everything yet. def time_input(method, options) date_or_datetime_input(method, options.merge(:discard_year => true, :discard_month => true, :discard_day => true)) end #
# Created At #
  1. # # #
  2. #
  3. # # #
  4. #
  5. # # #
  6. #
# # This is an absolute abomination, but so is the official Rails select_date(). # def date_or_datetime_input(method, options) position = { :year => 1, :month => 2, :day => 3, :hour => 4, :minute => 5, :second => 6 } inputs = options.delete(:order) || I18n.translate(:'date.order') || [:year, :month, :day] time_inputs = [:hour, :minute] time_inputs << [:second] if options[:include_seconds] list_items_capture = "" # Gets the datetime object. It can be a Fixnum, Date or Time, or nil. datetime = @object ? @object.send(method) : nil html_options = options.delete(:input_html) || {} (inputs + time_inputs).each do |input| html_id = generate_html_id(method, "#{position[input]}i") field_name = "#{method}(#{position[input]}i)" list_items_capture << if options["discard_#{input}".intern] break if time_inputs.include?(input) hidden_value = datetime.respond_to?(input) ? datetime.send(input) : datetime template.hidden_field_tag("#{@object_name}[#{field_name}]", (hidden_value || 1), :id => html_id) else opts = set_options(options).merge(:prefix => @object_name, :field_name => field_name) item_label_text = I18n.t(input.to_s, :default => input.to_s.humanize, :scope => [:datetime, :prompts]) template.content_tag(:li, template.content_tag(:label, item_label_text, :for => html_id) + template.send("select_#{input}".intern, datetime, opts, html_options.merge(:id => html_id)) ) end end field_set_and_list_wrapping_for_method(method, options, list_items_capture) end # Outputs a label containing a checkbox and the label text. The label defaults # to the column name (method name) and can be altered with the :label option. # # Different from other inputs, :required options has no effect here and # :checked_value and :unchecked_value options are also available. # def boolean_input(method, options) html_options = options.delete(:input_html) || {} input = self.check_box(method, set_options(options).merge(html_options), options.delete(:checked_value) || '1', options.delete(:unchecked_value) || '0') # Generate the label by hand because required or optional does not make sense here label = options.delete(:label) || humanized_attribute_name(method) self.label(method, input + label, options) end # Generates an input for the given method using the type supplied with :as. # # If the input is included in INPUT_MAPPINGS, it uses input_simple # implementation which maps most of the inputs. All others have specific # code and then a proper handler should be called (like radio_input) for # :radio types. # def inline_input_for(method, options) input_type = options.delete(:as) if INPUT_MAPPINGS.key?(input_type) input_simple(input_type, method, options) else send("#{input_type}_input", method, options) end end # Generates error messages for the given method. Errors can be shown as list # or as sentence. If :none is set, no error is shown. # def inline_errors_for(method, options) #:nodoc: return nil unless @object && @object.respond_to?(:errors) && [:sentence, :list].include?(@@inline_errors) # Ruby 1.9: Strings are not Enumerable, ie no String#to_a errors = @object.errors.on(method.to_s) unless errors.respond_to?(:to_a) errors = [errors] else errors = errors.to_a end # Ruby 1.9: Strings are not Enumerable, ie no String#to_a errors = @object.errors.on(method.to_s) unless errors.respond_to?(:to_a) errors = [errors] else errors = errors.to_a end send("error_#{@@inline_errors}", errors) unless errors.empty? end # Generates hints for the given method using the text supplied in :hint. # def inline_hints_for(method, options) #:nodoc: return if options[:hint].blank? template.content_tag(:p, options[:hint], :class => 'inline-hints') end # Creates an error sentence by calling to_sentence on the errors array. # def error_sentence(errors) #:nodoc: template.content_tag(:p, errors.to_sentence, :class => 'inline-errors') end # Creates an error li list. # def error_list(errors) #:nodoc: list_elements = [] errors.each do |error| list_elements << template.content_tag(:li, error) end template.content_tag(:ul, list_elements.join("\n"), :class => 'errors') end # Generates the label for the input. Accepts the same options as Rails label # method and a fourth option that allows the label to be generated as span # with class label. # def input_label(method, text, options={}, as_span=false) #:nodoc: text ||= humanized_attribute_name(method) text << required_or_optional_string(options.delete(:required)) if as_span options[:class] ||= 'label' template.content_tag(:span, text, options) else self.label(method, text, options) end end # Generates the required or optional string. If the value set is a proc, # it evaluates the proc first. # def required_or_optional_string(required) #:nodoc: string_or_proc = required ? @@required_string : @@optional_string if