  {3cd1fbb4-f3ea-42f9-b6de-7a8344e35101}, !- Handle
  2.2.1;                                  !- Version Identifier

  {5f694a38-9fae-43a5-b787-6f5c6eb4a82d}, !- Handle
  USA TX-HOUSTON,                         !- Name
  29.97,                                  !- Latitude {deg}
  -95.37,                                 !- Longitude {deg}
  -6,                                     !- Time Zone {hr}
  33,                                     !- Elevation {m}
  City;                                   !- Terrain

  {f85c65ce-f6e7-46d5-87cf-9e234c25332d}, !- Handle
  Yes,                                    !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
  Yes,                                    !- Do System Sizing Calculation
  Yes,                                    !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
  No,                                     !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
  Yes,                                    !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
  0.04,                                   !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
  0.2,                                    !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
  FullInteriorAndExterior,                !- Solar Distribution
  25,                                     !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
  6;                                      !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days

  {af49dffd-69ff-4fed-8915-310dd364e716}, !- Handle
  Gas:Facility,                           !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry,                            !- Name
  {3e2fa693-bd61-47e7-8867-5dbe5e985915}, !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  0,                                      !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  25.135,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  {619e97fb-f5d3-45a8-b30d-a88e2f37fabb}, !- Building Story Name
  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}, !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {32c0d58b-d715-4878-9faf-901d80c96c2a}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_West_1,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {888d96ab-9c97-4108-8792-81a4a3592a97}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, -3, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, -3, 6.096;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail,                            !- Name
  {a8388976-bf2b-4fac-998c-081530ca0588}, !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  0,                                      !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  6,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  {619e97fb-f5d3-45a8-b30d-a88e2f37fabb}, !- Building Story Name
  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}, !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {27224d7a-3b88-4791-b82b-905919b047e9}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_North,                 !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {1eb55256-b8e9-4286-8158-5bbfc5682e9b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 29.27, 6.096,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 29.27, 0,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 29.27, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 29.27, 6.096;                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {be1e5e25-c9db-44b4-a151-0a0dd0efc1b5}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_South_3,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b1ef3a35-f260-4bdd-8ea7-51a09a703bea}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  29.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  29.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  54.27, 0, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  54.27, 0, 6.096;                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {106d641d-af0a-49cc-b693-030777f9edfb}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_East_2,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 0, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 0, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  54.27, 29.27, 0,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  54.27, 29.27, 6.096;                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale,                          !- Name
  {9b7c677a-732d-4742-8957-a2ea004098de}, !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  0,                                      !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  {619e97fb-f5d3-45a8-b30d-a88e2f37fabb}, !- Building Story Name
  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}, !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {1b291a97-6752-4735-9767-e71868d91de1}, !- Handle
  Heating:Gas,                            !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {4642c693-25d1-4bb0-954c-589b4e8b61eb}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Wall_West_2,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b0380120-8853-4f2d-901c-d06f08c22e95}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 6, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 6, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 3, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail,                           !- Name
  {a8388976-bf2b-4fac-998c-081530ca0588}, !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  0,                                      !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  29.135,                                 !- X Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  {619e97fb-f5d3-45a8-b30d-a88e2f37fabb}, !- Building Story Name
  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}, !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {a64fc5b9-c152-4fa9-867c-1352db06f38e}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Wall_South,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, 0, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {4fbd08a9-dbee-49f7-8b9b-e76b73e8d7fd}, !- Handle
  15000,                                  !- Calculation Frequency
  15000;                                  !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations

  {1eb55256-b8e9-4286-8158-5bbfc5682e9b}, !- Handle
  Back_Space_Wall_South,                  !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {27224d7a-3b88-4791-b82b-905919b047e9}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  54.27, 0, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  54.27, 0, 6.096;                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Handle
  Back_Space,                             !- Name
  {52fa9566-d872-436c-87f4-545ac5579dc4}, !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  0,                                      !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
  0,                                      !- X Origin {m}
  35.27,                                  !- Y Origin {m}
  0,                                      !- Z Origin {m}
  {619e97fb-f5d3-45a8-b30d-a88e2f37fabb}, !- Building Story Name
  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}, !- Thermal Zone Name
  Yes;                                    !- Part of Total Floor Area

