module CapistranoMulticonfigParallel # methods used for the interactive menu where are listed all aplications class InteractiveMenu def show_all_websites_interactive_menu(applications) msg = '' choices = [] print_menu_choices(msg, choices, applications) print "\nYou selected" msg = ' nothing' result = '' applications.each_with_index do |option_name, index| next unless choices[index].present? print(" #{option_name}") msg = '' result += "#{option_name}," end print "#{msg}\n" result end def confirm_option_selected print 'Enter a comma-separated list of option numbers or one single option number (again to uncheck, ENTER when done): ' $stdin.gets.squeeze(' ').strip end def print_menu_choices(msg, choices, applications) while print_all_websites_available_options(applications, msg, choices) && (option = confirm_option_selected).present? if /^[0-9,]+/.match(option) handle_menu_option(msg, option, choices, applications) else msg = "Invalid option: #{option}\n " next end end end def print_all_websites_available_options(applications, msg, choices) puts 'Available options:' applications.each_with_index do |option, index| puts "#{(index + 1)} #{choices[index].present? ? "#{choices[index]}" : ''}) #{option} " end puts "\n#{msg}" if msg.present? true end def handle_menu_option(msg, option, choices, applications) arr_in = option.split(',') arr_in.each_with_index do |number_option, _index| num = number_option.to_i if /^[0-9]+/.match(num.to_s) && ((num.to_i > 0 && num.to_i <= applications.size)) num -= 1 msg += "#{applications[num]} was #{choices[num].present? ? 'un' : '' }checked\n" choices[num] = choices[num].blank? ? '+' : ' ' else msg = "Invalid option: #{num}\n" next end end end end end