Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
CKEDITOR.dom.range = function( document )
this.startContainer = null;
this.startOffset = null;
this.endContainer = null;
this.endOffset = null;
this.collapsed = true;
this.document = document;
// Updates the "collapsed" property for the given range object.
var updateCollapsed = function( range )
range.collapsed = (
range.startContainer &&
range.endContainer &&
range.startContainer.equals( range.endContainer ) &&
range.startOffset == range.endOffset );
// This is a shared function used to delete, extract and clone the range
// contents.
// V2
var execContentsAction = function( range, action, docFrag )
var startNode = range.startContainer;
var endNode = range.endContainer;
var startOffset = range.startOffset;
var endOffset = range.endOffset;
var removeStartNode;
var removeEndNode;
// For text containers, we must simply split the node and point to the
// second part. The removal will be handled by the rest of the code .
if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
endNode = endNode.split( endOffset );
// If the end container has children and the offset is pointing
// to a child, then we should start from it.
if ( endNode.getChildCount() > 0 )
// If the offset points after the last node.
if ( endOffset >= endNode.getChildCount() )
// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
endNode = endNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ) );
removeEndNode = true;
endNode = endNode.getChild( endOffset );
// For text containers, we must simply split the node. The removal will
// be handled by the rest of the code .
if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
startNode.split( startOffset );
// In cases the end node is the same as the start node, the above
// splitting will also split the end, so me must move the end to
// the second part of the split.
if ( startNode.equals( endNode ) )
endNode = startNode.getNext();
// If the start container has children and the offset is pointing
// to a child, then we should start from its previous sibling.
// If the offset points to the first node, we don't have a
// sibling, so let's use the first one, but mark it for removal.
if ( !startOffset )
// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
startNode = startNode.getFirst().insertBeforeMe( range.document.createText( '' ) );
removeStartNode = true;
else if ( startOffset >= startNode.getChildCount() )
// Let's create a temporary node and mark it for removal.
startNode = startNode.append( range.document.createText( '' ) );
removeStartNode = true;
startNode = startNode.getChild( startOffset ).getPrevious();
// Get the parent nodes tree for the start and end boundaries.
var startParents = startNode.getParents();
var endParents = endNode.getParents();
// Compare them, to find the top most siblings.
var i, topStart, topEnd;
for ( i = 0 ; i < startParents.length ; i++ )
topStart = startParents[ i ];
topEnd = endParents[ i ];
// The compared nodes will match until we find the top most
// siblings (different nodes that have the same parent).
// "i" will hold the index in the parents array for the top
// most element.
if ( !topStart.equals( topEnd ) )
var clone = docFrag, levelStartNode, levelClone, currentNode, currentSibling;
// Remove all successive sibling nodes for every node in the
// startParents tree.
for ( var j = i ; j < startParents.length ; j++ )
levelStartNode = startParents[j];
// For Extract and Clone, we must clone this level.
if ( clone && !levelStartNode.equals( startNode ) ) // action = 0 = Delete
levelClone = clone.append( levelStartNode.clone() );
currentNode = levelStartNode.getNext();
while ( currentNode )
// Stop processing when the current node matches a node in the
// endParents tree or if it is the endNode.
if ( currentNode.equals( endParents[ j ] ) || currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
// Cache the next sibling.
currentSibling = currentNode.getNext();
// If cloning, just clone it.
if ( action == 2 ) // 2 = Clone
clone.append( currentNode.clone( true ) );
// Both Delete and Extract will remove the node.
