module Straightedge module Figures # TODO the idea is that a figure is a collection of marks (and possibly other figures...?) # marks should be represented relative to the *figural* origin class Figure include Straightedge::Aspects::Colorable extend Forwardable include Enumerable def_delegators :marks, :each def_delegators :compass, :orbit def_delegators :location, :x, :y attr_accessor :marks, :color, :location def initialize(marks=[], location: nil, color: :none) @marks = marks @color = color @location = location end def compass; @compass ||= Straightedge::Toolkit::Compass.default end def adjacent approximate_adjacent = map(&method(:orbit)).flatten(1).uniq approximate_adjacent.reject(&method(:include?)) #actual_adjacent.sort_by(&method(:distance_from_center)) end # note this is center of the collection of raw marks # in terms of their own space; not displaced by location # or scaled by dimensions def center [map(&:x).mean, map(&:y).mean] end #def distance_from_center(xy) # Straightedge::Toolkit::Ruler.distance(xy,center) #end end end end