/* */ "format cjs"; webshim.register('sticky', function($, webshim, window, document, undefined, featureOptions){ "use strict"; var uid = 0; var stickys = 0; var $window = $(window); function getCssValue(property, value, noPrefixes) { var prop = property + ':', el = document.createElement('test'), mStyle = el.style; if (!noPrefixes) { mStyle.cssText = prop + [ '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-', '-o-', '' ].join(value + ';' + prop) + value + ';'; } else { mStyle.cssText = prop + value; } return mStyle[ property ]; } function getPos() { return { top: $.css(this, 'top'), bottom: $.css(this, 'bottom') }; } var getWinScroll = (function () { var docElem; var prop = 'pageYOffset'; return (prop in window) ? function () { return window[ prop ]; } : ((docElem = document.documentElement), function () { return docElem.scrollTop; }) ; })(); var isTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window || window.matchMedia('(max-device-width: 721px)').matches; var support = { fixed: getCssValue('position', 'fixed', true), sticky: getCssValue('position', 'sticky') }; var stickyMixin = { getPosition: function () { if(!this.isSticky){ this.position = { top: this.$el.css('top'), bottom: this.$el.css('bottom') }; if ((( (this.position.top != 'auto' && this.position.bottom != 'auto') || this.position.top == 'auto' && this.position.bottom == 'auto')) && this.$el.css('position') == 'static') { this.position = $.swap(this.$el[0], {position: 'absolute'}, getPos); } if (this.position.top !== 'auto') { this.ankered = 'top'; } else if (this.position.bottom !== 'auto') { this.ankered = 'bottom'; } if(this.ankered == 'top'){ this.position.top = parseFloat(this.position.top, 10) || 0; } else if(this.ankered == 'bottom'){ this.position.bottom = parseFloat(this.position.bottom, 10) || 0; } } }, update: function (full) { if (!this.disabled && this.$el[0].offsetWidth) { if (full) { if(this.isSticky){ this.removeSticky(); } this.getPosition(); } this.updateDimension(); } }, setTdWidth: function(){ if(this.isTable){ this.$el.find('td, th').each(this._setInlineWidth); } }, _setInlineWidth: function(){ $.data(this, 'inlineWidth', this.style.width); $(this).innerWidth($(this).innerWidth()); }, _restoreInlineWidth: function(){ this.style.width = $.data(this, 'inlineWidth') || ''; $.removeData(this, 'inlineWidth'); }, removeSticky: function(){ this.$el.removeClass('ws-sticky-on'); this.$el.css(this.stickyData.inline); this.$placeholder.detach(); this.isSticky = false; if(this.isTable){ this.$el.find('td, th').each(this._restoreInlineWidth); } }, commonAddEvents: function(){ var enableDisable; var that = this; var update = function() { that.update(); }; var stickyMedia = this.$el.data('stickymedia'); var media = window.matchMedia && stickyMedia ? matchMedia(stickyMedia) : false; $window.one('load', update); $(document).on('updateshadowdom' + this.evtid, update); this.$el.on('updatesticky'+ this.evtid, function(e){ that.update(true); e.stopPropagation(); }); this.$el.on('disablesticky'+ this.evtid, function(e){ that.disable(true); e.stopPropagation(); }); this.$el.on('enablesticky'+ this.evtid, function(e){ that.disable(false); e.stopPropagation(); }); this.$el.on('remove'+ this.evtid+' destroysticky'+ this.evtid, function(e) { $window.off(that.evtid); $(document).off(that.evtid); that.$el.off(that.evtid); that.$parent.off(that.evtid); that.$el.removeData('wsSticky').removeClass('ws-sticky'); if (that.$placeholder) { that.$el.removeClass('ws-sticky-on'); that.$placeholder.remove(); } stickys--; e.stopPropagation(); }); if(media && media.addListener){ enableDisable = function(){ that.disable(!media.matches); }; media.addListener(enableDisable); enableDisable(); } }, disable: function(disable){ if(!arguments.length){ return this.disabled; } if(this.disabled != disable){ this.disabled = !!disable; if(this.disabled){ if(this.isSticky){ this.removeSticky(); } } else { this.update(true); } } }, setSticky: function(){ if (!this.