  {923a8e24-b5a2-448d-bae9-3e424d7b99dc}, !- Handle
  Pumps:Electricity,                      !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {600a349b-11f9-4c12-b76c-40ebae2dd03c}, !- Handle
  HeatRejection:Electricity,              !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {479986a8-d421-4f87-834b-efab16ae7fdd}, !- Handle
  Fans:Electricity,                       !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {9525b01b-9d48-4f52-a06c-e79c8ab7968c}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Roof,                       !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  29.135, -3, 6.096,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  29.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  54.27, 0, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  54.27, 29.27, 6.096,                    !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
  0, 29.27, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 5 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 6 {m}
  25.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 7 {m}
  25.135, -3, 6.096;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 8 {m}

  {3ec32cc3-96f5-4156-8a79-533af1ae1128}, !- Handle
  Humidifier:Electricity,                 !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {99aae224-18ed-4209-941b-87e22f0ccc69}, !- Handle
  WaterSystems:Electricity,               !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {7cad3709-55ae-4c92-8f5a-9f54bcd3563a}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_South_1,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {d91eb033-beac-4e83-a7c4-3ac5c43f4615}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, 0, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {30ec5d71-d962-4572-9555-aca37cf3635e}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Wall_West,                  !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {b4aadc05-dd6a-437a-9d07-e3102830d33f}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 3, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b4aadc05-dd6a-437a-9d07-e3102830d33f}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Wall_East_1,              !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {30ec5d71-d962-4572-9555-aca37cf3635e}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, 3, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, 3, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {38af3cef-46eb-4daa-b5cc-8b3ee83cf56c}, !- Handle
  Heating:Electricity,                    !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {1ebbd0d4-95b8-4262-a4ca-521a0fa0af6a}, !- Handle
  Electricity:Facility,                   !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {9537ecc5-252b-4db3-b62b-4e72a74efae6}, !- Handle
  DOERef1980_2004RetailStandalone,        !- Name
  ,                                       !- Building Sector Type
  0,                                      !- North Axis {deg}
  ,                                       !- Nominal Floor to Floor Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Space Type Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  1,                                      !- Standards Number of Stories
  1,                                      !- Standards Number of Above Ground Stories
  RetailStandalone;                       !- Standards Building Type

  {3d29657f-60c7-44ae-9a96-2c92d168a8cd}, !- Handle
  Back_Space_Wall_West,                   !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 7, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 7, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {cfbc0693-90cf-4b1f-b9f6-000dc87889b0}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_South_2,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {e5cb646a-104c-48aa-ac46-84a03744c5d8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, -3, 6.096,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, -3, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  29.135, -3, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  29.135, -3, 6.096;                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {fa1ebda6-465d-460d-8b04-64424f7d030f}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Floor,                      !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Space Name
  Ground,                                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 3, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b0380120-8853-4f2d-901c-d06f08c22e95}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_East_1,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {4642c693-25d1-4bb0-954c-589b4e8b61eb}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  29.135, -3, 6.096,                      !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  29.135, -3, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  29.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  29.135, 0, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {8d1eea05-6f57-4db1-87e0-d3c0433a95fa}, !- Handle
  2,                                      !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes}
  25;                                     !- Maximum HVAC Iterations

  {22e02433-8394-419f-9fab-d492197dc062}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Wall_West_2,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 29.27, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 29.27, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {88842d8c-da36-4b76-b79e-595155211f07}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Roof,                     !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 6, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 6, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {0bea7ec2-4370-46c4-8cde-1426a3815759}, !- Handle
  RunPeriod 1,                            !- Name
  1,                                      !- Begin Month
  1,                                      !- Begin Day of Month
  12,                                     !- End Month
  31,                                     !- End Day of Month
  No,                                     !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
  No,                                     !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
  No,                                     !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
  Yes,                                    !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
  Yes,                                    !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
  1;                                      !- Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated

  {b348d7ea-aa56-4f66-8934-ce47d3a9c662}, !- Handle
  ,                                       !- Calendar Year
  Monday;                                 !- Day of Week for Start Day

