:toc: macro :toclevels: 5 :figure-caption!: :amazing_print_link: link:https://github.com/amazing-print/amazing_print[Amazing Print] :article_link: link:https://alchemists.io/articles/ruby_method_parameters_and_arguments[method parameters and arguments] = Marameters Marameters is a portmanteau (i.e. `[m]ethod + p[arameters] = marameters`) which is designed to provide additional insight and diagnostics for method parameters. For context, the difference between a method's parameters and arguments is: * *Parameters*: Represents the _expected_ values to be passed to a method when messaged as defined when the method is implemented. Example: `def demo one, two: nil`. * *Arguments*: Represents the _actual_ values passed to the method when messaged. Example: `demo 1, two: 2`. This gem will help you debug methods or aid your workflow when metaprogramming -- as used in the link:https://alchemists.io/projects/infusible[Infusible] gem -- when architecting more sophisticated applications. toc::[] == Features * Provides specialized objects for keyword, positional, and block parameters. == Requirements . link:https://www.ruby-lang.org[Ruby]. . A solid understanding of {article_link}. == Setup To install _with_ security, run: [source,bash] ---- # 💡 Skip this line if you already have the public certificate installed. gem cert --add <(curl --compressed --location https://alchemists.io/gems.pem) gem install marameters --trust-policy HighSecurity ---- To install _without_ security, run: [source,bash] ---- gem install marameters ---- You can also add the gem directly to your project: [source,bash] ---- bundle add marameters ---- Once the gem is installed, you only need to require it: [source,ruby] ---- require "marameters" ---- == Usage At a high level, you can use `Marameters` as a single Object API for accessing all capabilities provided by this gem. Here's an overview: [source,ruby] ---- # Setup def demo(one, two = 2, three: 3) = puts "One: #{one}, Two: #{two}, Three: #{three}" parameters = method(:demo).parameters arguments = %w[one two] # Marameters::Categorizer wrapper Marameters.categorize parameters, arguments # # # Marameters::Probe wrapper Marameters.of self, :demo # [] probe = Marameters.for parameters probe.to_a # [[:req, :one], [:opt, :two], [:key, :three]] probe.positionals # [:one, :two] probe.keywords # [:three] probe.block # nil # Marameters::Signature wrapper Marameters.signature({req: :one, opt: [:two, 2], key: [:three, 3]}).to_s # one, two = 2, three: 3 ---- Read on to learn more about the details on how each of these methods work and the objects they wrap. === Probe The probe allows you to analyze a method's parameters. To understand how, consider the following: [source,ruby] ---- class Demo def initialize logger: Logger.new(STDOUT) @logger = logger end def all one, two = nil, *three, four:, five: nil, **six, &seven logger.debug [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven] end def none = logger.debug "Nothing to see here." private attr_reader :logger end ---- You can then probe the `#all` method's parameters as follows: [source,ruby] ---- probe = Marameters::Probe.new Demo.instance_method(:all).parameters probe.block # :seven probe.block? # true probe.empty? # false probe.keywords # [:four, :five] probe.keywords? # true probe.kind?(:keyrest) # true probe.kinds # [:req, :opt, :rest, :keyreq, :key, :keyrest, :block] probe.name?(:three) # true probe.names # [:one, :two, :three, :four, :five, :six, :seven] probe.only_bare_splats? # false probe.only_double_splats? # false probe.only_single_splats? # false probe.positionals # [:one, :two] probe.positionals? # true probe.splats # [:three, :six] probe.splats? # true probe.to_a # [[:req, :one], [:opt, :two], [:rest, :three], [:keyreq, :four], [:key, :five], [:keyrest, :six], [:block, :seven]] probe.to_h # {req: :one, opt: :two, rest: :three, keyreq: :four, key: :five, keyrest: :six, block: :seven} ---- In contrast the above, we can also probe the `#none` method which has no parameters for a completely different result: [source,ruby] ---- probe = Marameters::Probe.new Demo.instance_method(:none).parameters probe.block # nil probe.block? # false probe.empty? # true probe.keywords # [] probe.keywords? # false probe.kind?(:req) # true probe.kinds # [] probe.name?