// When Extracting, move the removed node to the docFrag.
if ( action == 1 ) // 1 = Extract
clone.append( currentNode );
currentNode = currentSibling;
if ( clone )
clone = levelClone;
clone = docFrag;
// Remove all previous sibling nodes for every node in the
// endParents tree.
for ( var k = i ; k < endParents.length ; k++ )
levelStartNode = endParents[ k ];
// For Extract and Clone, we must clone this level.
if ( action > 0 && !levelStartNode.equals( endNode ) ) // action = 0 = Delete
levelClone = clone.append( levelStartNode.clone() );
// The processing of siblings may have already been done by the parent.
if ( !startParents[ k ] || levelStartNode.$.parentNode != startParents[ k ].$.parentNode )
currentNode = levelStartNode.getPrevious();
while ( currentNode )
// Stop processing when the current node matches a node in the
// startParents tree or if it is the startNode.
if ( currentNode.equals( startParents[ k ] ) || currentNode.equals( startNode ) )
// Cache the next sibling.
currentSibling = currentNode.getPrevious();
// If cloning, just clone it.
if ( action == 2 ) // 2 = Clone
clone.$.insertBefore( currentNode.$.cloneNode( true ), clone.$.firstChild ) ;
// Both Delete and Extract will remove the node.
// When Extracting, mode the removed node to the docFrag.
if ( action == 1 ) // 1 = Extract
clone.$.insertBefore( currentNode.$, clone.$.firstChild );
currentNode = currentSibling;
if ( clone )
clone = levelClone;
if ( action == 2 ) // 2 = Clone.
// No changes in the DOM should be done, so fix the split text (if any).
var startTextNode = range.startContainer;
if ( startTextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
startTextNode.$.data += startTextNode.$.nextSibling.data;
startTextNode.$.parentNode.removeChild( startTextNode.$.nextSibling );
var endTextNode = range.endContainer;
if ( endTextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && endTextNode.$.nextSibling )
endTextNode.$.data += endTextNode.$.nextSibling.data;
endTextNode.$.parentNode.removeChild( endTextNode.$.nextSibling );
// Collapse the range.
// If a node has been partially selected, collapse the range between
// topStart and topEnd. Otherwise, simply collapse it to the start. (W3C specs).
if ( topStart && topEnd && ( startNode.$.parentNode != topStart.$.parentNode || endNode.$.parentNode != topEnd.$.parentNode ) )
var endIndex = topEnd.getIndex();
// If the start node is to be removed, we must correct the
// index to reflect the removal.
if ( removeStartNode && topEnd.$.parentNode == startNode.$.parentNode )
range.setStart( topEnd.getParent(), endIndex );
// Collapse it to the start.
range.collapse( true );
// Cleanup any marked node.
if ( removeStartNode )
if ( removeEndNode && endNode.$.parentNode )
var inlineChildReqElements = { abbr:1,acronym:1,b:1,bdo:1,big:1,cite:1,code:1,del:1,dfn:1,em:1,font:1,i:1,ins:1,label:1,kbd:1,q:1,samp:1,small:1,span:1,strike:1,strong:1,sub:1,sup:1,tt:1,u:1,'var':1 };
// Creates the appropriate node evaluator for the dom walker used inside
// check(Start|End)OfBlock.
function getCheckStartEndBlockEvalFunction( isStart )
var hadBr = false, bookmarkEvaluator = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark( true );
return function( node )
// First ignore bookmark nodes.
if ( bookmarkEvaluator( node ) )
return true;
if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
// If there's any visible text, then we're not at the start.
if ( CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() ).length )
return false;
else if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
// If there are non-empty inline elements (e.g. ... [text...), by comparing the document position
// with 'enlargeable' node.
!blockBoundary.is( 'br' ) &&
( !enlargeable && this.checkStartOfBlock()
|| enlargeable && blockBoundary.contains( enlargeable ) ) ?