  {fc5d473a-facb-40a4-9c6e-83872bdf8840}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Wall_West_1,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {12bc3656-ac23-4667-91a6-85a1bb1fe328}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 3, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {37890606-9de5-4c45-8644-26c5aa84a80e}, !- Handle
  Back_Space_Floor,                       !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Space Name
  Ground,                                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 7, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 0, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 7, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {3683c760-4e68-44f8-acce-b3083542da06}, !- Handle
  WaterSystems:Gas,                       !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {a9e9943e-b275-487b-a22f-a6c233e09411}, !- Handle
  InteriorEquipment:Gas,                  !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {febe2b14-8d79-47f5-80b9-c7ea1639aa7c}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Wall_South,                 !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {74dfad2c-cf54-426e-9d53-712120282547}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Roof,                      !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 6, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 6, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {d91eb033-beac-4e83-a7c4-3ac5c43f4615}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Wall_North,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {7cad3709-55ae-4c92-8f5a-9f54bcd3563a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 6, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 6, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 6, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 6, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {04ccece2-abea-4602-8a0e-2901335d8e47}, !- Handle
  6;                                      !- Number of Timesteps per Hour

  {b8517e9c-4bbc-4814-be0d-7c7cbcc035d2}, !- Handle
  Cooling:Electricity,                    !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {20571b99-9704-4b36-80db-b2a041c397ef}, !- Handle
  ExteriorEquipment:Electricity,          !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {0b58906f-11b8-4d04-abe8-2295d4b8cc34}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Floor,                    !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Ground,                                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 6, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 6, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {13b2e966-417e-4f54-95fb-a861512330df}, !- Handle
  Refrigeration:Electricity,              !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {b1ef3a35-f260-4bdd-8ea7-51a09a703bea}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Wall_North,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {be1e5e25-c9db-44b4-a151-0a0dd0efc1b5}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 6, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 6, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 6, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 6, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9f905265-7cf1-464d-8253-9cb9fa5cce92}, !- Handle
  ConductionTransferFunction,             !- Algorithm
  200;                                    !- Surface Temperature Upper Limit {C}

  {12bc3656-ac23-4667-91a6-85a1bb1fe328}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Wall_East,                  !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {fc5d473a-facb-40a4-9c6e-83872bdf8840}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  4, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  4, 3, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {e5cb646a-104c-48aa-ac46-84a03744c5d8}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Wall_North,                 !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {cfbc0693-90cf-4b1f-b9f6-000dc87889b0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4, 3, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 3, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 3, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b31b105d-afab-45d2-bd11-21f7943dfd18}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Walll_East,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 0, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, 6, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, 6, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {2018adfe-7668-472d-a9ed-878feb0d5d2b}, !- Handle
  Back_Space_Roof,                        !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 0, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 7, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 7, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {04b28413-a784-446e-a446-2cd25080e311}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Floor,                     !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {dcaadd32-9d98-4fca-80fd-b28c1632f43f}, !- Space Name
  Ground,                                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 6, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 6, 0;                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {5c15ef81-9111-4066-9a5f-60efa28b0d78}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Wall_South_Glazing,       !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {18a2e4d1-7cc2-4489-ba8a-6eaf51f8c6fc}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.05, 0, 2.66,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.05, 0, 1.14,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.085, 0, 1.14,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.085, 0, 2.66;                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {18a2e4d1-7cc2-4489-ba8a-6eaf51f8c6fc}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Wall_South,               !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, 0, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {9e64a883-aaf0-47d5-ad22-2ed1539b266c}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Roof,                       !- Name
  RoofCeiling,                            !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {e0f8e62a-82c6-453a-8023-c2e78b242a3a}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  4, 0, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  4, 3, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 3, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {80e08a23-5506-41c8-8efd-cd3de40e9ff0}, !- Handle
  ExteriorLights:Electricity,             !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {c5fe5890-6617-4c6a-b10b-f49f318e7761}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Wall_West,                !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0, 6, 6.096,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0, 6, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 0, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {888d96ab-9c97-4108-8792-81a4a3592a97}, !- Handle
  Point_Of_Sale_Wall_East_2,              !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {1c3557f6-fe76-4a1c-ac61-a39455d5ee92}, !- Space Name
  Surface,                                !- Outside Boundary Condition
  {32c0d58b-d715-4878-9faf-901d80c96c2a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  25.135, 3, 6.096,                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  25.135, 3, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.135, 6, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.135, 6, 6.096;                       !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {5e282742-00b4-472d-982b-fbd38906af9c}, !- Handle
  Front_Entry_Wall_South_Glazing,         !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {febe2b14-8d79-47f5-80b9-c7ea1639aa7c}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.5, 0, 2.66,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.5, 0, 0.05,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  3.5, 0, 0.05,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  3.5, 0, 2.66;                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {620ffe88-6f48-4f37-8964-44596924b6fb}, !- Handle
  InteriorEquipment:Electricity,          !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {6241e0f2-2896-4a90-bebb-585b20637185}, !- Handle
  Back_Space_Wall_North,                  !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 7, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 7, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  0, 7, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  0, 7, 6.096;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {5575277d-d325-42c2-888a-21254ab36271}, !- Handle
  InteriorLights:Electricity,             !- Name
  hourly,                                 !- Reporting Frequency
  False,                                  !- Meter File Only
  False;                                  !- Cumulative

