require 'active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter' ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter.class_eval do include SpatialAdapter def supports_geography? false end alias :original_native_database_types :native_database_types def native_database_types original_native_database_types.merge!(geometry_data_types) end alias :original_quote :quote #Redefines the quote method to add behaviour for when a Geometry is encountered ; used when binding variables in find_by methods def quote(value, column = nil) if value.kind_of?(GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry) "GeomFromWKB(0x#{value.as_hex_wkb},#{value.srid})" else original_quote(value,column) end end #Redefinition of columns to add the information that a column is geometric def columns(table_name, name = nil)#:nodoc: sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #{quote_table_name(table_name)}" columns = [] result = execute(sql, name) result.each do |field| if field[1] =~ /geometry|point|linestring|polygon|multipoint|multilinestring|multipolygon|geometrycollection/i #to note that the column is spatial columns <<[0], field[4], field[1], field[2] == "YES") else columns <<[0], field[4], field[1], field[2] == "YES") end end columns end #operations relative to migrations #Redefines add_index to support the case where the index is spatial #If the :spatial key in the options table is true, then the sql string for a spatial index is created def add_index(table_name,column_name,options = {}) index_name = options[:name] || index_name(table_name,:column => Array(column_name)) if options[:spatial] execute "CREATE SPATIAL INDEX #{index_name} ON #{table_name} (#{Array(column_name).join(", ")})" else super end end #Check the nature of the index : If it is SPATIAL, it is indicated in the IndexDefinition object (redefined to add the spatial flag in spatial_adapter_common.rb) def indexes(table_name, name = nil)#:nodoc: indexes = [] current_index = nil execute("SHOW KEYS FROM #{table_name}", name).each do |row| if current_index != row[2] next if row[2] == "PRIMARY" # skip the primary key current_index = row[2] indexes <<[0], row[2], row[1] == "0", [], row[10] == "SPATIAL") end indexes.last.columns << row[4] end indexes end #Get the table creation options : Only the engine for now. The text encoding could also be parsed and returned here. def options_for(table) result = execute("show table status like '#{table}'") engine = result.fetch_row[1] if engine !~ /inno/i #inno is default so do nothing for it in order not to clutter the migration "ENGINE=#{engine}" else nil end end end module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters class SpatialMysqlColumn < MysqlColumn include SpatialAdapter::SpatialColumn #MySql-specific geometry string parsing. By default, MySql returns geometries in strict wkb format with "0" characters in the first 4 positions. def self.string_to_geometry(string) return string unless string.is_a?(String) begin GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry.from_ewkb(string[4..-1]) rescue Exception => exception nil end end end end end