// Enlarging the end boundary.
walkerRange = this.clone();
walkerRange.setEndAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange );
// tailBrGuard only used for on range end.
walker.guard = ( unit == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ) ?
tailBrGuard : boundaryGuard;
blockBoundary = null;
// End the range right before the block boundary node.
enlargeable = walker.lastForward();
// It's the body which stop the enlarging if no block boundary found.
blockBoundary = blockBoundary || body;
// Close the range either before the found block start (text] ...), then we're not
// at the start.
if ( !inlineChildReqElements[ node.getName() ] )
// If we're working at the end-of-block, forgive the first
in non-IE
// browsers.
if ( !isStart && !CKEDITOR.env.ie && node.getName() == 'br' && !hadBr )
hadBr = true;
return false;
return true;
// Evaluator for CKEDITOR.dom.element::checkBoundaryOfElement, reject any
// text node and non-empty elements unless it's being bookmark text.
function elementBoundaryEval( node )
// Reject any text node unless it's being bookmark
// OR it's spaces. (#3883)
return node.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
&& node.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty
|| !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.getText() )
|| node.getParent().hasAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' );
var whitespaceEval = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
bookmarkEval = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
function nonWhitespaceOrBookmarkEval( node )
// Whitespaces and bookmark nodes are to be ignored.
return !whitespaceEval( node ) && !bookmarkEval( node );
CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype =
clone : function()
var clone = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
clone.startContainer = this.startContainer;
clone.startOffset = this.startOffset;
clone.endContainer = this.endContainer;
clone.endOffset = this.endOffset;
clone.collapsed = this.collapsed;
return clone;
collapse : function( toStart )
if ( toStart )
this.endContainer = this.startContainer;
this.endOffset = this.startOffset;
this.startContainer = this.endContainer;
this.startOffset = this.endOffset;
this.collapsed = true;
// The selection may be lost when cloning (due to the splitText() call).
cloneContents : function()
var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( this.document );
if ( !this.collapsed )
execContentsAction( this, 2, docFrag );
return docFrag;
deleteContents : function()
if ( this.collapsed )
execContentsAction( this, 0 );
extractContents : function()
var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( this.document );
if ( !this.collapsed )
execContentsAction( this, 1, docFrag );
return docFrag;
* Creates a bookmark object, which can be later used to restore the
* range by using the moveToBookmark function.
* This is an "intrusive" way to create a bookmark. It includes tags
* in the range boundaries. The advantage of it is that it is possible to
* handle DOM mutations when moving back to the bookmark.
* Attention: the inclusion of nodes in the DOM is a design choice and
* should not be changed as there are other points in the code that may be
* using those nodes to perform operations. See GetBookmarkNode.
* @param {Boolean} [serializable] Indicates that the bookmark nodes
* must contain ids, which can be used to restore the range even
* when these nodes suffer mutations (like a clonation or innerHTML
* change).
* @returns {Object} And object representing a bookmark.
createBookmark : function( serializable )
var startNode, endNode;
var baseId;
var clone;
startNode = this.document.createElement( 'span' );
startNode.setAttribute( '_fck_bookmark', 1 );
startNode.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
// For IE, it must have something inside, otherwise it may be
// removed during DOM operations.
startNode.setHtml( ' ' );
if ( serializable )
baseId = 'cke_bm_' + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
startNode.setAttribute( 'id', baseId + 'S' );
// If collapsed, the endNode will not be created.
if ( !this.collapsed )
endNode = startNode.clone();
endNode.setHtml( ' ' );
if ( serializable )
endNode.setAttribute( 'id', baseId + 'E' );
clone = this.clone();
clone.insertNode( endNode );
clone = this.clone();
clone.collapse( true );
clone.insertNode( startNode );
// Update the range position.
if ( endNode )
this.setStartAfter( startNode );
this.setEndBefore( endNode );
this.moveToPosition( startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
return {
startNode : serializable ? baseId + 'S' : startNode,
endNode : serializable ? baseId + 'E' : endNode,
serializable : serializable
* Creates a "non intrusive" and "mutation sensible" bookmark. This
* kind of bookmark should be used only when the DOM is supposed to
* remain stable after its creation.
* @param {Boolean} [normalized] Indicates that the bookmark must
* normalized. When normalized, the successive text nodes are
* considered a single node. To sucessful load a normalized
* bookmark, the DOM tree must be also normalized before calling
* moveToBookmark.
