eu: activemodel: attributes: config: allow_images_in_full_editor: Allow images in the full HTML editor allow_images_in_markdown_editor: Allow images in the markdown editor allow_images_in_proposals: Allow images in the proposals editor allow_images_in_small_editor: Allow images in the minimal HTML editor auto_save_forms: Auto save forms in local storage intergram_auto_no_response: A message that is sent one minute after the user sends its first message and no response was received intergram_auto_response: A message that is sent immediately after the user sends its first message intergram_chat_id: Chat ID intergram_color: Color of the widget intergram_for_admins: Enable Intergram Chat in the admin backend intergram_intro_message: First message when the user opens the chat for the first time intergram_require_login: Only for logged users intergram_title_closed: Closed chat title intergram_title_open: Opened chat title intergram_use_floating_button: If checked, the closed chat is always a button instead of a text scoped_styles: 'Custom styles #%{id}' use_markdown_editor: Use a Markdown editor instead of the HTML editor constraint: component_id: or specifically in component_manifest: Only in components of type participatory_space_manifest: Apply to participatory spaces of type participatory_space_slug: Only in menu: position: Position raw_label: Label target: Opens in url: URL visibility: Visibility decidim: admin: menu: decidim_awesome: Decidim awesome components: awesome_iframe: name: Fullscreen Iframe settings: global: announcement: Oharra iframe: Iframe code iframe_help: 'Put your code as html: . Content will be sanitized from other HTML tags. Ensure to use 100% as width to fill the screen.' no_margins: No margins between the iframe and the rest of the page viewport_width: Limit maximum width to the application viewport step: announcement: Oharra iframe: Iframe code awesome_map: name: Awesome Map settings: global: announcement: Oharra collapse: Start with collapsed menu map_height: Map height (px) step: announcement: Oharra show_accepted: Show accepted proposals show_evaluating: Show evaluating proposals show_not_answered: Show not answered proposals show_rejected: Show rejected proposals show_withdrawn: Show withdrawn proposals decidim_awesome: admin: checks: index: admin_head_tags: Awesome tags included in the admin application header decidim-admin: From Admin module decidim-core: From Core module decidim-proposals: From Proposals module decidim_version: Decidim version %{version} errors: CSS: Head does not contain the required stylesheet entries. To solve it, you can manually add it to your custom _head.html.erb JavaScript: Head does not contain the required