  {d67ee3ad-dc58-4928-b205-a51303a18c65}, !- Handle
  Front_Retail_Wall_South_Glazing,        !- Name
  FixedWindow,                            !- Sub Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {a64fc5b9-c152-4fa9-867c-1352db06f38e}, !- Surface Name
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Shading Control Name
  ,                                       !- Frame and Divider Name
  1,                                      !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  0.05, 0, 2.66,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  0.05, 0, 1.14,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  25.085, 0, 1.14,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  25.085, 0, 2.66;                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {b7b4905e-878d-4916-868e-53264f2d18da}, !- Handle
  Back_Space_Wall_East,                   !- Name
  Wall,                                   !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {942cf99c-2d27-426d-b804-211336dc41a7}, !- Space Name
  Outdoors,                               !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  SunExposed,                             !- Sun Exposure
  WindExposed,                            !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 0, 6.096,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 0, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  54.27, 7, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  54.27, 7, 6.096;                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}

  {113947e2-d6ea-4e0a-94b7-613c4bd67384}, !- Handle
  Core_Retail_Floor,                      !- Name
  Floor,                                  !- Surface Type
  ,                                       !- Construction Name
  {8af481dd-5f80-49d1-903f-164be84205ab}, !- Space Name
  Ground,                                 !- Outside Boundary Condition
  ,                                       !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
  NoSun,                                  !- Sun Exposure
  NoWind,                                 !- Wind Exposure
  ,                                       !- View Factor to Ground
  ,                                       !- Number of Vertices
  54.27, 29.27, 0,                        !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
  54.27, 0, 0,                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
  29.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
  29.135, -3, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
  25.135, -3, 0,                          !- X,Y,Z Vertex 5 {m}
  25.135, 0, 0,                           !- X,Y,Z Vertex 6 {m}
  0, 0, 0,                                !- X,Y,Z Vertex 7 {m}
  0, 29.27, 0;                            !- X,Y,Z Vertex 8 {m}

  {4e32b38e-9d0d-4a3b-a642-695172ddd924}; !- Handle

  {619e97fb-f5d3-45a8-b30d-a88e2f37fabb}, !- Handle
  Building Story 1,                       !- Name
  0,                                      !- Nominal Z Coordinate {m}
  ,                                       !- Nominal Floor to Floor Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  ;                                       !- Group Rendering Name

  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}, !- Handle
  TZ-Point_Of_Sale,                       !- Name
  ,                                       !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Volume {m3}
  ,                                       !- Floor Area {m2}
  ,                                       !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
  {7ab7e8b7-1509-4879-b66b-f7bdfef74ac8}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
  {7e09c748-f1b7-4f40-8d75-a020b4c31f0f}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
  {424c5c05-90c9-48a5-963e-49dbc460da18}, !- Zone Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Zone Return Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Illuminance Map Name
  ,                                       !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Thermostat Name
  No;                                     !- Use Ideal Air Loads

  {bb6f34cd-57b9-48da-bc00-c07f7efe9afa}, !- Handle
  Node 1,                                 !- Name
  {424c5c05-90c9-48a5-963e-49dbc460da18}, !- Inlet Port
  ;                                       !- Outlet Port

