// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ #ifndef TAO_JSON_PEGTL_CONTRIB_URI_HPP #define TAO_JSON_PEGTL_CONTRIB_URI_HPP #include #include "../ascii.hpp" #include "../config.hpp" #include "../rules.hpp" #include "../utf8.hpp" #include "abnf.hpp" #include "integer.hpp" namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::uri { // URI grammar according to RFC 3986. // This grammar is a direct PEG translation of the original URI grammar. // It should be considered experimental -- in case of any issues, in particular // missing rules for attached actions, please contact the developers. // Note that this grammar has multiple top-level rules. using dot = one< '.' >; using colon = one< ':' >; // clang-format off struct dec_octet : integer::maximum_rule< std::uint8_t > {}; struct IPv4address : seq< dec_octet, dot, dec_octet, dot, dec_octet, dot, dec_octet > {}; struct h16 : rep_min_max< 1, 4, abnf::HEXDIG > {}; struct ls32 : sor< seq< h16, colon, h16 >, IPv4address > {}; struct dcolon : two< ':' > {}; struct IPv6address : sor< seq< rep< 6, h16, colon >, ls32 >, seq< dcolon, rep< 5, h16, colon >, ls32 >, seq< opt< h16 >, dcolon, rep< 4, h16, colon >, ls32 >, seq< opt< h16, opt< colon, h16 > >, dcolon, rep< 3, h16, colon >, ls32 >, seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 2, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, rep< 2, h16, colon >, ls32 >, seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 3, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, h16, colon, ls32 >, seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 4, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, ls32 >, seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 5, colon, h16 > >, dcolon, h16 >, seq< opt< h16, rep_opt< 6, colon, h16 > >, dcolon > > {}; struct gen_delims : one< ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@' > {}; struct sub_delims : one< '!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=' > {}; struct unreserved : sor< abnf::ALPHA, abnf::DIGIT, one< '-', '.', '_', '~' > > {}; struct reserved : sor< gen_delims, sub_delims > {}; struct IPvFuture : if_must< one< 'v', 'V' >, plus< abnf::HEXDIG >, dot, plus< sor< unreserved, sub_delims, colon > > > {}; struct IP_literal : if_must< one< '[' >, sor< IPvFuture, IPv6address >, one< ']' > > {}; struct pct_encoded : if_must< one< '%' >, abnf::HEXDIG, abnf::HEXDIG > {}; struct pchar : sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, one< ':', '@' > > {}; struct query : star< sor< pchar, one< '/', '?' > > > {}; struct fragment : star< sor< pchar, one< '/', '?' > > > {}; struct segment : star< pchar > {}; struct segment_nz : plus< pchar > {}; struct segment_nz_nc : plus< sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, one< '@' > > > {}; // non-zero-length segment without any colon ":" struct path_abempty : star< one< '/' >, segment > {}; struct path_absolute : seq< one< '/' >, opt< segment_nz, star< one< '/' >, segment > > > {}; struct path_noscheme : seq< segment_nz_nc, star< one< '/' >, segment > > {}; struct path_rootless : seq< segment_nz, star< one< '/' >, segment > > {}; struct path_empty : success {}; struct path : sor< path_noscheme, // begins with a non-colon segment path_rootless, // begins with a segment path_absolute, // begins with "/" but not "//" path_abempty > {}; // begins with "/" or is empty struct reg_name : star< sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims > > {}; struct port : star< abnf::DIGIT > {}; struct host : sor< IP_literal, IPv4address, reg_name > {}; struct userinfo : star< sor< unreserved, pct_encoded, sub_delims, colon > > {}; struct opt_userinfo : opt< userinfo, one< '@' > > {}; struct authority : seq< opt_userinfo, host, opt< colon, port > > {}; struct scheme : seq< abnf::ALPHA, star< sor< abnf::ALPHA, abnf::DIGIT, one< '+', '-', '.' > > > > {}; using dslash = two< '/' >; using opt_query = opt_must< one< '?' >, query >; using opt_fragment = opt_must< one< '#' >, fragment >; struct hier_part : sor< if_must< dslash, authority, path_abempty >, path_rootless, path_absolute, path_empty > {}; struct relative_part : sor< if_must< dslash, authority, path_abempty >, path_noscheme, path_absolute, path_empty > {}; struct relative_ref : seq< relative_part, opt_query, opt_fragment > {}; struct URI : seq< scheme, one< ':' >, hier_part, opt_query, opt_fragment > {}; struct URI_reference : sor< URI, relative_ref > {}; struct absolute_URI : seq< scheme, one< ':' >, hier_part, opt_query > {}; // clang-format on } // namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::uri #endif