# File: collection-walker_spec.rb require_relative '../spec_helper' # Load mix-in module for creating a sample collection of macro-steps require_relative 'use-sample-collection' # Load the class under test require_relative '../../lib/macros4cuke/coll-walker-factory' module Macros4Cuke # Open this namespace to avoid module qualifier prefixes describe CollWalkerFactory do include UseSampleCollection # Add convenience methods for sample collection before(:all) do # Fill the collection of macro-steps with sample steps fill_collection end after(:all) do # Clear the collection to prevent interference between spec files macro_coll.clear end context 'Initialization:' do it 'should be created without parameter' do expect { CollWalkerFactory.new }.not_to raise_error end end # context context 'Provided factory services:' do # Default factory instantiation subject { CollWalkerFactory.new } it 'should build a walker for the given macro collection' do walker = subject.build_walker(macro_coll) expect(walker).to be_kind_of(Enumerator) end end # context context 'Provided walker services:' do # Default walker instantiation subject do factory = CollWalkerFactory.new factory.build_walker(macro_coll) end it 'should notify the start of the visit of the collection' do initial_event = subject.next expect(initial_event).to eq([:on_collection, 0, macro_coll]) end it 'should notify the visit of a first macro step' do 1.times { subject.next } first_step = subject.next step1 = macro_coll.macro_steps.values[0] expect(first_step).to eq([:on_step, 1, step1]) end it 'should notify the visit of the phrase of the first macro step' do 2.times { subject.next } first_phrase = subject.next sample_phrase1 = UseSampleCollection::SamplePhrase1 expect(first_phrase).to eq([:on_phrase, 2, sample_phrase1, true]) end it 'should notify the visit of the substeps renderer of the first step' do 3.times { subject.next } first_step = macro_coll.macro_steps.values[0] first_renderer = subject.next expectation = [:on_renderer, 2, first_step.renderer] expect(first_renderer).to eq(expectation) end it 'should notify the visit of the internal representation of substeps' do first_step = macro_coll.macro_steps.values[0] substep_chunks = first_step.renderer.representation 4.times { subject.next } text_representation = subject.next expectation = [:on_source, 3, first_step.renderer.source] expect(text_representation).to eq(expectation) first_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[0].source] expect(first_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) second_substep_piece = subject.next expect(second_substep_piece).to eq([:on_eol, 3, nil]) third_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[2].source] expect(third_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) fourth_substep_piece = subject.next expect(fourth_substep_piece).to eq([:on_eol, 3, nil]) fifth_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[4].source] expect(fifth_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) sixth_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_placeholder, 3, substep_chunks[5].name] expect(sixth_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) seventh_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[6].source] expect(seventh_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) eighth_substep_piece = subject.next expect(eighth_substep_piece).to eq([:on_eol, 3, nil]) ninth_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[8].source] expect(ninth_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) tenth_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_placeholder, 3, substep_chunks[9].name] expect(tenth_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) eleventh_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[10].source] expect(eleventh_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) twelfth_substep_piece = subject.next expect(twelfth_substep_piece).to eq([:on_eol, 3, nil]) thirtieth_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[12].source] expect(thirtieth_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) fourteenth_substep_piece = subject.next expect(fourteenth_substep_piece).to eq([:on_eol, 3, nil]) fifteenth_substep_piece = subject.next expect(fifteenth_substep_piece).to eq([:on_renderer_end, 2, nil]) end it 'should notify the visit of a following macro step' do (4 + 15 + 1).times { subject.next } end_step = subject.next expect(end_step).to eq([:on_step_end, 1, nil]) a_step = subject.next expect(a_step).to eq([:on_step, 1, macro_coll.macro_steps.values[1]]) end it 'should notify the visit of the phrase of a following macro step' do (4 + 16 + 2).times { subject.next } phrase = subject.next sample_phrase = UseSampleCollection::SamplePhrase2 expect(phrase).to eq([:on_phrase, 2, sample_phrase, true]) end it 'should notify the visit of the substeps of a following step' do (4 + 16 + 3).times { subject.next } a_renderer = subject.next second_step = macro_coll.macro_steps.values[1] expect(a_renderer).to eq([:on_renderer, 2, second_step.renderer]) end it 'should notify the visit in substeps of following step' do second_step = macro_coll.macro_steps.values[1] substep_chunks = second_step.renderer.representation.dup substep_chunks.map! do |ck| if ck.kind_of?(Templating::Section) [ck, ck.children, ck].flatten else ck end end substep_chunks.flatten! (4 + 16 + 4).times { subject.next } substeps_text = subject.next expectation = [:on_source, 3, second_step.renderer.source] expect(substeps_text).to eq(expectation) first_substep_piece = subject.next expectation = [:on_static_text, 3, substep_chunks[0].source] expect(first_substep_piece).to eq(expectation) [ [:on_placeholder, 3, :name], # 0 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 1 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 2 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 3 [:on_placeholder, 3, :name], # 4 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 5 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 6 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 7 [:on_placeholder, 3, :name], # 8 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 9 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 10 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 11 [:on_placeholder, 3, :name], # 12 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 13 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 14 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 15 [:on_placeholder, 3, :name], # 16 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 17 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 18 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 19 [:on_placeholder, 3, :name], # 20 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 21 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 22 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 23 [:on_comment, 3, :source], # 24 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 25 [:on_comment, 3, :source], # 26 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 27 [:on_comment, 3, :source], # 28 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 29 [:on_section, 3, :name], # 30 [:on_static_text, 4, :source], # 31 [:on_placeholder, 4, :name], # 32 [:on_static_text, 4, :source], # 33 [:on_eol, 4, nil], # 34 [:on_section_end, 3, nil], # 35 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 36 [:on_comment, 3, :source], # 37 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 38 [:on_comment, 3, :source], # 39 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 40 [:on_comment, 3, :source], # 41 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 42 [:on_section, 3, :name], # 43 [:on_static_text, 4, :source], # 44 [:on_placeholder, 4, :name], # 45 [:on_static_text, 4, :source], # 46 [:on_eol, 4, nil], # 47 [:on_section_end, 3, nil], # 48 [:on_static_text, 3, :source], # 49 [:on_eol, 3, nil], # 50 [:on_renderer_end, 2, nil], # 51 [:on_step_end, 1, nil], # 52 [:on_collection_end, 0, nil] # 53 ].each_with_index do |event, i| actual = subject.next expect(actual[0]).to eq(event[0]) expect(actual[1]).to eq(event[1]) unless event[2].nil? expected_obj = substep_chunks[i + 1] expect(actual[2]).to eq(expected_obj.send(event[2])) end end expect { subject.next }.to raise_error(StopIteration) end # Must be last test script since it pollutes the macro-collection it 'should complain when visiting an unsupported node' do first_step = macro_coll.macro_steps.values[0] first_step.renderer.representation.insert(2, :not_a_valid_element) err_type = Macros4Cuke::InternalError err_msg = "Don't know how to format a Symbol." expect { subject.each { |x| } }.to raise_error(err_type, err_msg) end end # context end # describe end # module # End of file