#!/usr/bin/env rake # # This is for Rake tasks that pertain to the development and # maintainence of DOTS itself. All tasks that can be loaded # with `rake -g` should be put into a .rake file in ~/.dots/lib/tasks. # # These tasks are also available within DOTS natively. require 'rake' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' Dir["lib/tasks/*.rake"].each { |rake_file| load rake_file } begin require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:test) rescue LoadError => e # RSpec can not be run in the gem installation. end desc "Update DOTS, Antigen, and all installed plugins." task :update do sh "cd ~/.dots && git pull origin master" sh "cd ~/.dots && git submodule sync" sh "antigen-update" end