(:three) # false probe.names # [] probe.only_bare_splats? # false probe.only_double_splats? # false probe.only_single_splats? # false probe.positionals # [] probe.positionals? # false probe.splats # [] probe.splats? # false probe.to_a # [] probe.to_h # {} ---- === Categorizer The categorizer allows you to dynamically build positional, keyword, and block arguments for message passing. This is most valuable when you know the object and method while needing to align the arguments in the right order. Here's a demonstration where {amazing_print_link} (i.e. `ap`) is used to format the output: [source,ruby] ---- function = proc { "test" } module Demo def self.test one, two = nil, *three, four:, five: nil, **six, &seven puts "The .#{__method__} method received the following arguments:\n" [one, two, three, four, five, six, seven].each.with_index 1 do |argument, index| puts "#{index}. #{argument.inspect}" end puts end end module Inspector def self.call arguments Marameters::Categorizer.new(Demo.method(:test).parameters) .call(arguments).then do |splat| ap splat puts Demo.test(*splat.positionals, **splat.keywords, &splat.block) end end end Inspector.call [1, nil, nil, {four: 4}] # # 4 # }, # positionals = [ # 1, # nil # ] # > # # The .test method received the following arguments: # 1. 1 # 2. nil # 3. [] # 4. 4 # 5. nil # 6. {} # 7. nil ---- When we step through the above implementation and output, we see the following unfold: . The `Demo` module allows us to define a maximum set of parameters and then print the arguments received for inspection purposes. . The `Inspector` module provides a wrapper around the `Categorizer` so we can conveniently pass in different arguments for experimentation purposes. . We pass in our arguments to `Inspector.call` where `nil` is used for optional arguments and hashes for keyword arguments. . Once inside `Inspector.call`, the `Categorizer` is initialized with the `Demo.test` method parameters. . Then the `splat` (i.e. Struct) is printed out so you can see the categorized positional, keyword, and block arguments. . Finally, `Demo.test` method is called with the splatted arguments. The above example satisfies the minimum required arguments but if we pass in the maximum arguments -- loosely speaking -- we see more detail: [source,ruby] ---- Inspector.call [1, 2, [98, 99], {four: 4}, {five: 5}, {twenty: 20, thirty: 30}, function] # Output # #, # keywords = { # :four => 4, # :five => 5, # :twenty => 20, # :thirty => 30 # }, # positionals = [ # 1, # 2, # 98, # 99 # ] # > # # The .test method received the following arguments: # 1. 1 # 2. 2 # 3. [98, 99] # 4. 4 # 5. 5 # 6. {:twenty=>20, :thirty=>30} # 7. # ---- Once again, it is important to keep in mind that the argument positions _must_ align with the parameter positions since the parameters are an array of elements too. For illustration purposes -- using the above example -- we can compare the parameters to the arguments as follows: [source,ruby] ---- parameters = Demo.method(:test).parameters arguments = [1, 2, [98, 99], {four: 4}, {five: 5}, {twenty: 20, thirty: 30}, function] ---- With {amazing_print_link}, we can print out this information: [source,ruby] ---- ap parameters ap arguments ---- ...which can be further illustrated by this comparison table: [options="header"] |=== | Parameter | Argument | `%i[reg one]` | `1` | `%i[opt two]` | `2` | `%i[rest three]` | `[98, 99]` | `%i[keyreq four]` | `{four: 4}` | `%i[key five]` | `{five: 5}` | `%i[keyrest six]` | `{twenty: 20, thirty: 30}` | `%i[block seven]` | `#` |=== This also means that: * All positions must be filled if you want to supply arguments beyond the first couple of positions because everything is positional due to the nature of how link:https://rubyapi.org/o/method#method-i-parameters[Method#parameters] works. Use `nil` to fill an optional argument when you don't need it. * The `:rest` (single splat) argument must be an array or `nil` if not present because even though it is _optional_, it is still _positional_. * The `:keyrest` (double splat) argument -- much like the `:rest` argument -- must be a hash or `nil` if not present. Lastly, in all of the above examples, only an array of arguments has been used but you can pass in a single argument too (i.e. non-array). This