* @returns {Object} An object representing the bookmark.
createBookmark2 : function( normalized )
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
endContainer = this.endContainer;
var startOffset = this.startOffset,
endOffset = this.endOffset;
var child, previous;
// If there is no range then get out of here.
// It happens on initial load in Safari #962 and if the editor it's
// hidden also in Firefox
if ( !startContainer || !endContainer )
return { start : 0, end : 0 };
if ( normalized )
// Find out if the start is pointing to a text node that will
// be normalized.
if ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
child = startContainer.getChild( startOffset );
// In this case, move the start information to that text
// node.
if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
&& startOffset > 0 && child.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
startContainer = child;
startOffset = 0;
// Normalize the start.
while ( startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
&& ( previous = startContainer.getPrevious() )
&& previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
startContainer = previous;
startOffset += previous.getLength();
// Process the end only if not normalized.
if ( !this.isCollapsed )
// Find out if the start is pointing to a text node that
// will be normalized.
if ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
child = endContainer.getChild( endOffset );
// In this case, move the start information to that
// text node.
if ( child && child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
&& endOffset > 0 && child.getPrevious().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
endContainer = child;
endOffset = 0;
// Normalize the end.
while ( endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
&& ( previous = endContainer.getPrevious() )
&& previous.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
endContainer = previous;
endOffset += previous.getLength();
return {
start : startContainer.getAddress( normalized ),
end : this.isCollapsed ? null : endContainer.getAddress( normalized ),
startOffset : startOffset,
endOffset : endOffset,
normalized : normalized,
is2 : true // It's a createBookmark2 bookmark.
moveToBookmark : function( bookmark )
if ( bookmark.is2 ) // Created with createBookmark2().
// Get the start information.
var startContainer = this.document.getByAddress( bookmark.start, bookmark.normalized ),
startOffset = bookmark.startOffset;
// Get the end information.
var endContainer = bookmark.end && this.document.getByAddress( bookmark.end, bookmark.normalized ),
endOffset = bookmark.endOffset;
// Set the start boundary.
this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
// Set the end boundary. If not available, collapse it.
if ( endContainer )
this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
this.collapse( true );
else // Created with createBookmark().
var serializable = bookmark.serializable,
startNode = serializable ? this.document.getById( bookmark.startNode ) : bookmark.startNode,
endNode = serializable ? this.document.getById( bookmark.endNode ) : bookmark.endNode;
// Set the range start at the bookmark start node position.
this.setStartBefore( startNode );
// Remove it, because it may interfere in the setEndBefore call.
// Set the range end at the bookmark end node position, or simply
// collapse it if it is not available.
if ( endNode )
this.setEndBefore( endNode );
this.collapse( true );
getBoundaryNodes : function()
var startNode = this.startContainer,
endNode = this.endContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
endOffset = this.endOffset,
if ( startNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
childCount = startNode.getChildCount();
if ( childCount > startOffset )
startNode = startNode.getChild( startOffset );
else if ( childCount < 1 )
startNode = startNode.getPreviousSourceNode();
else // startOffset > childCount but childCount is not 0
// Try to take the node just after the current position.
startNode = startNode.$;
while ( startNode.lastChild )
startNode = startNode.lastChild;
startNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node( startNode );
// Normally we should take the next node in DFS order. But it
// is also possible that we've already reached the end of
// document.
startNode = startNode.getNextSourceNode() || startNode;
if ( endNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
childCount = endNode.getChildCount();
if ( childCount > endOffset )
endNode = endNode.getChild( endOffset ).getPreviousSourceNode( true );
else if ( childCount < 1 )
endNode = endNode.getPreviousSourceNode();
else // endOffset > childCount but childCount is not 0
// Try to take the node just before the current position.
endNode = endNode.$;
while ( endNode.lastChild )
endNode = endNode.lastChild;
endNode = new CKEDITOR.dom.node( endNode );
// Sometimes the endNode will come right before startNode for collapsed
// ranges. Fix it. (#3780)
if ( startNode.getPosition( endNode ) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING )
startNode = endNode;
return { startNode : startNode, endNode : endNode };
* Find the node which fully contains the range.