$placeholder) { this.$placeholder = this.isTable ? $(this.$el[0].cloneNode(true)) : $(document.createElement(this.$el[0].nodeName || 'div')); this.$placeholder.addClass('ws-fixedsticky-placeholder').removeClass('ws-sticky'); } this.setTdWidth(); this.$placeholder .insertAfter(this.$el) .outerHeight(this.stickyData.outerHeight, true) .outerWidth(this.stickyData.outerWidth) ; this.isSticky = true; this.$el.addClass('ws-sticky-on'); if(!this.isTable){ if( this.stickyData.width != this.$el.width()){ this.$el.width(this.stickyData.width); } } }, getCommonStickyData: function(){ var marginTop = (parseFloat(this.$el.css('marginTop'), 10) || 0); this.stickyData.scrollTop = this.stickyData.top - marginTop; this.stickyData.outerHeight = this.$el.outerHeight(true); this.stickyData.bottom = this.stickyData.top + this.stickyData.outerHeight - marginTop; this.stickyData.width = this.$el.width(); this.stickyData.outerWidth = this.$el.outerWidth(); this.stickyData.marginLeft = parseFloat(this.$el.css('marginLeft'), 10) || 0; this.stickyData.offsetLeft = this.$el[0].offsetLeft; this.stickyData.inline.width = this.elStyle.width; this.stickyData.inline.marginLeft = this.elStyle.marginLeft; if(this.ankered == 'top'){ this.stickyData.inline.top = this.elStyle.top; } else if(this.ankered == 'bottom'){ this.stickyData.inline.bottom = this.elStyle.bottom; } }, getCommonParentData: function(){ this.parentData.paddingTop = (parseFloat(this.$parent.css('paddingTop'), 10) || 0); this.parentData.offsetTop = this.$parent.offset().top; this.parentData.top = this.parentData.offsetTop + (parseFloat(this.$parent.css('borderTopWidth'), 10) || 0) + this.parentData.paddingTop; this.parentData.height = this.$parent.height(); this.parentData.bottom = this.parentData.top + this.parentData.height; } }; if(isTouch && featureOptions.touchStrategy == 'disable'){return;} function Sticky(dom) { uid++; stickys++; this.evtid = '.wsstickyid' + uid; this.$el = $(dom).data('wsSticky', this); this.isTable = this.$el.is('thead, tbody, tfoot'); this.$parent = this.$el.parent(); this.elStyle = dom.style; this.ankered = ''; this.isSticky = false; this.$placeholder = null; this.stickyData = {inline: {}}; this.parentData = {}; this.getParentData = this.getCommonParentData; this.addEvents(); this.update(true); } $.extend(Sticky.prototype, stickyMixin, { addEvents: function () { var that = this; this.commonAddEvents(); $window .on('scroll' + this.evtid, function () { if (!that.disabled && that.ankered && that.$el[0].offsetWidth) { that.updatePos(); } }) ; }, getStickyData: function(){ this.stickyData.top = this.$el.offset().top; this.getCommonStickyData(); }, updateDimension: function(fromPos){ if(this.isSticky){ this.removeSticky(); } this.getParentData(); this.getStickyData(); if (this.ankered == 'bottom') { this.viewportBottomAnker = $window.height() - this.position.bottom; } if(!fromPos && this.ankered){ this.updatePos(true); } }, updatePos: function(fromDimension){ var offset, shouldSticky, shouldMoveWith; var scroll = getWinScroll(); if (this.ankered == 'top') { offset = scroll + this.position.top; if(this.stickyData.scrollTop < offset && scroll - 9 <= this.parentData.bottom){ shouldMoveWith = ((offset + this.stickyData.outerHeight) - this.parentData.bottom) * -1; shouldSticky = true; } } else if (this.ankered == 'bottom') { offset = scroll + this.viewportBottomAnker; if(this.stickyData.bottom > offset && offset + 9 >= this.parentData.top){ shouldSticky = true; shouldMoveWith = offset - this.parentData.top - this.stickyData.outerHeight; } } if (shouldSticky) { if (!this.isSticky) { //updateDimension before layout trashing if(!fromDimension){ this.updateDimension(true); } this.setSticky(); } if(shouldMoveWith < 0){ if(this.ankered == 'top'){ this.elStyle.top = this.position.top + shouldMoveWith +'px'; } else if(this.ankered == 'bottom'){ this.elStyle.bottom = this.position.bottom + shouldMoveWith +'px'; } } } else if (this.isSticky) { this.removeSticky(); } } }); function StickyParent(dom) { uid++; stickys++; this.evtid = '.wsstickyid' + uid; this.