require File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper])) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe Bones::App::FileManager do before :each do @fm = end after :each do FileUtils.rm_rf(@fm.destination) if @fm.destination FileUtils.rm_rf(@fm.archive) if @fm.archive end it "should have a configurable source" do @fm.source.should be_nil @fm.source = '/home/user/.mrbones/data' @fm.source.should == '/home/user/.mrbones/data' end it "should have a configurable destination" do @fm.destination.should be_nil @fm.destination = 'my_new_app' @fm.destination.should == 'my_new_app' end it "should set the archive directory when the destination is set" do @fm.archive.should be_nil @fm.destination = 'my_new_app' @fm.archive.should == 'my_new_app.archive' end it "should return a list of files to copy" do @fm.source = Bones.path 'data' ary = @fm._files_to_copy ary.length.should == 9 ary.should == %w[ .bnsignore History.txt.bns README.txt.bns Rakefile.bns bin/NAME.bns lib/NAME.rb.bns spec/NAME_spec.rb.bns spec/spec_helper.rb.bns test/test_NAME.rb ] end it "should archive the destination directory if it exists" do @fm.destination = Bones.path(%w[spec data bar]) test(?e, @fm.destination).should == false test(?e, @fm.archive).should == false FileUtils.mkdir @fm.destination @fm.archive_destination test(?e, @fm.destination).should == false test(?e, @fm.archive).should == true end it "should rename files and folders containing 'NAME'" do @fm.source = Bones.path(%w[spec data data]) @fm.destination = Bones.path(%w[spec data bar]) @fm.copy @fm._rename(File.join(@fm.destination, 'NAME'), 'tirion') dir = File.join(@fm.destination, 'tirion') test(?d, dir).should == true test(?f, File.join(dir, 'tirion.rb.bns')).should == true end it "should raise an error when renaming an existing file or folder" do @fm.source = Bones.path(%w[spec data data]) @fm.destination = Bones.path(%w[spec data bar]) @fm.copy lambda {@fm._rename(File.join(@fm.destination, 'NAME'), 'lib')}. should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should perform ERb templating on '.bns' files" do @fm.source = Bones.path(%w[spec data data]) @fm.destination = Bones.path(%w[spec data bar]) @fm.copy @fm.finalize('foo_bar') dir = @fm.destination test(?e, File.join(dir, 'Rakefile.bns')).should == false test(?e, File.join(dir, 'README.txt.bns')).should == false test(?e, File.join(dir, %w[foo_bar foo_bar.rb.bns])).should == false test(?e, File.join(dir, 'Rakefile')).should == true test(?e, File.join(dir, 'README.txt')).should == true test(?e, File.join(dir, %w[foo_bar foo_bar.rb])).should == true txt =, %w[foo_bar foo_bar.rb])) txt.should == <<-TXT module FooBar def self.foo_bar p 'just a test' end end TXT end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ describe 'when configured with a repository as a source' do it "should recognize a git repository" do @fm.source = 'git://' @fm.repository.should == :git @fm.source = 'git://' @fm.repository.should == :git end it "should recognize an svn repository" do @fm.source = 'file:///home/user/svn/ruby/trunk/apc' @fm.repository.should == :svn @fm.source = '' @fm.repository.should == :svn @fm.source = '' @fm.repository.should == :svn @fm.source = 'svn://' @fm.repository.should == :svn @fm.source = 'svn+ssh://' @fm.repository.should == :svn end it "should return nil if the source is not a repository" do @fm.source = '/some/directory/on/your/hard/drive' @fm.repository.should == nil end end end # EOF