* @param includeSelf
* @param {Boolean} ignoreTextNode Whether ignore CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT type.
getCommonAncestor : function( includeSelf , ignoreTextNode )
var start = this.startContainer,
end = this.endContainer,
if ( start.equals( end ) )
if ( includeSelf
&& start.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
&& this.startOffset == this.endOffset - 1 )
ancestor = start.getChild( this.startOffset );
ancestor = start;
ancestor = start.getCommonAncestor( end );
return ignoreTextNode && !ancestor.is ? ancestor.getParent() : ancestor;
* Transforms the startContainer and endContainer properties from text
* nodes to element nodes, whenever possible. This is actually possible
* if either of the boundary containers point to a text node, and its
* offset is set to zero, or after the last char in the node.
optimize : function()
var container = this.startContainer;
var offset = this.startOffset;
if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
if ( !offset )
this.setStartBefore( container );
else if ( offset >= container.getLength() )
this.setStartAfter( container );
container = this.endContainer;
offset = this.endOffset;
if ( container.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
if ( !offset )
this.setEndBefore( container );
else if ( offset >= container.getLength() )
this.setEndAfter( container );
* Move the range out of bookmark nodes if they'd been the container.
optimizeBookmark: function()
var startNode = this.startContainer,
endNode = this.endContainer;
if ( startNode.is && startNode.is( 'span' )
&& startNode.hasAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
this.setStartAt( startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START );
if ( endNode && endNode.is && endNode.is( 'span' )
&& endNode.hasAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
this.setEndAt( endNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END );
trim : function( ignoreStart, ignoreEnd )
var startContainer = this.startContainer,
startOffset = this.startOffset,
collapsed = this.collapsed;
if ( ( !ignoreStart || collapsed )
&& startContainer && startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
// If the offset is zero, we just insert the new node before
// the start.
if ( !startOffset )
startOffset = startContainer.getIndex();
startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
// If the offset is at the end, we'll insert it after the text
// node.
else if ( startOffset >= startContainer.getLength() )
startOffset = startContainer.getIndex() + 1;
startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
// In other case, we split the text node and insert the new
// node at the split point.
var nextText = startContainer.split( startOffset );
startOffset = startContainer.getIndex() + 1;
startContainer = startContainer.getParent();
// Check all necessity of updating the end boundary.
if ( this.startContainer.equals( this.endContainer ) )
this.setEnd( nextText, this.endOffset - this.startOffset );
else if ( startContainer.equals( this.endContainer ) )
this.endOffset += 1;
this.setStart( startContainer, startOffset );
if ( collapsed )
this.collapse( true );
var endContainer = this.endContainer;
var endOffset = this.endOffset;
if ( !( ignoreEnd || collapsed )
&& endContainer && endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
// If the offset is zero, we just insert the new node before
// the start.
if ( !endOffset )
endOffset = endContainer.getIndex();
endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
// If the offset is at the end, we'll insert it after the text
// node.
else if ( endOffset >= endContainer.getLength() )
endOffset = endContainer.getIndex() + 1;
endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
// In other case, we split the text node and insert the new
// node at the split point.
endContainer.split( endOffset );
endOffset = endContainer.getIndex() + 1;
endContainer = endContainer.getParent();
this.setEnd( endContainer, endOffset );
enlarge : function( unit )
switch ( unit )
if ( this.collapsed )
// Get the common ancestor.
var commonAncestor = this.getCommonAncestor();
var body = this.document.getBody();
// For each boundary
// a. Depending on its position, find out the first node to be checked (a sibling) or, if not available, to be enlarge.