$el = $(dom).data('wsSticky', this); this.isTable = this.$el.is('thead, tbody, tfoot'); this.$parent = this.$el.parent(); this.elStyle = dom.style; this.ankered = ''; this.isSticky = false; this.$placeholder = null; this.stickyData = {inline: {}}; this.parentData = {}; if(this.$parent.css('position') == 'static'){ this.$parent.css('position', 'relative'); } this.updatePos2 = this.updatePos2.bind(this); this.addEvents(); this.update(true); } $.extend(StickyParent.prototype, stickyMixin, { addEvents: function () { var that = this; this.commonAddEvents(); this.$parent .on('scroll' + this.evtid, function () { if (that.ankered && that.$el[0].offsetWidth) { that.updatePos(); } }) ; }, getStickyData: function(){ this.stickyData.top = this.$el[0].offsetTop; this.getCommonStickyData(); }, getParentData: function(){ this.getCommonParentData(); this.parentData.offsetBottom = this.parentData.top + this.$parent.outerHeight(); }, updateDimension: function(fromPos){ var add; if(this.isSticky){ this.removeSticky(); } this.getParentData(); this.getStickyData(); this.viewport = $window.height(); if(this.ankered == 'top'){ add = Math.abs(this.position.top) + 9; } else if(this.ankered == 'bottom') { add = Math.abs(this.position.bottom) + 9; this.viewportBottomAnker = this.viewport - this.parentData.bottom; this.compareBottom = this.stickyData.bottom + this.position.bottom; this.addBottom = (this.parentData.bottom - this.parentData.paddingTop) - this.viewport; } this.viewPortMax = this.parentData.offsetBottom + add + 10; this.viewPortMin = this.parentData.offsetTop - add - this.viewport; if(!fromPos){ this.updatePos(true); } }, updatePos: function(fromDimension){ var offset, shouldSticky; var scroll = this.$parent[0].scrollTop; if (this.ankered == 'top') { offset = scroll + this.position.top ; if(this.stickyData.scrollTop - this.parentData.paddingTop < offset){ shouldSticky = true; } } else if (this.ankered == 'bottom') { if(scroll + this.parentData.height < this.compareBottom){ shouldSticky = true; } } if (shouldSticky) { if (!this.isSticky) { //updateDimension before layout trashing if(!fromDimension){ this.updateDimension(true); } this.setSticky(); $window .off('scroll' + this.evtid, this.updatePos2) .on('scroll' + this.evtid, this.updatePos2) ; this.updatePos2(true); } } else if (this.isSticky) { this.removeSticky(); $window.off('scroll' + this.evtid, this.updatePos2); } }, updatePos2: function(init){ var scrollTop = getWinScroll(); if(init === true || (this.viewPortMax > scrollTop && scrollTop > this.viewPortMin)){ if(this.ankered == 'top'){ if(init === true || (this.viewPortMax > scrollTop && scrollTop > this.viewPortMin)){ this.elStyle.top = this.position.top + this.parentData.top - scrollTop +'px'; } } else if(this.ankered == 'bottom'){ this.elStyle.bottom = this.position.bottom + (scrollTop - this.addBottom) +'px'; } } } }); var loadDomSupport = function(){ loadDomSupport = $.noop; webshim.ready('WINDOWLOAD', function(){ webshim.loader.loadList(['dom-extend']); webshim.ready('dom-extend', function(){ webshim.addShadowDom(); }); }); }; var addSticky = function(){ var stickyData = $.data(this, 'wsSticky'); if(!stickyData){ var $parent = $(this).parent(); $(this).addClass('ws-sticky'); if(($parent.css('overflowY') || $parent.css('overflow') || 'visible') == 'visible'){ new Sticky(this); } else { //webshim.warn('currently not supported'); 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'' : rule.getMedia(); createUpdateDomSearch(media || '', curSelectors); }; Polyfill({declarations:["position:sticky"]}) .doMatched(function(rules){ rules.each(onEnableRule); }) ; } else { webshim.warn('Polyfill for CSS polyfilling made easy has to be included'); } } } if(document.readyState == 'complete'){ webshim.isReady('WINDOWLOAD', true); } });