.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "PUPPET\-FACTS" "8" "October 2021" "Puppet, Inc." "Puppet manual" . .SH "NAME" \fBpuppet\-facts\fR \- Retrieve and store facts\. . .SH "SYNOPSIS" puppet facts \fIaction\fR [\-\-terminus _TERMINUS] . .SH "DESCRIPTION" This subcommand manages facts, which are collections of normalized system information used by Puppet\. It can read facts directly from the local system (with the default \fBfacter\fR terminus)\. . .SH "OPTIONS" Note that any setting that\'s valid in the configuration file is also a valid long argument, although it may or may not be relevant to the present action\. For example, \fBserver\fR and \fBrun_mode\fR are valid settings, so you can specify \fB\-\-server <servername>\fR, or \fB\-\-run_mode <runmode>\fR as an argument\. . .P See the configuration file documentation at \fIhttps://puppet\.com/docs/puppet/latest/configuration\.html\fR for the full list of acceptable parameters\. A commented list of all configuration options can also be generated by running puppet with \fB\-\-genconfig\fR\. . .TP \-\-render\-as FORMAT The format in which to render output\. The most common formats are \fBjson\fR, \fBs\fR (string), \fByaml\fR, and \fBconsole\fR, but other options such as \fBdot\fR are sometimes available\. . .TP \-\-verbose Whether to log verbosely\. . .TP \-\-debug Whether to log debug information\. . .TP \-\-extra HASH A terminus can take additional arguments to refine the operation, which are passed as an arbitrary hash to the back\-end\. Anything passed as the extra value is just send direct to the back\-end\. . .TP \-\-terminus _TERMINUS Indirector faces expose indirected subsystems of Puppet\. These subsystems are each able to retrieve and alter a specific type of data (with the familiar actions of \fBfind\fR, \fBsearch\fR, \fBsave\fR, and \fBdestroy\fR) from an arbitrary number of pluggable backends\. In Puppet parlance, these backends are called terminuses\. . .IP Almost all indirected subsystems have a \fBrest\fR terminus that interacts with the puppet master\'s data\. Most of them have additional terminuses for various local data models, which are in turn used by the indirected subsystem on the puppet master whenever it receives a remote request\. . .IP The terminus for an action is often determined by context, but occasionally needs to be set explicitly\. See the "Notes" section of this face\'s manpage for more details\. . .SH "ACTIONS" . .TP \fBfind\fR \- Retrieve a node\'s facts\. \fBSYNOPSIS\fR . .IP puppet facts find [\-\-terminus _TERMINUS] [\fInode_certname\fR] . .IP \fBDESCRIPTION\fR . .IP Retrieve a node\'s facts\. . .IP \fBRETURNS\fR . .IP A hash containing some metadata and (under the "values" key) the set of facts for the requested node\. When used from the Ruby API: A Puppet::Node::Facts object\. . .IP RENDERING ISSUES: Facts cannot currently be rendered as a string; use yaml or json\. . .IP \fBNOTES\fR . .IP When using the \fBfacter\fR terminus, the host argument is ignored\. . .TP \fBinfo\fR \- Print the default terminus class for this face\. \fBSYNOPSIS\fR . .IP puppet facts info [\-\-terminus _TERMINUS] . .IP \fBDESCRIPTION\fR . .IP Prints the default terminus class for this subcommand\. Note that different run modes may have different default termini; when in doubt, specify the run mode with the \'\-\-run_mode\' option\. . .TP \fBsave\fR \- API only: create or overwrite an object\. \fBSYNOPSIS\fR . .IP puppet facts save [\-\-terminus _TERMINUS] \fIkey\fR . .IP \fBDESCRIPTION\fR . .IP API only: create or overwrite an object\. As the Faces framework does not currently accept data from STDIN, save actions cannot currently be invoked from the command line\. . .TP \fBshow\fR \- Retrieve current node\'s facts\. \fBSYNOPSIS\fR . .IP puppet facts [\-\-terminus _TERMINUS] [\-\-config\-file \fIpath\fR] [\-\-custom\-dir \fIpath\fR] [\-\-external\-dir \fIpath\fR] [\-\-no\-block] [\-\-no\-cache] [\-\-show\-legacy] [\-\-value\-only] [\-\-timing] [\fIfacts\fR] . .IP \fBDESCRIPTION\fR . .IP Reads facts from the local system using \fBfacter\fR terminus\. A query can be provided to retrieve just a specific fact or a set of facts\. . .IP \fBOPTIONS\fR \fI\-\-config\-file <path\fR> \- The location of the config file for Facter\. . .IP \fI\-\-custom\-dir <path\fR> \- The path to a directory that contains custom facts\. . .IP \fI\-\-external\-dir <path\fR> \- The path to a directory that contains external facts\. . .IP \fI\-\-no\-block\fR \- Disable fact blocking mechanism\. . .IP \fI\-\-no\-cache\fR \- Disable fact caching mechanism\. . .IP \fI\-\-show\-legacy\fR \- Show legacy facts when querying all facts\. . .IP \fI\-\-timing\fR \- Show how much time it took to resolve each fact\. . .IP \fI\-\-value\-only\fR \- Show only the value when the action is called with a single query . .IP \fBRETURNS\fR . .IP The output of facter with added puppet specific facts\. . .IP \fBNOTES\fR . .TP \fBupload\fR \- Upload local facts to the puppet master\. \fBSYNOPSIS\fR . .IP puppet facts upload [\-\-terminus _TERMINUS] . .IP \fBDESCRIPTION\fR . .IP Reads facts from the local system using the \fBfacter\fR terminus, then saves the returned facts using the rest terminus\. . .IP \fBRETURNS\fR . .IP Nothing\. . .IP \fBNOTES\fR . .IP This action requires that the Puppet Server\'s \fBauth\.conf\fR file allow \fBPUT\fR or \fBsave\fR access to the \fB/puppet/v3/facts\fR API endpoint\. . .IP For details on configuring Puppet Server\'s \fBauth\.conf\fR, see: . .IP \fIhttps://puppet\.com/docs/puppetserver/latest/config_file_auth\.html\fR . .SH "EXAMPLES" \fBfind\fR . .P Get facts from the local system: . .P $ puppet facts find . .P \fBshow\fR . .P retrieve facts: . .P $ puppet facts show os . .P \fBupload\fR . .P Upload facts: . .P $ puppet facts upload . .SH "NOTES" This subcommand is an indirector face, which exposes \fBfind\fR, \fBsearch\fR, \fBsave\fR, and \fBdestroy\fR actions for an indirected subsystem of Puppet\. Valid termini for this face include: . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBfacter\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBjson\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBmemory\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBnetwork_device\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBrest\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBstore_configs\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fByaml\fR . .IP "" 0 . .SH "COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE" Copyright 2011 by Puppet Inc\. Apache 2 license; see COPYING