// b. Go ahead checking siblings and enlarging the boundary as much as possible until the common ancestor is not reached. After reaching the common ancestor, just save the enlargeable node to be used later.
var startTop, endTop;
var enlargeable, sibling, commonReached;
// Indicates that the node can be added only if whitespace
// is available before it.
var needsWhiteSpace = false;
var isWhiteSpace;
var siblingText;
// Process the start boundary.
var container = this.startContainer;
var offset = this.startOffset;
if ( container.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
if ( offset )
// Check if there is any non-space text before the
// offset. Otherwise, container is null.
container = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( container.substring( 0, offset ) ).length && container;
// If we found only whitespace in the node, it
// means that we'll need more whitespace to be able
// to expand. For example, can be expanded in
// "A [B]", but not in "A [B]".
needsWhiteSpace = !!container;
if ( container )
if ( !( sibling = container.getPrevious() ) )
enlargeable = container.getParent();
// If we have offset, get the node preceeding it as the
// first sibling to be checked.
if ( offset )
sibling = container.getChild( offset - 1 ) || container.getLast();
// If there is no sibling, mark the container to be
// enlarged.
if ( !sibling )
enlargeable = container;
while ( enlargeable || sibling )
if ( enlargeable && !sibling )
// If we reached the common ancestor, mark the flag
// for it.
if ( !commonReached && enlargeable.equals( commonAncestor ) )
commonReached = true;
if ( !body.contains( enlargeable ) )
// If we don't need space or this element breaks
// the line, then enlarge it.
if ( !needsWhiteSpace || enlargeable.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) != 'inline' )
needsWhiteSpace = false;
// If the common ancestor has been reached,
// we'll not enlarge it immediately, but just
// mark it to be enlarged later if the end
// boundary also enlarges it.
if ( commonReached )
startTop = enlargeable;
this.setStartBefore( enlargeable );
sibling = enlargeable.getPrevious();
// Check all sibling nodes preceeding the enlargeable
// node. The node wil lbe enlarged only if none of them
// blocks it.
while ( sibling )
// This flag indicates that this node has
// whitespaces at the end.
isWhiteSpace = false;
if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
siblingText = sibling.getText();
if ( /[^\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText ) )
sibling = null;
isWhiteSpace = /[\s\ufeff]$/.test( siblingText );
// If this is a visible element.
// We need to check for the bookmark attribute because IE insists on
// rendering the display:none nodes we use for bookmarks. (#3363)
if ( sibling.$.offsetWidth > 0 && !sibling.getAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
// We'll accept it only if we need
// whitespace, and this is an inline
// element with whitespace only.
if ( needsWhiteSpace && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ sibling.getName() ] )
// It must contains spaces and inline elements only.
siblingText = sibling.getText();
if ( (/[^\s\ufeff]/).test( siblingText ) ) // Spaces + Zero Width No-Break Space (U+FEFF)
sibling = null;
var allChildren = sibling.$.all || sibling.$.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
for ( var i = 0, child ; child = allChildren[ i++ ] ; )
if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] )
sibling = null;
if ( sibling )
isWhiteSpace = !!siblingText.length;
sibling = null;
// A node with whitespaces has been found.
if ( isWhiteSpace )
// Enlarge the last enlargeable node, if we
// were waiting for spaces.
if ( needsWhiteSpace )
if ( commonReached )
startTop = enlargeable;
else if ( enlargeable )
this.setStartBefore( enlargeable );
needsWhiteSpace = true;
if ( sibling )
var next = sibling.getPrevious();
if ( !enlargeable && !next )
// Set the sibling as enlargeable, so it's
// parent will be get later outside this while.
enlargeable = sibling;
sibling = null;
sibling = next;
// If sibling has been set to null, then we
// need to stop enlarging.
enlargeable = null;
if ( enlargeable )
enlargeable = enlargeable.getParent();
// Process the end boundary. This is basically the same
// code used for the start boundary, with small changes to
// make it work in the oposite side (to the right). This
// makes it difficult to reuse the code here. So, fixes to
// the above code are likely to be replicated here.
container = this.endContainer;
offset = this.endOffset;
// Reset the common variables.