  {424c5c05-90c9-48a5-963e-49dbc460da18}, !- Handle
  {4359d6f6-b6bc-4e64-a9aa-fb60567f5cfa}, !- Name
  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}, !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  {bb6f34cd-57b9-48da-bc00-c07f7efe9afa}, !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {7ab7e8b7-1509-4879-b66b-f7bdfef74ac8}, !- Handle
  {a86d17f5-6f5b-426b-aa66-962b9bde6732}, !- Name
  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}; !- HVAC Component

  {7e09c748-f1b7-4f40-8d75-a020b4c31f0f}, !- Handle
  {75054a0b-60ed-489b-bd3f-41e35fafe81e}, !- Name
  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}; !- HVAC Component

  {c656ab09-7dd6-4868-a6ca-7df206c4eec4}, !- Handle
  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  14,                                     !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  40,                                     !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  0.0085,                                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.008,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  ,                                       !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
  ,                                       !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
  DesignDay,                              !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
  DesignDay,                              !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode
  No,                                     !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
  NeutralSupplyAir,                       !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
  autosize,                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
  autosize;                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}

  {1f342f22-2ccc-42ea-8fec-bbac4a8d5c20}, !- Handle
  Zone HVAC Equipment List 1,             !- Name
  {ea16e876-9512-4f15-a35b-954a798cc6b3}; !- Thermal Zone

  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}, !- Handle
  TZ-Core_Retail,                         !- Name
  ,                                       !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Volume {m3}
  ,                                       !- Floor Area {m2}
  ,                                       !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
  {bca2110b-67d2-44e1-a428-312dee1d3129}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
  {1c05ffdc-e5b5-43a5-8b40-b11555715edd}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
  {74191d29-d0a1-4380-b3e7-fdd2440d5cc0}, !- Zone Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Zone Return Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Illuminance Map Name
  ,                                       !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Thermostat Name
  No;                                     !- Use Ideal Air Loads

  {efc25b10-4d60-475a-9ab2-3f4be431ce7d}, !- Handle
  Node 2,                                 !- Name
  {74191d29-d0a1-4380-b3e7-fdd2440d5cc0}, !- Inlet Port
  ;                                       !- Outlet Port

  {74191d29-d0a1-4380-b3e7-fdd2440d5cc0}, !- Handle
  {2f168588-49ab-44fe-9f30-dba4c34e3d82}, !- Name
  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}, !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  {efc25b10-4d60-475a-9ab2-3f4be431ce7d}, !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {bca2110b-67d2-44e1-a428-312dee1d3129}, !- Handle
  {0099e906-6c1c-464a-8760-a809b5880425}, !- Name
  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}; !- HVAC Component

  {1c05ffdc-e5b5-43a5-8b40-b11555715edd}, !- Handle
  {1101f415-aaaf-412f-b76f-0fab8eb719e6}, !- Name
  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}; !- HVAC Component

  {afca4891-f642-4bcb-9fe8-be2a3db9f1d6}, !- Handle
  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  14,                                     !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  40,                                     !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  0.0085,                                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.008,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  ,                                       !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
  ,                                       !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
  DesignDay,                              !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
  DesignDay,                              !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode
  No,                                     !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
  NeutralSupplyAir,                       !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
  autosize,                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
  autosize;                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}

  {85ff021f-4ffe-4352-96d1-fb38104c3d7a}, !- Handle
  Zone HVAC Equipment List 2,             !- Name
  {de4ceddc-a66b-4c49-942d-4f208ce5c068}; !- Thermal Zone

  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}, !- Handle
  TZ-Back_Space,                          !- Name
  ,                                       !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Volume {m3}
  ,                                       !- Floor Area {m2}
  ,                                       !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
  {48035f53-0868-49bf-8a70-22be0883c812}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
  {048af741-f7c4-480b-9b1e-e0a67f0781ec}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
  {531ae18d-b398-4d80-9704-a6fb39758700}, !- Zone Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Zone Return Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Illuminance Map Name
  ,                                       !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Thermostat Name
  No;                                     !- Use Ideal Air Loads

  {5de8e463-8b8b-45c7-b7a3-37934e527e55}, !- Handle
  Node 3,                                 !- Name
  {531ae18d-b398-4d80-9704-a6fb39758700}, !- Inlet Port
  ;                                       !- Outlet Port

