YUI().use( 'yuidoc-meta', 'api-list', 'history-hash', 'node-screen', 'node-style', 'pjax', function (Y) { var win = Y.config.win, localStorage = win.localStorage, bdNode = Y.one('#bd'), pjax, defaultRoute, classTabView, selectedTab; // Kill pjax functionality unless serving over HTTP. if (!Y.getLocation().protocol.match(/^https?\:/)) { Y.Router.html5 = false; } // Create the default route with middleware which enables syntax highlighting // on the loaded content. defaultRoute = Y.Pjax.defaultRoute.concat(function (req, res, next) { prettyPrint(); bdNode.removeClass('loading'); next(); }); pjax = new Y.Pjax({ container : '#docs-main', contentSelector: '#docs-main > .content', linkSelector : '#bd a', titleSelector : '#xhr-title', navigateOnHash: true, root : '/', routes : [ // -- / ---------------------------------------------------------------- { path : '/(index.html)?', callbacks: defaultRoute }, // -- /classes/* ------------------------------------------------------- { path : '/classes/:class.html*', callbacks: [defaultRoute, 'handleClasses'] }, // -- /files/* --------------------------------------------------------- { path : '/files/*file', callbacks: [defaultRoute, 'handleFiles'] }, // -- /modules/* ------------------------------------------------------- { path : '/modules/:module.html*', callbacks: defaultRoute } ] }); // -- Utility Functions -------------------------------------------------------- pjax.checkVisibility = function (tab) { tab || (tab = selectedTab); if (!tab) { return; } var panelNode = tab.get('panelNode'), visibleItems; // If no items are visible in the tab panel due to the current visibility // settings, display a message to that effect. visibleItems = panelNode.all('.item,.index-item').some(function (itemNode) { if (itemNode.getComputedStyle('display') !== 'none') { return true; } }); panelNode.all('.no-visible-items').remove(); if (!visibleItems) { if (Y.one('#index .index-item')) { panelNode.append( '
' + '

' + 'Some items are not shown due to the current visibility ' + 'settings. Use the checkboxes at the upper right of this ' + 'page to change the visibility settings.' + '

' + '
' ); } else { panelNode.append( '
' + '

' + 'This class doesn\'t provide any methods, properties, ' + 'attributes, or events.' + '