enlargeable = sibling = null;
commonReached = needsWhiteSpace = false;
if ( container.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
// Check if there is any non-space text after the
// offset. Otherwise, container is null.
container = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( container.substring( offset ) ).length && container;
// If we found only whitespace in the node, it
// means that we'll need more whitespace to be able
// to expand. For example, can be expanded in
// "A [B]", but not in "A [B]".
needsWhiteSpace = !( container && container.getLength() );
if ( container )
if ( !( sibling = container.getNext() ) )
enlargeable = container.getParent();
// Get the node right after the boudary to be checked
// first.
sibling = container.getChild( offset );
if ( !sibling )
enlargeable = container;
while ( enlargeable || sibling )
if ( enlargeable && !sibling )
if ( !commonReached && enlargeable.equals( commonAncestor ) )
commonReached = true;
if ( !body.contains( enlargeable ) )
if ( !needsWhiteSpace || enlargeable.getComputedStyle( 'display' ) != 'inline' )
needsWhiteSpace = false;
if ( commonReached )
endTop = enlargeable;
else if ( enlargeable )
this.setEndAfter( enlargeable );
sibling = enlargeable.getNext();
while ( sibling )
isWhiteSpace = false;
if ( sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT )
siblingText = sibling.getText();
if ( /[^\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText ) )
sibling = null;
isWhiteSpace = /^[\s\ufeff]/.test( siblingText );
// If this is a visible element.
// We need to check for the bookmark attribute because IE insists on
// rendering the display:none nodes we use for bookmarks. (#3363)
if ( sibling.$.offsetWidth > 0 && !sibling.getAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
// We'll accept it only if we need
// whitespace, and this is an inline
// element with whitespace only.
if ( needsWhiteSpace && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ sibling.getName() ] )
// It must contains spaces and inline elements only.
siblingText = sibling.getText();
if ( (/[^\s\ufeff]/).test( siblingText ) )
sibling = null;
allChildren = sibling.$.all || sibling.$.getElementsByTagName( '*' );
for ( i = 0 ; child = allChildren[ i++ ] ; )
if ( !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ child.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] )
sibling = null;
if ( sibling )
isWhiteSpace = !!siblingText.length;
sibling = null;
if ( isWhiteSpace )
if ( needsWhiteSpace )
if ( commonReached )
endTop = enlargeable;
this.setEndAfter( enlargeable );
if ( sibling )
next = sibling.getNext();
if ( !enlargeable && !next )
enlargeable = sibling;
sibling = null;
sibling = next;
// If sibling has been set to null, then we
// need to stop enlarging.
enlargeable = null;
if ( enlargeable )
enlargeable = enlargeable.getParent();
// If the common ancestor can be enlarged by both boundaries, then include it also.
if ( startTop && endTop )
commonAncestor = startTop.contains( endTop ) ? endTop : startTop;
this.setStartBefore( commonAncestor );
this.setEndAfter( commonAncestor );
// Enlarging the start boundary.
var walkerRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( this.document );
body = this.document.getBody();
walkerRange.setStartAt( body, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START );
walkerRange.setEnd( this.startContainer, this.startOffset );
var walker = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker( walkerRange ),
blockBoundary, // The node on which the enlarging should stop.
tailBr, // In case BR as block boundary.
notBlockBoundary = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary(
( unit == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ) ? { br : 1 } : null ),
// Record the encountered 'blockBoundary' for later use.
boundaryGuard = function( node )
var retval = notBlockBoundary( node );
if ( !retval )
blockBoundary = node;
return retval;
// Record the encounted 'tailBr' for later use.
tailBrGuard = function( node )
var retval = boundaryGuard( node );
if ( !retval && node.is && node.is( 'br' ) )
tailBr = node;
return retval;
walker.guard = boundaryGuard;
enlargeable = walker.lastBackward();
// It's the body which stop the enlarging if no block boundary found.
blockBoundary = blockBoundary || body;
// Start the range either after the end of found block (