  {531ae18d-b398-4d80-9704-a6fb39758700}, !- Handle
  {84aec0ae-6b84-4b4a-ae3f-69392b43df1e}, !- Name
  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}, !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  {5de8e463-8b8b-45c7-b7a3-37934e527e55}, !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {48035f53-0868-49bf-8a70-22be0883c812}, !- Handle
  {f49718b3-564f-4b3f-9b42-facebc0c3e47}, !- Name
  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}; !- HVAC Component

  {048af741-f7c4-480b-9b1e-e0a67f0781ec}, !- Handle
  {233e4383-fb97-438f-8c4a-73bc4171b63d}, !- Name
  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}; !- HVAC Component

  {a2327e57-4375-4508-8355-17028886cd87}, !- Handle
  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  14,                                     !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  40,                                     !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  0.0085,                                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.008,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  ,                                       !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
  ,                                       !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
  DesignDay,                              !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
  DesignDay,                              !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode
  No,                                     !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
  NeutralSupplyAir,                       !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
  autosize,                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
  autosize;                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}

  {2ba986b8-4dda-41a1-ba6d-012603694bfc}, !- Handle
  Zone HVAC Equipment List 3,             !- Name
  {e2496ae2-8255-441b-8979-77c205e0c9fd}; !- Thermal Zone

  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}, !- Handle
  TZ-Front_Retail,                        !- Name
  ,                                       !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Volume {m3}
  ,                                       !- Floor Area {m2}
  ,                                       !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
  {9c5314db-cba7-4b34-803d-0235fa18724d}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
  {facbfa6b-d7c9-4a83-a199-94dc6f0cf255}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
  {cbf869d7-de0e-4f13-8624-f19cb351e285}, !- Zone Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Zone Return Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Illuminance Map Name
  ,                                       !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Thermostat Name
  No;                                     !- Use Ideal Air Loads

  {a2506d35-0f3a-40ed-a66d-1a4f99f4272a}, !- Handle
  Node 4,                                 !- Name
  {cbf869d7-de0e-4f13-8624-f19cb351e285}, !- Inlet Port
  ;                                       !- Outlet Port

  {cbf869d7-de0e-4f13-8624-f19cb351e285}, !- Handle
  {8f88fd0b-1ef6-45ee-aa90-5b7d52102b9a}, !- Name
  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}, !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  {a2506d35-0f3a-40ed-a66d-1a4f99f4272a}, !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {9c5314db-cba7-4b34-803d-0235fa18724d}, !- Handle
  {24b75d85-d27d-48b8-b495-dfd90065754a}, !- Name
  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}; !- HVAC Component

  {facbfa6b-d7c9-4a83-a199-94dc6f0cf255}, !- Handle
  {1b8a2a3a-4bae-4dea-b70b-70197fbcc7e4}, !- Name
  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}; !- HVAC Component

  {ca3a5623-5ffd-4296-ac6d-107f7c6e41ad}, !- Handle
  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  14,                                     !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  40,                                     !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  0.0085,                                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.008,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  ,                                       !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
  ,                                       !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
  DesignDay,                              !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
  DesignDay,                              !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode
  No,                                     !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
  NeutralSupplyAir,                       !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
  autosize,                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
  autosize;                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}

  {6239bbe0-8cd0-471f-836c-116956cc6a28}, !- Handle
  Zone HVAC Equipment List 4,             !- Name
  {6fca8c89-9035-4266-843f-16ed601c44a6}; !- Thermal Zone

  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}, !- Handle
  TZ-Front_Entry,                         !- Name
  ,                                       !- Multiplier
  ,                                       !- Ceiling Height {m}
  ,                                       !- Volume {m3}
  ,                                       !- Floor Area {m2}
  ,                                       !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
  ,                                       !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
  {bc17670b-024a-4713-83c4-94c556e435a4}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
  {61b79313-34ea-441e-9fa5-d450ac2d2049}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
  {2934dc0a-65ec-4b93-b2b9-2e6189dacf54}, !- Zone Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Zone Return Air Node Name
  ,                                       !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
  ,                                       !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
  ,                                       !- Illuminance Map Name
  ,                                       !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Thermostat Name
  No;                                     !- Use Ideal Air Loads