' + '
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Y.all('.index-section').each(function (section) { var items = 0, visibleItems = 0; section.all('.index-item').each(function (itemNode) { items += 1; if (itemNode.getComputedStyle('display') !== 'none') { visibleItems += 1; } }); section.toggleClass('hidden', !visibleItems); section.toggleClass('no-columns', visibleItems < 4); }); }; pjax.initClassTabView = function () { if (!Y.all('#classdocs .api-class-tab').size()) { return; } if (classTabView) { classTabView.destroy(); selectedTab = null; } classTabView = new Y.TabView({ srcNode: '#classdocs', on: { selectionChange: pjax.onTabSelectionChange } }); pjax.updateTabState(); classTabView.render(); }; pjax.initLineNumbers = function () { var hash = win.location.hash.substring(1), container = pjax.get('container'), hasLines, node; // Add ids for each line number in the file source view. container.all('.linenums>li').each(function (lineNode, index) { lineNode.set('id', 'l' + (index + 1)); lineNode.addClass('file-line'); hasLines = true; }); // Scroll to the desired line. if (hasLines && /^l\d+$/.test(hash)) { if ((node = container.getById(hash))) { win.scroll(0, node.getY()); } } }; pjax.initRoot = function () { var terminators = /^(?:classes|files|modules)$/, parts = pjax._getPathRoot().split('/'), root = [], i, len, part; for (i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i += 1) { part = parts[i]; if (part.match(terminators)) { // Makes sure the path will end with a "/". root.push(''); break; } root.push(part); } pjax.set('root', root.join('/')); }; pjax.updateTabState = function (src) { var hash = win.location.hash.substring(1), defaultTab, node, tab, tabPanel; function scrollToNode() { if (node.hasClass('protected')) { Y.one('#api-show-protected').set('checked', true); pjax.updateVisibility(); } if (node.hasClass('private')) { Y.one('#api-show-private').set('checked', true); pjax.updateVisibility(); } setTimeout(function () { // For some reason, unless we re-get the node instance here, // getY() always returns 0. var node = Y.one('#classdocs').getById(hash); win.scrollTo(0, node.getY() - 70); }, 1); } if (!classTabView) { return; } if (src === 'hashchange' && !hash) { defaultTab = 'index'; } else { if (localStorage) { defaultTab = localStorage.getItem('tab_' + pjax.getPath()) || 'index'; } else { defaultTab = 'index'; } } if (hash && (node = Y.one('#classdocs').getById(hash))) { if ((tabPanel = node.ancestor('.api-class-tabpanel', true))) { if ((tab = Y.one('#classdocs .api-class-tab.' + tabPanel.get('id')))) { if (classTabView.get('rendered')) { Y.Widget.getByNode(tab).set('selected', 1); } else { tab.addClass('yui3-tab-selected'); } } } // Scroll to the desired element if this is a hash URL. if (node) { if (classTabView.get('rendered')) { scrollToNode(); } else { classTabView.once('renderedChange', scrollToNode); } } } else { tab = Y.one('#classdocs .api-class-tab.' + defaultTab); // When the `defaultTab` node isn't found, `localStorage` is stale. if (!tab && defaultTab !== 'index') { tab = Y.one('#classdocs .api-class-tab.index'); } if (classTabView.get('rendered')) { Y.Widget.getByNode(tab).set('selected', 1); } else { tab.addClass('yui3-tab-selected'); } } }; pjax.updateVisibility = function () { var container = pjax.get('container'); container.toggleClass('hide-inherited', !Y.one('#api-show-inherited').get('checked')); container.toggleClass('show-deprecated', Y.one('#api-show-deprecated').get('checked')); container.toggleClass('show-protected', Y.one('#api-show-protected').get('checked')); container.toggleClass('show-private', Y.one('#api-show-private').get('checked')); pjax.checkVisibility(); }; // -- Route Handlers ----------------------------------------------------------- pjax.handleClasses = function (req, res, next) { var status = res.ioResponse.status; // Handles success and local filesystem XHRs. if (!status || (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { pjax.initClassTabView(); } next(); }; pjax.handleFiles = function (req, res, next) { var status = res.ioResponse.status; // Handles success and local filesystem XHRs. if (!status || (status >= 200 && status < 300)) { pjax.initLineNumbers(); } next(); }; // -- Event Handlers ----------------------------------------------------------- pjax.onNavigate = function (e) { var hash = e.hash, originTarget = e.originEvent && e.originEvent.target, tab; if (hash) { tab = originTarget && originTarget.ancestor('.yui3-tab', true); if (hash === win.location.hash) { pjax.updateTabState('hashchange'); } else if (!tab) { win.location.hash = hash; } e.preventDefault(); return; } // Only scroll to the top of the page when the URL doesn't have a hash. this.set('scrollToTop', !e.url.match(/#.+$/)); bdNode.addClass('loading'); }; pjax.onOptionClick = function (e) { pjax.updateVisibility(); }; pjax.onTabSelectionChange = function (e) { var tab = e.newVal, tabId = tab.get('contentBox').getAttribute('href').substring(1); selectedTab = tab; // If switching from a previous tab (i.e., this is not the default tab), // replace the history entry with a hash URL that will cause this tab to // be selected if the user navigates away and then returns using the back // or forward buttons. if (e.prevVal && localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('tab_' + pjax.getPath(), tabId); } pjax.checkVisibility(tab); }; // -- Init --------------------------------------------------------------------- pjax.on('navigate', pjax.onNavigate); pjax.initRoot(); pjax.upgrade(); pjax.initClassTabView(); pjax.initLineNumbers(); pjax.updateVisibility(); Y.APIList.rootPath = pjax.get('root'); Y.one('#api-options').delegate('click', pjax.onOptionClick, 'input'); Y.on('hashchange', function (e) { pjax.updateTabState('hashchange'); }, win); });