namespace :db do desc "Loads seed data for the current environment." task :genesis => :environment do Genesis::Seeder.verify_or_create_version_table ignores = %w(genesis_common.rb) seeds = Dir[File.join( Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds', '*.rb' )] + Dir[File.join( Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds', Rails.env, '*.rb') ] contexts = ENV['CONTEXTS'] unless contexts.nil? || contexts.empty? using_contexts = true contexts = expand_contexts if contexts == 'all' contexts.split( ',' ).each do |context| seeds += Dir[File.join( Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds', 'contexts', context, '*.rb' )] end end puts "", message( contexts, :using_contexts => using_contexts, :start => true ), "" seeds, ENV['VERSION'] || nil, ignores ) puts message( contexts, :using_contexts => using_contexts ), "", "" end desc "Drops and recreates all tables along with seeding the database" task :mulligan => :environment do Rake::Task['db:migrate:reset'].invoke Rake::Task['db:genesis'].invoke end desc "An alias for the db:genesis task" task :seed => :environment do Rake::Task['db:genesis'].invoke end desc "An alias for the db:regenesis task" task :reseed => :environment do Rake::Task['db:regenesis'].invoke end desc "Removes all data, runs migrations and then seeds the database" task :regenesis => :environment do { |t| !['schema_migrations', 'schema_seeds', 'versions', 'sessions'].include?( t ) }.each do |table| puts "Emptying the #{table} table" klass = table.classify.to_s.constantize klass.delete_all end puts '' Genesis::SchemaSeed.delete_all ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( 'DELETE FROM `versions`' ) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( 'DELETE FROM `sessions`' ) Rake::Task['db:migrate'].invoke Rake::Task['db:test:prepare'].invoke Rake::Task['db:genesis'].invoke end namespace :genesis do desc "Returns the current seed version from teh schema_seeds table" task :version => :environment do puts "[Genesis Seed Version] #{Genesis::Seeder.get_current_version}" end end end def seeds_root File.join( Rails.root, 'db', 'seeds' ) end def contexts_root File.join( seeds_root, 'contexts' ) end def expand_contexts Dir[File.join( contexts_root, '*' )].map { |d| d.split( '/' ).last }.join ',' end def message( contexts, options={} ) msg = options[:using_contexts] ? "*** #{start_or_end_word( options )} seeding (contexts: #{contexts.split(',').join(', ')})" : "*** #{start_or_end_word( options )} seeding" end def start_or_end_word( options ) return options[:start] ? 'Start' : 'End' end