  {93244548-c52d-4b28-85ad-b64a95deb9a8}, !- Handle
  Node 5,                                 !- Name
  {2934dc0a-65ec-4b93-b2b9-2e6189dacf54}, !- Inlet Port
  ;                                       !- Outlet Port

  {2934dc0a-65ec-4b93-b2b9-2e6189dacf54}, !- Handle
  {ac3022e8-d694-4154-95ee-f4e0f5a95530}, !- Name
  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}, !- Source Object
  11,                                     !- Outlet Port
  {93244548-c52d-4b28-85ad-b64a95deb9a8}, !- Target Object
  2;                                      !- Inlet Port

  {bc17670b-024a-4713-83c4-94c556e435a4}, !- Handle
  {622e2304-3c0a-4a53-b728-ebe883dc5863}, !- Name
  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}; !- HVAC Component

  {61b79313-34ea-441e-9fa5-d450ac2d2049}, !- Handle
  {b3805e98-34cc-4663-a8a1-cceb0887f990}, !- Name
  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}; !- HVAC Component

  {c0fb1371-af13-4486-8924-82b9371bd5af}, !- Handle
  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  14,                                     !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  SupplyAirTemperature,                   !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
  40,                                     !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
  11.11,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
  0.0085,                                 !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.008,                                  !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  ,                                       !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
  ,                                       !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
  DesignDay,                              !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
  DesignDay,                              !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
  ,                                       !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
  ,                                       !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode
  ,                                       !- Design Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode
  No,                                     !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
  NeutralSupplyAir,                       !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
  autosize,                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
  autosize;                               !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}

  {e8490f8a-518b-492f-b807-4db19187e2c8}, !- Handle
  Zone HVAC Equipment List 5,             !- Name
  {78096938-60cc-4a6a-8270-8b053ccd36df}; !- Thermal Zone

  {52fa9566-d872-436c-87f4-545ac5579dc4}, !- Handle
  Retail Back_Space,                      !- Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  {3be1bc7e-d855-42ec-96e4-aa343d92a3d0}, !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  Retail,                                 !- Standards Building Type
  Back_Space;                             !- Standards Space Type

  {3be1bc7e-d855-42ec-96e4-aa343d92a3d0}, !- Handle
  Retail Back_Space,                      !- Name
  120,                                    !- Rendering Red Value
  149,                                    !- Rendering Green Value
  230;                                    !- Rendering Blue Value

  {3e2fa693-bd61-47e7-8867-5dbe5e985915}, !- Handle
  Retail Entry,                           !- Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  {5eee3b57-c0e8-4bf6-8d1e-1a02789169fc}, !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  Retail,                                 !- Standards Building Type
  Entry;                                  !- Standards Space Type

  {5eee3b57-c0e8-4bf6-8d1e-1a02789169fc}, !- Handle
  Retail Entry,                           !- Name
  169,                                    !- Rendering Red Value
  31,                                     !- Rendering Green Value
  31;                                     !- Rendering Blue Value

  {9b7c677a-732d-4742-8957-a2ea004098de}, !- Handle
  Retail Point_of_Sale,                   !- Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  {ff8c7fa5-b84f-466d-b32c-f52de282b36b}, !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  Retail,                                 !- Standards Building Type
  Point_of_Sale;                          !- Standards Space Type

  {ff8c7fa5-b84f-466d-b32c-f52de282b36b}, !- Handle
  Retail Point_of_Sale,                   !- Name
  171,                                    !- Rendering Red Value
  222,                                    !- Rendering Green Value
  78;                                     !- Rendering Blue Value

  {a8388976-bf2b-4fac-998c-081530ca0588}, !- Handle
  Retail Retail,                          !- Name
  ,                                       !- Default Construction Set Name
  ,                                       !- Default Schedule Set Name
  {0912761d-2b71-404a-8ad4-96dc77c98ac7}, !- Group Rendering Name
  ,                                       !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
  Retail,                                 !- Standards Building Type
  Retail;                                 !- Standards Space Type

  {0912761d-2b71-404a-8ad4-96dc77c98ac7}, !- Handle
  Retail Retail,                          !- Name
  171,                                    !- Rendering Red Value
  222,                                    !- Rendering Green Value
  78;                                     !- Rendering Blue Value