require 'spec_helper_acceptance' require_relative 'support/build_user_helpers' require_relative 'support/build_project_helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.include Simp::BeakerHelpers::SimpRakeHelpers::BuildUserHelpers c.extend Simp::BeakerHelpers::SimpRakeHelpers::BuildUserHelpers c.include Simp::BeakerHelpers::SimpRakeHelpers::BuildProjectHelpers c.extend Simp::BeakerHelpers::SimpRakeHelpers::BuildProjectHelpers end # options to be applied to each on() operation def run_opts # WARNING: If you set run_in_parallel to true, tests will fail # when run in a GitHub action. { run_in_parallel: false } end describe 'rake pkg:signrpms and pkg:checksig' do # Clean out RPMs dir and copy in a fresh dummy RPM def prep_rpms_dir(rpms_dir, src_rpms, opts = {}) copy_cmds = { |_rpm| "cp -a '#{_rpm}' '#{rpms_dir}'" }.join('; ') on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "rm -f '#{rpms_dir}/*'; #{copy_cmds} "), opts) end # Provides a scaffolded test project and `let` variables shared_context 'a freshly-scaffolded test project' do |dir, opts = {}| test__dir = "#{build_user_homedir}/test-#{dir}" rpms__dir = "#{test__dir}/test.rpms" src__rpm = "#{build_user_host_files}/spec/lib/simp/files/testpackage-1-0.noarch.rpm" host__dirs = {} gpg__keysdir = opts[:gpg_keysdir] ? opts[:gpg_keysdir] : "#{test__dir}/.dev_gpgkeys" extra__env = opts[:gpg_keysdir] ? "SIMP_PKG_build_keys_dir=#{gpg__keysdir}" : '' digest__algo = opts[:digest_algo] ? opts[:digest_algo] : nil hosts.each do |host| dist_dir = distribution_dir(host, test__dir, run_opts) host__dirs[host] = { test_dir: test__dir, dvd_dir: "#{dist_dir}/DVD" } host__dirs[] = host__dirs[host] end before(:all) do # Scaffold a project skeleton scaffold_build_project(hosts, test__dir, run_opts) # Provide an RPM directory to process on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "mkdir '#{rpms__dir}'"), run_opts) # Ensure a DVD directory exists that is appropriate to each SUT hosts.each do |host| on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "mkdir -p '#{host__dirs[host][:dvd_dir]}'"), run_opts) end end let(:test_dir) { test__dir } let(:rpms_dir) { rpms__dir } let(:src_rpm) { src__rpm } let(:test_rpm) { "#{rpms__dir}/#{File.basename(src__rpm)}" } let(:dirs) { host__dirs } let(:dev_keydir) { "#{gpg__keysdir}/dev" } let(:extra_env) { extra__env } let(:digest_algo_param) { digest__algo } let(:digest_algo_result) { digest__algo ? digest__algo.upcase : 'SHA256' } let(:signrpm_cmd) { extra_args = digest_algo_param ? ",false,#{digest_algo_param}" : '' "SIMP_PKG_verbose=yes #{extra_env} bundle exec rake pkg:signrpms[dev,'#{rpms_dir}'#{extra_args}]" } let(:checksig_cmd) { "#{extra_env} bundle exec rake pkg:checksig[#{rpms_dir}]" } end let(:rpm_unsigned_regex) do %r{^Signature\s+:\s+\(none\)$} end let(:rpm_signed_regex) do %r{^Signature\s+:\s+\w+/(?.*?),.*,\s*Key ID (?[0-9a-f]+)$} end let(:expired_keydir) do # NOTE: This expired keydir actually works on EL7 and EL8, even though # the newer gpg version creates different files than those in this # directory. "#{build_user_host_files}/spec/acceptance/suites/default/files/build/pkg/gpg-keydir.expired.2018-04-06" end shared_examples 'it does not leave the gpg-agent daemon running' do it 'does not leave the gpg-agent daemon running' do hosts.each do |host| expect(gpg_agent_running?(host, dev_keydir)).to be false end end end shared_examples 'it verifies RPM signatures' do let(:public_gpgkeys_dir) { 'src/assets/gpgkeys/GPGKEYS' } it 'verifies RPM signatures' do hosts.each do |host| # mock out the simp-gpgkeys project checkout so that the pkg:checksig # doesn't fail before reading in the generated 'dev' GPGKEY on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; mkdir -p #{public_gpgkeys_dir}"), run_opts) on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; touch #{public_gpgkeys_dir}/RPM-GPG-KEY-empty"), run_opts) on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; #{checksig_cmd}"), run_opts) end end end shared_examples 'it creates a new GPG dev signing key' do it 'creates a new GPG dev signing key' do on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; #{signrpm_cmd}"), run_opts) hosts.each do |host| expect(dev_signing_key_id(host, dev_keydir, run_opts)).to_not be_empty expect(file_exists_on(host,"#{dirs[host][:dvd_dir]}/RPM-GPG-KEY-SIMP-Dev")).to be true end end include_examples('it does not leave the gpg-agent daemon running') end shared_examples 'it begins with unsigned RPMs' do it 'begins with unsigned RPMs' do prep_rpms_dir(rpms_dir, [src_rpm], run_opts) rpms_before_signing = on(hosts, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) rpms_before_signing.each do |result| expect(result.stdout).to match rpm_unsigned_regex end end end shared_examples 'it creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages' do it 'creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages' do hosts.each do |host| # NOTE: pkg:signrpms will not actually fail if it can't sign a RPM on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; #{signrpm_cmd}"), run_opts) expect(file_exists_on(host,"#{dirs[host][:dvd_dir]}/RPM-GPG-KEY-SIMP-Dev")).to be true result = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(result.stdout).to match rpm_signed_regex signed_rpm_data = rpm_signed_regex.match(result.stdout) expect(signed_rpm_data[:key_id]).to eql dev_signing_key_id(host, dev_keydir, run_opts) expect(signed_rpm_data[:digest_algo]).to eql digest_algo_result end end include_examples('it does not leave the gpg-agent daemon running') end shared_examples 'it signs RPM packages using existing GPG dev signing key' do it 'signs RPM packages using existing GPG dev signing key' do hosts.each do |host| existing_key_id = dev_signing_key_id(host, dev_keydir, run_opts) on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; #{signrpm_cmd}"), run_opts) result = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(result.stdout).to match rpm_signed_regex signed_rpm_data = rpm_signed_regex.match(result.stdout) expect(signed_rpm_data[:key_id]).to eql existing_key_id expect(signed_rpm_data[:digest_algo]).to eql digest_algo_result end end include_examples('it does not leave the gpg-agent daemon running') end describe 'when starting without a dev key and no RPMs to sign' do include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'create-key') include_examples('it creates a new GPG dev signing key') end describe 'when starting without a dev key and RPMs to sign' do include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'signrpms') include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') include_examples('it creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages') include_examples('it verifies RPM signatures') context 'when there is an unexpired GPG dev signing key and the packages are unsigned' do include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') include_examples('it signs RPM packages using existing GPG dev signing key') include_examples('it verifies RPM signatures') end end describe 'when starting with an expired dev key' do include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'signrpms-expired') it 'begins with an expired GPG signing key' do prep_rpms_dir(rpms_dir, [src_rpm], run_opts) hosts.each do |host| copy_expired_keydir_to_dev_cmds = [ "mkdir -p '$(dirname '#{dev_keydir}')'", "cp -aT '#{expired_keydir}' '#{dev_keydir}'", "ls -lart '#{expired_keydir}'" ].join(' && ') on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "#{copy_expired_keydir_to_dev_cmds}"), run_opts) result = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "gpg --list-keys --homedir='#{dev_keydir}'"), run_opts) expect(result.stdout).to match(/expired: 2018-04-06/) end end include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') include_examples('it creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages') include_examples('it verifies RPM signatures') end describe 'when packages are already signed' do let(:keysdir) { "#{test_dir}/.dev_gpgkeys" } include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'force') context 'initial package signing' do include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') include_examples('it creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages') end context 'when force is disabled' do before :each do # remove the initial signing key on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} 'rm -rf #{keysdir}')) end it 'creates new GPG signing key but does not resign RPMs' do hosts.each do |host| # force defaults to false on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; bundle exec rake pkg:signrpms[dev,'#{rpms_dir}']"), run_opts) result = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(result.stdout).to match rpm_signed_regex signed_rpm_data = rpm_signed_regex.match(result.stdout) # verify RPM is not signed with the new signing key expect(signed_rpm_data[:key_id]).to_not eql dev_signing_key_id(host, dev_keydir, run_opts) end end it 'does not verify RPM signatures with the new key' do public_gpgkeys_dir = 'src/assets/gpgkeys/GPGKEYS' hosts.each do |host| # mock out the simp-gpgkeys project checkout so that the pkg:checksig # doesn't fail before reading in the new generated 'dev' GPGKEY on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; mkdir -p #{public_gpgkeys_dir}"), run_opts) on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; touch #{public_gpgkeys_dir}/RPM-GPG-KEY-empty"), run_opts) result = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; #{checksig_cmd}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [1] ) expect(result.stderr).to match('ERROR: Untrusted RPMs found in the repository') end end end