# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../spec_helper' # Use the RSpec framework require_relative '../../../lib/zenlish/lang/dictionary' require_relative '../../../lib/zenlish/wclasses/common_noun' # Load the class under test module Zenlish module WClasses describe CommonNoun do subject { CommonNoun.new } context 'Initialization:' do it 'should be initialized without argument' do expect { CommonNoun.new }.not_to raise_error end end # context context 'Provided services:' do it 'should provide a default inflection paradigm' do expect(subject.paradigm).not_to be_nil end it 'should support the pluralization of common nouns' do samples = %w[animal body people] lexemes = [] Lang::Dictionary.entries.each do |ent| lexm = ent.lexemes.select { |lx| lx.wclass.kind_of?(Zenlish::WClasses::CommonNoun) } if lexm && samples.include?(ent.lemma) lexemes.concat(lexm) end end plural_sample = { 'animal' => 'animals', 'body' => 'bodies', 'people' => 'people' } lexemes.map do |lx| pluralized = lx.inflect([:plural, nil]) expect(pluralized).to eq(plural_sample[lx.base_form]) end end it 'should know all its inflections' do samples = %w[animal body people] lexemes = [] Lang::Dictionary.entries.each do |ent| lexm = ent.lexemes.select { |lx| lx.wclass.kind_of?(Zenlish::WClasses::CommonNoun) } if lexm && samples.include?(ent.lemma) lexemes.concat(lexm) end end lexemes.map(&:all_inflections) end end # context end # describe end # module end # module