string_or_proc.is_a? Proc string_or_proc.call else string_or_proc end end # Generates a fieldset and wraps the content in an ordered list. When working # with nested attributes (in Rails 2.3), it allows %i as interpolation option # in :name. So you can do: # # f.inputs :name => 'Task #%i', :for => :tasks # # And it will generate a fieldset for each task with legend 'Task #1', 'Task #2', # 'Task #3' and so on. # def field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, contents='', &block) #:nodoc: legend = html_options.delete(:name).to_s legend %= parent_child_index(html_options[:parent]) if html_options[:parent] legend = template.content_tag(:legend, template.content_tag(:span, legend)) unless legend.blank? contents = template.capture(&block) if block_given? # Ruby 1.9: String#to_s behavior changed, need to make an explicit join. contents = contents.join if contents.respond_to?(:join) fieldset = template.content_tag(:fieldset, legend + template.content_tag(:ol, contents), html_options.except(:builder, :parent) ) template.concat(fieldset) if block_given? fieldset end # Also generates a fieldset and an ordered list but with label based in # method. This methods is currently used by radio and datetime inputs. # def field_set_and_list_wrapping_for_method(method, options, contents) template.content_tag(:fieldset, %{#{input_label(method, options.delete(:label), options.slice(:required), true)}} + template.content_tag(:ol, contents) ) end # For methods that have a database column, take a best guess as to what the input method # should be. In most cases, it will just return the column type (eg :string), but for special # cases it will simplify (like the case of :integer, :float & :decimal to :numeric), or do # something different (like :password and :select). # # If there is no column for the method (eg "virtual columns" with an attr_accessor), the # default is a :string, a similar behaviour to Rails' scaffolding. # def default_input_type(method) #:nodoc: return :string if @object.nil? column = @object.column_for_attribute(method) if @object.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute) if column # handle the special cases where the column type doesn't map to an input method return :time_zone if column.type == :string && method.to_s =~ /time_?zone/ return :select if column.type == :integer && method.to_s =~ /_id$/ return :datetime if column.type == :timestamp return :numeric if [:integer, :float, :decimal].include?(column.type) return :password if column.type == :string && method.to_s =~ /password/ # otherwise assume the input name will be the same as the column type (eg string_input) return column.type else obj = @object.send(method) if @object.respond_to?(method) return :select if find_reflection(method) return :file if obj && @@file_methods.any? { |m| obj.respond_to?(m) } return :password if method.to_s =~ /password/ return :string end end # Used by select and radio inputs. The collection can be retrieved by # three ways: # # * Explicitly provided through :collection # * Retrivied through an association # * Or a boolean column, which will generate a localized { "Yes" => true, "No" => false } hash. # # If the collection is not a hash or an array of strings, fixnums or arrays, # we use label_method and value_method to retreive an array with the # appropriate label and value. # def find_collection_for_column(column, options) reflection = find_reflection(column) collection = if options[:collection] options.delete(:collection) elsif reflection || column.to_s =~ /_id$/ parent_class = if reflection reflection.klass else ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("The _id way of doing things is deprecated. Please use the association method (#{column.to_s.sub(/_id$/,'')})", caller[3..-1]) column.to_s.sub(/_id$/,'').camelize.constantize end parent_class.find(:all) else create_boolean_collection(options) end collection = collection.to_a if collection.instance_of?(Hash) # Return if we have an Array of strings, fixnums or arrays return collection if collection.instance_of?(Array) && [Array, Fixnum, String, Symbol].include?(collection.first.class) label = options.delete(:label_method) || detect_label_method(collection) value = options.delete(:value_method) || :id collection.map { |o| [o.send(label), o.send(value)] } end # Detected the label collection method when none is supplied using the # values set in @@collection_label_methods. # def detect_label_method(collection) #:nodoc: @@collection_label_methods.detect { |m| collection.first.respond_to?(m) } end # Returns a hash to be used by radio and select inputs when a boolean field # is provided. # def create_boolean_collection(options) options[:true] ||= I18n.t('yes', :default => 'Yes', :scope => [:formtastic]) options[:false] ||= I18n.t('no', :default => 'No', :scope => [:formtastic]) options[:value_as_class] = true unless options.key?