is handy for method signatures which have only a single parameter or only use splats. Having to remember to wrap your argument in an array each time can get tedious so when _only_ a single argument is supplied, the categorizer will automatically cast the argument as an array. A good example of this use case is when using structs. Example: [source,ruby] ---- url = Struct.new :label, :url, keyword_init: true Marameters.categorize(url.method(:new).parameters, {label: "Eaxmple", url: "https://example.com"}) .then { |splat| url.new(*splat.positionals, **splat.keywords) } # Yields: # ---- For further details, please refer back to my {article_link} article mentioned in the _Requirements_ section. === Signature The signature class is the inverse of the probe class in that you want to feed it parameters for turning into a method signature. This is useful when dynamically building method signatures or using the same signature when metaprogramming multiple methods. The following demonstrates how you might construct a method signature with all possible parameters: [source,ruby] ---- signature = Marameters::Signature.new( { req: :one, opt: [:two, 2], rest: :three, keyreq: :four, key: [:five, 5], keyrest: :six, block: :seven } ) puts signature # one, two = 2, *three, four:, five: 5, **six, &seven ---- You'll notice that the parameters are a hash _and_ some values can be tuples. The reason is that it's easier to write a hash than a double nested array as normally produced by the probe or directly from `Method#parameters`. The optional positional and keyword parameters use tuples because you might want to supply a default value and this provides a way for you to do that with minimal syntax. This can be demonstrated further by using optional keywords (same applies for optional positionals): [source,ruby] ---- # With no default puts Marameters::Signature.new({key: :demo}) # demo: nil # With explicit nil as default puts Marameters::Signature.new({key: [:demo, nil]}) # demo: nil # With string as default puts Marameters::Signature.new({key: [:demo, "test"]}) # demo: "test" # With symbol as default puts Marameters::Signature.new({key: [:demo, :test]}) # demo: :test # With object(dependency) as default puts Marameters::Signature.new({key: [:demo, "*Object.new"]}) # demo: Object.new ---- In the case of object dependencies, you need to wrap these in a string _and_ prefix them with a star (`*`) so the signature builder won't confuse them as normal strings. There are two reasons why this is important: * The star (`*`) signifies you want an object to be passed through without further processing while also not being confused as a normal string. * Objects wrapped as strings allows your dependency to be lazy loaded. Otherwise, if `Object.new` was pass in directly, you'd be passing the evaluated instance (i.e. `#`) which is not what you want until much later when your method is defined. When you put all of this together, you can dynamically build a method as follows: [source,ruby] ---- signature = Marameters::Signature.new({opt: [:text, "This is a test."]}) Example = Module.new do module_eval <<~DEFINITION, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.say(#{signature}) = text DEFINITION end puts Example.say # This is a test. puts Example.say "Hello" # Hello ---- == Development To contribute, run: [source,bash] ---- git clone https://github.com/bkuhlmann/marameters cd marameters bin/setup ---- You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects: [source,bash] ---- bin/console ---- == Tests To test, run: [source,bash] ---- bin/rake ---- == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/license[License] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/security[Security] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/code_of_conduct[Code of Conduct] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/contributions[Contributions] == link:https://alchemists.io/policies/developer_certificate_of_origin[Developer Certificate of Origin] == link:https://alchemists.io/projects/marameters/versions[Versions] == link:https://alchemists.io/community[Community] == Credits * Built with link:https://alchemists.io/projects/gemsmith[Gemsmith]. * Engineered by link:https://alchemists.io/team/brooke_kuhlmann[Brooke Kuhlmann].