context 'when force is enabled' do before :each do # remove the initial signing key on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} 'rm -rf #{keysdir}')) end it 'creates new GPG signing key and resigns RPMs' do hosts.each do |host| on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; bundle exec rake pkg:signrpms[dev,'#{rpms_dir}',true]"), run_opts) result = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(result.stdout).to match rpm_signed_regex signed_rpm_data = rpm_signed_regex.match(result.stdout) # verify RPM is signed with the new signing key expect(signed_rpm_data[:key_id]).to eql dev_signing_key_id(host, dev_keydir, run_opts) end end end end describe 'when SIMP_PKG_build_keys_dir is set' do opts = { :gpg_keysdir => '/home/build_user/.dev_gpgpkeys' } include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'custom-keys-dir', opts) include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') include_examples('it creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages') end describe 'when digest algorithm is specified' do opts = { :digest_algo => 'sha384' } include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'custom-digest-algo', opts) include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') include_examples('it creates GPG dev signing key and signs packages') include_examples('it verifies RPM signatures') end describe 'when some rpm signing fails' do include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'signing-failure') include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') it 'should create a malformed RPM' do on(hosts, %(#{run_cmd} "echo 'OOPS' > #{rpms_dir}/oops-test.rpm")) end it 'should sign all valid RPMs before failing' do hosts.each do |host| result = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; SIMP_PKG_verbose="yes" #{signrpm_cmd}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [1] ) expect(result.stderr).to match('ERROR: Failed to sign some RPMs') signature_check = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(signature_check.stdout).to match rpm_signed_regex end end end describe 'when wrong keyword password is specified' do include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'wrong-password') include_examples('it creates a new GPG dev signing key') it 'should corrupt the password of new key' do key_gen_file = File.join(dev_keydir, 'gengpgkey') on(hosts, "sed -i -e \"s/^Passphrase: /Passphrase: OOPS/\" #{key_gen_file}") end include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') it 'should fail to sign any rpms and notify user of each failure' do hosts.each do |host| result = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; SIMP_PKG_verbose="yes" #{signrpm_cmd}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [1] ) err_msg = %r(Error occurred while attempting to sign #{test_rpm}) expect(result.stderr).to match(err_msg) signature_check = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(signature_check.stdout).to match rpm_unsigned_regex end end end hosts.each do |host| os_major = fact_on(host,'operatingsystemmajrelease') if os_major > '7' # this problem only happens on EL > 7 in a docker container describe "when gpg-agent's socket path is too long on #{host}" do opts = { :gpg_keysdir => '/home/build_user/this/results/in/a/gpg_agent/socket/path/that/is/longer/than/one/hundred/eight/characters' } include_context('a freshly-scaffolded test project', 'long-socket-path', opts) context 'when the gpg key needs to be created ' do it 'should fail to sign any rpms' do on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; SIMP_PKG_verbose="yes" #{signrpm_cmd}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [1] ) end end context 'when the gpg key already exists' do # This would be when a GPG key dir was populated with keys generated elsewhere. # Reuse the keys from an earlier test. it 'should copy existing key files into the gpg key dir' do source_dir = '/home/build_user/test-create-key/.dev_gpgkeys/dev' on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cp -r #{source_dir}/* #{dev_keydir}")) end include_examples('it begins with unsigned RPMs') it 'should fail to sign any rpms and notify user of each failure' do # For rpm-sign-4.14.2-11.el8_0, 'rpm --resign' hangs instead of failing # when gpg-agent fails to start. # Set the default smaller than the 30 second default, so that we don't # wait so long for the failure. result = on(host, %(#{run_cmd} "cd '#{test_dir}'; SIMP_PKG_rpmsign_timeout=5 SIMP_PKG_verbose="yes" #{signrpm_cmd}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [1] ) err_msg = %r(Failed to sign #{test_rpm} in 5 seconds) expect(result.stderr).to match(err_msg) signature_check = on(host, "rpm -qip '#{test_rpm}' | grep ^Signature", run_opts) expect(signature_check.stdout).to match rpm_unsigned_regex end end end end end end