(:value_as_class) { options.delete(:true) => true, options.delete(:false) => false } end # Used by association inputs (select, radio) to generate the name that should # be used for the input # # belongs_to :author; f.input :author; will generate 'author_id' # has_many :authors; f.input :authors; will generate 'author_ids' # has_and_belongs_to_many will act like has_many # def generate_association_input_name(method) if reflection = find_reflection(method) method = "#{method.to_s.singularize}_id" method = method.pluralize if [:has_and_belongs_to_many, :has_many].include?(reflection.macro) end method end # If an association method is passed in (f.input :author) try to find the # reflection object. # def find_reflection(method) @object.class.reflect_on_association(method) if @object.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) end # Generates default_string_options by retrieving column information from # the database. # def default_string_options(method) #:nodoc: column = @object.column_for_attribute(method) if @object.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute) if column.nil? || column.limit.nil? { :size => @@default_text_field_size } else { :maxlength => column.limit, :size => [column.limit, @@default_text_field_size].min } end end # Generate the html id for the li tag. # It takes into account options[:index] and @auto_index to generate li # elements with appropriate index scope. It also sanitizes the object # and method names. # def generate_html_id(method_name, value='input') if options.has_key?(:index) index = "_#{options[:index]}" elsif defined?(@auto_index) index = "_#{@auto_index}" else index = "" end sanitized_method_name = method_name.to_s.sub(/\?$/,"") "#{sanitized_object_name}#{index}_#{sanitized_method_name}_#{value}" end # Gets the nested_child_index value from the parent builder. In Rails 2.3 # it always returns a fixnum. In next versions it returns a hash with each # association that the parent builds. # def parent_child_index(parent) duck = parent[:builder].instance_variable_get('@nested_child_index') if duck.is_a?(Hash) child = parent[:for] child = child.first if child.respond_to?(:first) duck[child].to_i + 1 else duck.to_i + 1 end end def sanitized_object_name @sanitized_object_name ||= @object_name.to_s.gsub(/\]\[|[^-a-zA-Z0-9:.]/, "_").sub(/_$/, "") end def humanized_attribute_name(method) if @object && @object.class.respond_to?(:human_attribute_name) @object.class.human_attribute_name(method.to_s) else method.to_s.send(@@label_str_method) end end end # Wrappers around form_for (etc) with :builder => SemanticFormBuilder. # # * semantic_form_for(@post) # * semantic_fields_for(@post) # * semantic_form_remote_for(@post) # * semantic_remote_form_for(@post) # # Each of which are the equivalent of: # # * form_for(@post, :builder => Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder)) # * fields_for(@post, :builder => Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder)) # * form_remote_for(@post, :builder => Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder)) # * remote_form_for(@post, :builder => Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder)) # # Example Usage: # # <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %> # <%= f.input :title %> # <%= f.input :body %> # <% end %> # # The above examples use a resource-oriented style of form_for() helper where only the @post # object is given as an argument, but the generic style is also supported if you really want it, # as is forms with inline objects (Post.new) rather than objects with instance variables (@post): # # <% semantic_form_for :post, @post, :url => posts_path do |f| %> # ... # <% end %> # # <% semantic_form_for :post, Post.new, :url => posts_path do |f| %> # ... # <% end %> # # The shorter, resource-oriented style is most definitely preferred, and has recieved the most # testing to date. # # Please note: Although it's possible to call Rails' built-in form_for() helper without an # object, all semantic forms *must* have an object (either Post.new or @post), as Formtastic # has too many dependencies on an ActiveRecord object being present. # module SemanticFormHelper @@builder = Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder # cattr_accessor :builder def self.builder=(val) @@builder = val end [:form_for, :fields_for, :form_remote_for, :remote_form_for].each do |meth| src = <<-END_SRC def semantic_#{meth}(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) options = args.extract_options! options[:builder] = @@builder options[:html] ||= {} class_names = options[:html][:class] ? options[:html][:class].split(" ") : [] class_names << "formtastic" class_names << case record_or_name_or_array when String, Symbol then record_or_name_or_array.to_s # :post => "post" when Array then record_or_name_or_array.last.class.to_s.underscore # [@post, @comment] # => "comment" else record_or_name_or_array.class.to_s.underscore # @post => "post" end options[:html][:class] = class_names.join(" ") #{meth}(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &proc) end END_SRC module_eval src, __FILE__, __LINE__ end end end